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Francesc Fabregas

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Everything posted by Francesc Fabregas

  1. - My Bloody ValentineI've got Loveless, but this is the first time I've ever heard this song - OOOFT! Anyone else here like MBV?
  2. What about people with signs that say "Babe on Board" and all that? Do they deserve leeway on the roads? Or should they be tailgated right up until they reach their street?
  3. We did, we filled his good shoes up with water and put them in the freezer overnight
  4. I was on holiday with a group of guys a few years back, and one of them had a wee bit of trouble with the old acne. He used to get spots all around his mouth, on his chin in particular. Even worse was how he would "attack" them. He wouldn't even bother waiting until they came to a head - he would take a pair of nail scissors and just cut at it until it started bleeding - this was horrible to watch, the sight of puss and blood dripping down his chin. After that, he would wipe it up with a Clearasil wipe and go on his merry way. Even more distressing was the fact that has was quite untidy and he used to leave these wipes lying around - the lowest point of that holiday was going into the bathroom to find my toothbruch buried under two of his wipes.
  5. And you're nearly a third of a century old! Imagine!

  6. A very happy birthday to you, sir!

  7. This might sound odd, but are you into Samuel Beckett at all? I ask because of the username, you see.

  8. Lol, look at "Philpy".

  9. Arcade Fire last night, quite simply the greatest thing I've ever been to. We'll never get the chance to see them playing at places like the Barrowlands now, they'll be playing at the SECC and places like that. They started with Keep the Car Running and No Cars Go and the crowd, bar a few rowdy students, seemed reluctant to dance about. The showstopper was at the end, when they played Power Out and merged it into Rebellion. Even better was Wake Up at the encore - his microphone stand malfunctioned, so he threw down his guitar and jumped into the crowd. I touched his hand, and he personally gave me a wave. I'm best mates with Reed Parry too now All we could say after that was "fucking hell". It was soo good.
  10. I thought my shirt was quite snazzy :-(

  11. When we beat them 14-1, you know you'll have made the right choice.

  12. Indeed, there'll be a good swatch there. Caleyking will be happy
  13. Friday's going to be superb - I'm just sorry that O won't be able to spend all that much time with you - I'll miss it beforehand because I have to get everything set up and that, and afterwards I'll have to pack it away! Oh, to be famous and have roadies!

  14. lol

    7-0 if we play you. And the score will be that low because we'll run out of time to go into double figures!

  15. That's two teams - Pork Vale for pinching their best player and the AKL for stealing their keeper! I'm sure I made the right choice when I wanted to win trophies :-D

  16. If my team plays your team at the fives, we'll fucking have you. F-A-C-T FACT!

  17. P+B Select #1! Aw gengy, innit?

  18. I think Wilson has succumbed. The trophy is ours. Ooooooooooooooooooooooooh Gengy!

  19. Oooh Gengy - you know it makes sense! :-D

  20. I'm still hoping you can make it, your support at the last one was fantastic! Oh Stenhousemuir is wonderful!
  21. Marlow, 2nd of March at the Woodside Social
  22. Bring back Alf Hucker, he was loved and missed by all.

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