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Francesc Fabregas

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Everything posted by Francesc Fabregas

  1. Has to be A-ha, they did Take On Me and The Sun Always Shines On TV.
  2. No you didn't, I pointed him out to you as soon as he took his seat. He is not a hard man to miss.
  3. Teapot. You really have to ask yourself some question sif you get wound-up by a man on an internet forum.
  4. There's one or two decent tunes in there, but there's a lot of shite kicking around. The charts are a bit of an irrelevance these days anyway, aren't they?
  5. Martin Sheen was quite good in it. Was he supposed to be the Brabantio character? Josh Hartnett didn't work as Iago for me, he just come across as a bit petulant. Incidentally, O was something like the sixth or seventh Shakespeare adaptation that Julia Styles has "starred" in. EDIT - having just checked Wikipedia. Martin Sheen's character is the Duke. Can't really remember him in the play or that.
  6. I have this on just now. William Shakespeare must be very disappointed.
  7. It has a late license, which means the place is still open after a lot of other pubs shut and so only really gets going after 1am. Before that, it's filled with apathetic older people and apathetic tourists. It seems to be a popular pub for students, but since the Universities are on holiday, I'm not sure how many will be there. You will not get a soundcheck. They don't do soundchecks there. The first band to go on at around 10 - 10.30pm and are the only ones who get a soundcheck of note, and it's just essentially checking the levels - it's nothing more than a line check in honesty. As soon as the soundcheck is finished, the first band play. When they're done, there's a brief change around and the next band are given a quick line check before they play. The sound is variable. It sounds poor from the stage (I could not hear my guitarist, despite asking to have more guitar in my monitor - by the fourth time of asking, I gave up) but apparently sounds reasonable from the front, so I guess that's more important. I think shite's the wrong word to use, there's plenty of places worse than that to play, it's just the whole operation was a bit slapdash and a little unsatisfying. Especially when you're on late and you're up the next day for work and such.
  8. Probably because Spartans played a part in St Mirren being fined for playing an ilegible player against them in a Scottish Cup tie a few seasons ago? Or something along those lines.
  9. Can you send me a PM with the IMG code so I can have the same signature as you, please?
  10. What should I use to clean my laptop computer? I've had it for around six months now and it's getting a bit manky - they screen has marks and scuffs that I'm sure would come out with a decent cleaning agent. The keyboard and that is a bit dusty too. Any advice is welcome.
  11. Who's the guy in you avatar?

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