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Everything posted by Durnford

  1. Not sure; Robinson's proved what he can do at the Premiership level. Sibbald is still untried; got a bit more to do before he gets a start.
  2. Yes; not exactly a surprise but as an aside is that actually the size of the trophy? If you imagine a top half manager is going to get maybe two of those per year and you retain your role for say three years that's some significant amount of space they're going to use up. Surely that one's just for show and the actual award is a little silver egg-cup? That is unless Doncaster and Co are trying to compensate for something. Well deserved though - hopefully it wont be the usual kiss of death (like the vote of confidence from the chairman)
  3. Actually I thought he was a better player than Burns based on what I've seen so far - he really seemed best as coming on as a second half replacement for Lawless and really getting in the faces of the opposition - he caused St Mirren real problems. Burns has been okay but not a huge stand-out in my opinion.
  4. remember that post when the inevitable slump comes mate! Think he was joking to be honest. Still a lot of games to be played; the serious question though is will you still have the same manager when you come to visit us or will the win against Hamilton buy him a reprieve for a few more games?
  5. Hey; no need to get personal. Just because I leave two hour before the game "to beat the traffic" and live about two miles from the ground.....
  6. Some times I get quite concerned when supporters boo ex-players (Watson aside) as it often just encourages them to try harder however, in Miller's case, I'm not sure that will really make any difference he already plays with 110% intent, if not ability, so the desire by some to sound like domestic cattle with haemorrhaging haemorrhoids is entirely up to them (less annoying than St Mirren's drum anyway). On thing in Millers favour is he isn't the kind of guy to roll around on the floor trying to get another player sent off (again unlike Watson); instead he gets back up and tried to get some retribution which probably accounts for why he seemed to be able to get cautioned for about fifty percent of our games.
  7. To be honest if some of the boys continue to perform the way they're going it wont be Bradford we have to worry about. Still all are on contract so should attract a fee at least.
  8. From what I've seen (which admittedly is selective video shots) Menga is a powerful fast winger but nowhere near a target man. Actually his scoring record is apparently significantly better for the Angolan national side than for any of his clubs. Miller worries me in that he seems to have picked up a number of niggling injuries over the past six months although a lot of that may be to do with his playing style and the fact that he will be targeted by defenders. If Hardie can recover the form he had pre injury then I would expect him to be a starter although I suppose it has to be remembered that he's relatively untried at this level (think he made a couple of appearances for the ranger but off the bench?). With the like of Menga; Kaja and Robinson we've a number of attacking midfielders who can stir things up and hopefully put plenty of balls into the box. Hardie in particular should relish them.
  9. Cant think of any good reason for putting our best performing striker out on loan particularly when we're already down to the bare bones and Da Vita not likely to return until the new year. Also I imagine it would be a backward step in his development; Jack surely already feels he's ready to stake a claim to first team playing time. Farming him out to some lower league side would likely be a real demotivating factor. I don't think there's much he could gain for playing for someone like Raith as opposed to regular appearances with us even off the bench.
  10. Saturday by contrast was exciting attacking football - perhaps helped in part by the fact that St. Mirren were frankly so mediocre (doubt we'll get such an easy ride from them next time we meet).
  11. No; I know you weren't saying that. I was just hypot... hyperth... hippoter... suggesting.
  12. Sorry but putting Jack Hamilton out on loan again is pretty crazy; particularly if you're talking about bringing another one in. Hamilton will easily get his fair share of appearances this season plus he's playing in the Colts team. Putting him out on loan would give nothing in experience and he'd probably end up as a squad player for someone like Falkirk
  13. Not sure if Miller had too much of an impact on ticket sales (although if Hopkin's had stayed on it would presumably have been a lot more "brisk"); more likely the long gap in getting a new manager lines up to replace Hopkins and the assumption that Martindale was actually running things behind the scenes.
  14. To be fair the argument might be better if he hadn't persisted in trying to plug the gap with Saunders who was frankly pretty poor although looked more comfortable when we brought on Lamie and started playing four across the back.
  15. Miller isn't finished; he still has a burst of speed about him and a good footballing brain. At Livingston his stamina was really called into question with him being bent double trying to catch breath in second half but stubbornly refused to substitute himself except for the Celtic game when it was all over anyway. Working under a manager who pulls him off after 50 or so minutes might work; or use him as a second half substitute. For his age the guy has exception stamina but even keep going for ever; dropping deep and then pushing up really knackered the guy. Likewise he was caught off-side more times than I can remember because he unable to even break into a jog to get back onside. He might do a job for you guys; he still a good player and his personality can really fire things up. Its difficult to imagine Kenny Miller ever giving up and will have no sympathy for any of his team mates that do. Just don't expect him to be a 90 minute player; either as a forward or a midfielder but not both..
  16. Just to update your figures Kenny scored one goal (against Annan Athletic) in 610 minutes of competitive football for Livingston this season
  17. Haven't seen anything official on Brown being sent back; (nothing on the site or twitter) but was more concerned that the reports on Burns coming to us was to gain some "regular" first team experience. Much as I don't want to look a gift horse in the mouth do we really want to fiddle with a format that works?
  18. Crane looked quite good on the cup games; maybe not quite premiership standard yet but certainly good enough to appear on the bench. See its being reported that Hearts can play Burns in the reserves games so that presumably rules out that option for us.
  19. Agreed its strange unless we've got gaps in the reserves or colts its difficult to see where he can fit. See Hearts are expecting to get Demetri Mitchell back on loan so he's probably currently surplus to requirements but cant see him displacing Lamie after Saturday's performance.
  20. Good article; glad its working out for Jackson. One of the nicest guys in football (although he's also daft as a brush).
  21. Tend to agree - if he wants to continue playing in the premiership then it should primarily be as a second half substitute. No one's questioning the guys effort and dedication but sometimes that's simply not enough. If he wants to play 90 minutes then really I think its league one where you get more space and time; the Championship is just too rushed and competitive. Irrespective he's really not a striker anymore.
  22. Not that I'd be too keen on approving anything Hughes but least-ways he didn't put the boot in. He was only expressing an opinion and the Evening News has made it into a story. It seems you don't even need n opinion these days for some Hack to appear and ask you your opinion on say VAR. If you answer "I don't really know" then the story is X expresses doubts on validity of VAR. You couldn't make it up; that's the job of our friends at Johnston Press.
  23. Didn't say we'd played badly either but did feel we'd lacked direction at time; we have some good players but they are used to playing attacking football rather than the long "preparation" stuff that results in always passing back to the goalkeeper. Realistically if he'd wanted to start in management as a player manager then he would have been probably better off picking a team in the lower league where he gets more time. Ultimately I dont think he was really a "fit"
  24. Don't think there were many that were convinced he would be any good and the insistence of putting his name down first on the team sheet was undoubtedly affecting the team. He really didn't seem to have what it takes to perform an player manager role. His playing style was too reminiscent of Hughes' tippy tappy and leaving out both Lithgow and Lamie in preference for a very shaky Saunders was truly baffling. What surprised me though is why he was offered the job in the first place.
  25. Went to Killie in the friendly at the start last season and their supporters were all pretty sound but the pitch was really strange so not sure how we can be criticised on ours. As far as noise is concerned personally I couldn't give a sh#t either way; I'm their to watch the football and support my team. I'm not trying to get up the noises of the opposition although a decent away support does add to the atmosphere of the game.
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