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Bluegrass Bairn

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Posts posted by Bluegrass Bairn

  1. On 03/09/2020 at 17:09, Jollyjag said:

    This is going to be a big year for the club expectations are high so let’s focus for the moment what is done on the park time will tell if we have the right mix on the board but hopefully  we have the right mix on the park

    ARE expectations high at Firhill right now?  Genuine question.  From the outside looking in, you clearly have the same boardroom disconnect from the fans we've had for the past few years. Its been horrendous for us.  We may be finally heading in a more positive direction, (albeit still plenty issues to be resolved off the field as well as on) but tbh a bit of turmoil down your way would do us no harm at all.  

  2. Can I add Central Park Cowdenbeath to this list? I remember a November midweek game, dark, freezing, blowing a gale, horizontal rain... crouched down against the back wall, wiping the rain out my eyes; peering out across the shale terracing, the wire fence, the race track, the grey grass behind the goal, to a half-lit mud-bath pitch - thinking WTactualF are we doing here.  Took 24 hours to thaw out afterwards.  Happy days. 

  3. 20 minutes ago, Bainsfordbairn said:

    I know where you're coming from, but most posters seem to take the opposite view judging by the amount of complaints when we keep players they don't rate.  (ie Telfer, Sammon, Durnan and even the likes of O Hara & Watson in Houstons final summer). 

    This is the most stable squad we're had for a while. 12 players retained and only 6 arrivals, once of whom is obviously a returnee. 

    I agree with you BB; what I mean is stability going forwards from now on.  Past turnover numbers & why they happened irrelevant;  hopefully the squad assembled can now be a core, with as you say, maybe only the need for a handful rotating in future. Fingers crossed this squad can deliver, which means they can substantially stay together.  Cautious optimism?  

  4. 28 minutes ago, Rocco said:


    Any idea who this is?

    (sigh...)  this'll be the 3rd season running I'll be asking the folks around me that very same question about half the team out on the park.  The extent of our staff turn-over has been mind-numbing; really hoping we can finally start to get stability and longevity back into the squad, and re-build some sort of bond with the players.  M&M really need to be in charge for a prolonged period now; get us up, keep us up, then we can finally start to put this 3-year spell of utter torture behind us.  No pressure, guys, but really wish you well...   

  5. 9 hours ago, Hank von Hell said:

    I think questions need to be asked about who is responsible for it. With the last couple of shirts it's obvious there was FFC input (Steeple design and local landmarks ) and they weren't just generic Puma shirts.

    Was there FFC input with this one or did we just leave it to Puma, and if so why now?

    I get that it's just a shirt and at first I wasn't too fussed but when it get's constantly shoved in your face the resentment rises.

    There is a commercial element to this obviously, I would not buy it for myself or my kids as I think it's honking and there will be many more like me I'd expect. So less money for the club at a time of need - so who came up with it and who sanctioned it?          

    Its been pretty clear that the consensus across the League 1 forum is that Montrose & Airdrie are by far the best strip designs this season.  Classic designs without fuss, no random shapes or patterns thrown in to no good effect.

    Airdrie is particularly interesting - because of their very distinctive kit, the manufacturer can't simply fob them off with some generic design in white and red, they have to manufacture a bespoke kit with the V.   Plus the number they need to make is relatively modest - and not likely to be a bigger production run than the one to supply us;  its not like the supplier has the option to simply change the colours and put out (for example) a yellow version with a red V for some other team.  Yet we've ended up with a generic, utterly pish (to use the technical term) design, like you say Hank at a time when cash flow is so critical... Its such a missed opportunity.  The black Borussia version of our design is merely awful, which nonetheless makes it marginally better than ours because it doesn't have random strips of bright green splashed over it.    

    Have we ever had a scenario where the fans get to choose the design? I remember at least East Fife, Ayr, Morton have all in the past put 4 options up for a public vote.    

  6. 32 minutes ago, FFC 1876 said:

    That would leave us with a squad of 20, 21 if you include Lee Miller. Still dreaming that there's a chance we'll offload Sammon as he doesn't really offer us anything and i'd imagine he's on a decent wage which we could do with using elsewhere. A promising centre back(possibly Jonny Mitchell) that will compete with Durnan and Hall for the first team and a back up goalkeeper that's hopefully cheap but not as sh!te as Leo Fasan. M&M having previously played with Blair Alston might work in our favour and make him more likely to join us. Especially as we'll probably be offering him a 2 year deal. My only issue with Alston is he's one of those players that can go missing for a few games then score a worldie and everyone seems to forget how average he's been the few games before said worldie. Also as someone has mentioned it doesn't normally turn out well for us when we resign ex players.

