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Everything posted by Durnford

  1. Not placing much hope on Devlin being fit then? Also think Bitsindou is still with the club. Actually wasnt there a boy from the youth side who mad an appearance on the bench a couple of times. Not sure if he was a real contender or whether he was there to make up numbers.
  2. Dreadful that someone of 70 should die from dementia related illness; brought home not least by the fact that he's only three years older than me. Remember seeing him in playing for the Man United side that included Gary Bailey, Jimmy Nicholl, Stewart Houston, Martin Buchan, Sammy McIlroy, Steve Coppell, Ray Wilkins, Joe Jordan, Lou Macari, Mickey Thomas. and Andy Ritchie.
  3. Brechin's a good visit even with the sloping pitch. Don't mind Airdrie or Cove away but please, not Clyde.
  4. Yes; although we had a few issues last season with fullbacks attacking up the wing and leaving huge gaps at the back. This was a common occurrence with Longridge but also occurred with Devlin and Montano. Attacking is good but they need to speed and presence of mind to get back quickly once possession is lost. McMillan has certainly bulked out a bit since leaving us; just what his pace is like is open for debate.
  5. Don't get me wrong; I always like McMillan; he was a Pittman type player in defence; even when he wasn't having a great game he never gave up trying. You knew what you were getting with Jack; no silly tantrums; no games just a good honest defender. The only bad game I can really recall him having was, I think, against Falkirk, which I think was one of Matija Sarkic's first games for us (but I could be wrong). I recall him leaving a huge gap at the right post which the opposition exploited. I says something that this is the only "bad" performance I can highlight and that was more of a lapse which hopefully experience will ironed out.
  6. Not sure I'd describe Brandon as injury prone but maybe that's the perception. For me someone injury prone would be getting injured every two or three games whereas Brandon had one bad, almost career ending, injury and aggravated it when trying to come back too early. For me that's more unlucky; the real test will be if he can avoid aggravating to old injury again and yet still play at 100%.
  7. Five years is a bit of a stretch - he had 13 games on loan to them in 2019 followed by 36 game since signing for them in 2022. He had 59 games for us although admittedly many of those was from the bench. The problem with a utility player is that most of their appearances will be from the bench depending on where the demand develops. He is a good player but I'm not sure he's better than what we have already meaning hes unlikely to be first choice unless we have injuries/suspensions.
  8. Is he an upgrade on Parkes; personally I'm not so sure. However he does bring a wealth of experience I suppose; maybe a player coaching role?
  9. Have to agree; a cracking day out; excellent pies and a generous host who often allows you to leave with points. Also it ensures that I have some quality time with my sons who I hardly see otherwise Difficult one to call; the playoff are a huge ask at the end of a tough season and then to have two big games within three days of each other.... When we beat thistle to get promotion all of our guys looked absolutely dead on their feet following on from a battling couple of games against United. Confidence and adrenaline can do a lot but its still a tough one.
  10. I see all the players that have definitely left have been removed from the official site squad page.
  11. He seemed very injury prone for us; his game against Celtic was impressive and I had high hopes but barely saw him again and those times that he did appear from the bench were instantly forgettable. I believe he never endeared himself to the Morton supporters on his loan with them although 4 goals in 18 appearances, many off the bench, isn't a total disgrace for an attacking midfielder these days.
  12. Was thinking the same; particularly about Penrice. When he was first on loan with us from Partick there was talk that he really wanted to play for his "home team" permanently and, if true, then he got his wish. I think a key point for him in any contract renewal will be more starting line up berths as opposed to subs. He is an excellent utility player as well as defender giving Martindale options if he needs to reorganise things. My one criticism, and I'm probably being a bit harsh he, is I feel that at 24 he should be filling out a bit; but then I could probably say the same thing about Morgan Boyes without the dodgy haircut.
  13. Best suited to a striking partnership in my opinion. Good player but never had the acceleration to play as the lone striker.
  14. A pretty fair summary Freedom. Yes; right back is a bit of a quandary. We've got a number of players who can fill in at left back including Longridge (if he's still around) and Sean Kelly although that was less than perfect (he says diplomatically). I had great hopes for Bitsindou but he seems to have struggled in settling into the Scottish game; that being said we've had a number of other players who struggled with that. Not sure what's happening with Kabai but he doesn't seem to have featured for QoS after being taken off after 15 mins against the Pars in February. Another one I had big hopes for after his game at Celtic Park when he got Brown sent off but he never really seemed to come back properly after his injury. Bahamboula is a player who played hot and cold this season; some games he was virtually unplayable whereas others he was mediocre (by his previous standards). If he could improve his consistency to maintain his best performances then he could really be a regular starter - but its a big "if". The Penrice/Montano right back position is likely to remain a fluid one. Penrice is better defensively but Montano is better with the counter attacks up the wing. I suppose it will really depend on the teams we're playing at the time. If they depend a lot on pacey wingers then Penrice would probably be my choice; but if they played a mote flat; through the centre attack then surely Montano is the choice; particularly if the opposition have a suspect right back. Of course the fate of Jack Hamilton (the forward) is still unclear. The same sort of goes for Fitzwater who has started dropping hint about how much he enjoys (not enjoyed) his time her. Maybe he's after a new contract seeing as all interest in him from other quarters seems to have evaporated following his drop in form from Christmas or there abouts. Personally I would prefer he moved on.
  15. A fair comment. I actually like Shamal George who, at 25, should now be starting to enter his best years as a goalkeeper. My main criticisms would be the somewhat haphazard communication with the defence; a think that has blighted us almost all season irrespective of who's in goal. A large part of this may have been largely attributed to the somewhat fluid nature of the centre backs and defence in general. His defence of penalties particularly is poor but I would particularly put a large part of that down to training. Its not only reaction times but also telegraphing to the taker what side you're going to dive before he's kicked the ball. Ball dispersal is a general bugbear for most people, whether kicking or throwing but that's a strategy; particularly the choice of delaying until everyone's back in position including the opposition defence. His rashness in certain situations is my main concern; his sending off against United and nearly against Ross county were the tip of the iceberg. I do however wonder whether a large amount of that could be down to central defence uncertainty; its difficult to think of similar situations happening with Halkett/Lithgow/Gallagher but maybe nostalgia is getting the best of me. Much of the above could be covered with better training and coaching and a settled defence but I also remember that our defence in general used to have a far easier job because of the strength of our midfield. We still have some very good midfield player but they often fail to act as the strong cohesive unit we had during the Keaghan Jacobs years.
  16. Not sure where you got the notion that I hate George. I am totally baffled though where the hate for Hamilton comes from. He's a competent experienced keeper; behind a competent defense he'll be adequate.
  17. At the moment I think hes a better choice than George
  18. Panayiotou on paper could have worked out if you only view his time with Aldershot prior to his joining us. his history since (2 goals in 38 appearance at National League level) probably says more though.
  19. Just watched the "highlights" on Sportscene; Fitzwater really is all over the place. George pulls off a couple of good saves to save his blushes but he certainly loses the killie player for the first goal and, instead of busting a gut to get back and defend, seems to be jogging back as if he had all the time in the world. Personally I'd be happy never to see him in a Livi shirt again.... Maybe Motherwell need a central defender? As for Holt giving away another penalty of raised arm; I like the guy but he's certainly cost us few this season between penalties and a red card.
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