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Francesc Fabregas

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Everything posted by Francesc Fabregas

  1. You know the wee jingly guitar bit at the start of the song, the wee bit that lasts 16 seconds? That's the best intorduction to a song ever. A Sort of Homecoming - U2
  2. For the Price of a Cup of Tea - Belle and Sebastian The best song from their best album B)
  3. Nuclear Reaction by Marlow. Fan-fucking-tastic, as those there on Saturday will testify. The good news is a recording session looks iminent, we're just trying to get time off work. Expect NYC and November coming to a stereo near you!
  4. Did my quiz from today give you the idea?
  5. Belle and Sebastian's new album is in the top three albums I've heard this year. Like most of their recent output, there's a bit too much filler (We Are The Sleepyheads, To Be Myself Completely), but with songs like Song for Sunshine, Sukie in the Graveyard and For the Price of a Cup of Tea, this could be their best album, their first three included.
  6. Tyrants In Their Pants - Beef and the Bear Frighteningly funny
  7. Sex Lives of the Potato Men Possibly the worst film I've ever seen. When I was younger, I used to love Friday nights on Five, because it encouraged me to take up masturbating whilst watching The Confessions series. This brings it bang up to date, but while Confessions... was vaguely amusing, this was awful. No nudity either. If anyone wants to see Gareth from the Office having sex whilst the man from the Hellman's adverts has a w**k whilst attached to a harnass and wearing a gimp suit, then watch this. 2/10
  8. Resident Evil - 4/10 I was a big fan of the video game series, but this film is retty shit. More red herrings than an Agatha Christie novel, crappy acting and shit zombies, the whole film was crap, Resident Evil in name only. Jovovich was tasty though, and her apearance gives this a few more marks.
  9. Another Rubbish Xmas - Beef and the Bear Jonathon Reid = a genius.
  10. The Man with a Wooden Spoon for a Hand - Beef and the Bear Absolutely first class - genius lyrics married with a gorgeous tune. This band can do no wrong!
  11. The PIcture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde A tremendous idea (that the picture bears the scars of Gray's decadence, while he remains eternally youthful) and some fascinating themes (art, influence, public -vs- private) is slightly ruined somewhat with the deus ex machina of the ending. After James Vale was killed, I was genuinely looking forward to the resolution of the book, but it was an easy way out for Wilde, I felt. 7.5/10
  12. Last time he tried to play Aberdeen (I think it was the Lemon Tree) he "fell down some stairs", thus cancelling the gig and a riot broke out. Have fun!
  13. My favourite song on the album is Charlie. A chorus as big as a spaceship.
  14. Across Winter - Marlow And why not? I think my band is amazing. I can't wait until we play with Blitzhoney this summer. I want Beef and the Bear playing there too. It'll be amazing. What a band we are, whatta song!
  15. I only read proper books, and the last one was The Driver's Seat by Dame Muriel Spark (god rest her soul).
  16. Their new album is now in my Top 10 albums of all time. I just bought it there the now and I cannotb believe the roll this band are on just now. John Fruiscante is the best guitarist in the world.
  17. Download Charlie - it has a chorus as big as a spaceship. On the album, John Fruiscante confirms that he is the world's greatest guitarist.
  18. Have you bought their new album? My flatmate's bought it and I've only listened to Jupiter, but its 10/10 stuff already. Not a duff song on it. The best one on Jupiter is Charlie B)
  19. Worst film I've ever seen. When you find out what's going on, you go, AW FOR FUCKSAKE! because it really is that bad. Starts off quite well and everything, but just winds up being really shit.
  20. Yeah man. You can find deatils from teh MySpace page, the address is in my signature. Come along and make yourself known. My flatmate and some of her pals are going up, so there should be about 10 people cheering us on
  21. Cut your losses and go and see Marlow this Friday
  22. Friday 5th of May, the Tunnels, Aberdeen. I'll recognise you by the number of wrinkles on your weather-beaten face.
  23. I was offered a ticket to go and see the Kooks at the QMU tomorrow night. I've only heard the superb Naive, is their other stuff on par with that?
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