    Yeah, would also love to think there's moves going on to off-load our two remaining big flops to free up the cash for better options.

    Imagine Sammon & Telfer out and, say, Alston & DK-D in.... sigh. Wishful thinking that may well be, but irrespective of that Sammon is surely on borrowed time, now down to 4th choice at best, with the option of a further forward still to come in.  

    Our recruitment aspirations are certainly looking a lot more positive, at last.  Fingers crossed... 

  7. 4 hours ago, 19QOS19 said:

    That's exactly the kind of player we've been after for years. I rarely take notice of Falkirk fans reviews on players tbh as they seem to hate all of their ex-players emoji38.png

    ...Pretty much all our ex-players over the last 2 & 1/2 years deserve all the vitriol they get.

    As someone who would have watched Dobbie run riot against us, you saw the shockingly poor standard we had on offer over that timescale. Very few exceptions amongst that motley rag-bag of plodders and slow-motion surrender-monkeys, & McKee certainly wasn't one of the exceptions.  Amazed he's got a Championship gig. 

  8. 4 minutes ago, Bantabairn said:

    Where the hell are the SPFL & SFA in all this ? 

    I'd expect there's two chances they'll respond to this appropriately - slim and f.a.  Particularly given Lawwell holds the power. 

    There should be a points forfeit in this for both clubs  - what's the deduction for fielding an ineligible player?   

  9. 9 hours ago, keithgy said:

    The top was not unveiled until the team wore it at Central Park,we all laughed at the top only to realise that it was our top,the game was crap as well.

    Yeah, that's just how I remember it; when the team ran out, we're giving it "WTF is that?" thinking it was some god-awful training top with the proper strip underneath...

    then thinking "you must be fecking joking".   


  10. 26 minutes ago, PWL said:

    So far I'd say Airdrie home is the winner with honorable mentions to Clyde home and Montrose home. 

    Diddy prize to both Thistle kits closely followed by our (Dumbarton) away. 

    I'd agree Airdrie h (& a) are the two best by a fair way. Also Montrose (h) next best, but think you're a bit harsh on your away top - personally, I'd take it. 

    And our (h) is right down there with the diddys.  

  11. Just reading the article about Alex Duchart on the club web site; it includes a couple of interesting photos showing the team in unfamiliar strips, which I've never appreciated we had ever worn before.

    I had always assumed the all-white ITC cup final strip was a complete one-off, and had never seen the Blackburn-style quadrant design (which incidentally I quite like).  

    Which got me thinking - does anybody remember us playing in blue/white vertical stripes???  Think it was sometime mid-70's, briefly.

    (Am still struggling badly with this season's effort...)

  12. 38 minutes ago, Dawson Park Boy said:

    Well done, you.

    Some great memories in that lot.

    Ian Harley - jet propelled.

    Jimmy Jack - brilliant against us with Arbroath, rubbish for us,

    Dennis Setterington- his son worked for me. The family lived in Stirling. Dennis died quite young.

    Coach on left - was that Alan Cousin.

    Trainer in blue - lived in Mungalhead Road - McKenzie I think - did he not commit suicide?

    Hoggan and Shirra - Great stalwarts.

    Ronnie MacKenzie - was a trainer to the national team as well. I think he went with the squad to Germany in 74. 

  13. 1 hour ago, HopeStreetWalker said:

    All good ! but for me it's John Markie - signed on a free from Newcastle United.

    The club not granting him a testimonial is a disgrace to this day.

    My dad was a big fan of John Markie also, and was following home and away from this team onwards. John Markie middle row, 4th left. Cracking strip too...


  14. 1 hour ago, TxRover said:

    Definitely Clyde away twice, that would fit the “screw Falkirk” mentality of the SPFL, eh? Maybe add Cove and Thistle away twice as well? For home twice, Peterhead should be a stick on, plus Montrose, Forfar and maybe Dumbarton. That leaves Airdrie and East Fife as the last double away games. Now, if this comes true, you aren’t just paranoid, they are out to get you.

    Oh come on Tx, where's your sense of humour?  I was being wryly sceptical, in a derisive kind of way. With added cynicism.  

    But now that you mention it....

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