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Bluegrass Bairn

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Posts posted by Bluegrass Bairn

  1. 2 minutes ago, ebobsboy said:

    Think we still need another forward minimum. Hopefully Shepherd and Harris piss off shortly. O'Hara dont hold much faith in as a starter. Nelson i dont think will be back now at least maybe in short term. Turner looks like  he is a tall striker  so prob his replacement. 

    Cant understand how this still does the rounds on here. O’Hara is just not good enough. Wasn’t last season, def isn’t for this season if we’re serious about making a credible challenge, which we are. 

  2. 26 minutes ago, FalkirkLad said:

    Also can’t be the only one surprised at the really good move for Grant, absolutely loved the guy but he was an absolute passenger last year and now he’s playing for a better side than we are getting 6 month loans from?

    surprised but sure everyone on here will be pleased for him.  He deserves it, and more.  

  3. 3 minutes ago, Long Suffering Bairn said:

    I ran up this quickly.  I would have preferred our home top like this, subtle differences, but the steeple in line with the sleeve cuffs and the Central logo moved down a little so not to interfere with each other.  Just my opinion.


    would get my vote, LSB.

    Or, possibly add the second step on the steeple profile so the tip still touches the white collar? 

  4. both tops are great. love the steeple motif but as others have said sponsor’s logo would be better lower... away strip is a real change from the norm & looks too tip top...

    BUT - def would look utterly awesome with WHITE shorts for the home kit. What’s with this single colour trend so many clubs have adopted? 

  5. 2 hours ago, Syd Puddefoot said:

    New strips shorts better be white or all these signings will be a waste of time. We've never won the league without our strip having white shorts.

    White shorts. White socks. End of. 

    Last season’s mess of a strip was entirely appropriate for those wearing it. 

  6. Just now, Poet of the Macabre said:


    Hope I look like an idiot at the end of the season but that's a terrible signing IMO.

    Seems like a very odd signing. He was truly awful against us last season; not just anonymous in midfield, but actually awful, and looked totally past it at this level.  A pretty lightweight midfield of Craigen & Flood could see you boys in bother next season (hopefully).  

  7. 26 minutes ago, roman_bairn said:

    There are times it will work for us, and all of us can probably think of examples that should have went in our favour.

    What we probably struggle more with is remembering the times a decision may have gone against us.

    I genuinely think smaller clubs will lose out more often than they will gain from VAR so I remain sceptical...

    Yeah, sceptical is fair enough RB; this is the SFA/SPFL we’re dealing with after all, and over the years there’s not much been done for the good of all (as opposed to the best for the few). 

  8. Of the many, many outrageous OF decisions to go against us, the one that VAR would absolutely have resolved in our favour was in the famous Jimmy Gilmour game at Parkhead...Falkirk leading 1-0, 10-15 mins to go, Celtic had to win; Roy Aitken and ref Dougie Hope conspired to give a penalty against us with the worst, worst piece of blatant cheating by a referee I can recall in a match.

    The supposed hand ball (which hit Jim Kerr on the back as he jumped up against a cross from the wing) was at least 3 feet outside the box, as can clearly be seen on the match highlights (still on youTube). But, the game's at Parkhead, and Roy wants a penalty, the home fans want a penalty, so after a brief spell of haranguing the ref - voila!  Roy gets his penalty... Home fans are happy, Roy is happy, so everything is alright with the world, and natural order against a diddy team is restored...

    Sorry, no - it was an utter travesty; and there are plenty other examples, sadly. Fair to say I'd be pretty happy to see the use of VAR to put a stop to that sort of OF bias, so bring it on. 

  9. 7 minutes ago, CallumPar said:


    Agree with this. The badge being greyed out makes it look tacky. Full colour badge, would make the badge stand out - making it a decent Pars kit. It’s the badge I’m struggling to accept with that kit.


    That away strip is just awful and you guys are right about the badge issue. The really annoying thing for me is a much more general point; here's yet another manufacturer that thinks because they're dealing with a "diddy" Scottish club that they can feck about with design with impunity.  You can bet they wouldn't dream of trying that sort of cheap look with Spurs. Or Wolves. Or Derby. Or ...etc etc. Don't buy it, that may send a message the manufacturer will understand. But on the other hand, they probably just won't give a fcuk. 

  10. 1 hour ago, Skyline Drifter said:


    And Falkirk get to be our Centenary opponents on 23rd March.

    Our Saturday away game in Dumfries has been a traditional full weekend jaunt for a number of years now; as that game is particularly special for you chaps, it would be nice to make a proper acknowledgement of the occasion . 

    Both teams in 100-year-old-style strips, knickerbocker shorts and all. Flat caps, big rosettes and wooden rattles on the terrace.  At the end of a thrilling 3-3 draw, all assembled retire to The Globe Inn for pie and a pint. 

  11. 9 minutes ago, parslad said:

    Chuffed he's signed up. The seethe from Falkirk fans when he plays them is worth a new deal alone


    I’m actually glad “heid’s gone” has signed on again for you lot too. He’s def made his own contribution to the atmosphere in recent times,  albeit panto villain as far as we’re concerned, but I’m all for a feisty match with a bit of an edge between us. It’s what this fixture thrives on! Looking forward to booing him again already.   Booooooo

  12. 10 minutes ago, smpar said:

    Looks like thick black stripes is a possibility on the new kit. Released tomorrow at 10am.

    never really got used to seeing you lot in a faux Newcastle strip,  always thought the black pinstripe was your classic look.   Its somehow disappointing when you turn up in Falkirk wearing some alternative garish red or purple costume - there’s no colour clash after all.  

  13. 1 hour ago, Shodwall cat said:


    Can't believe there are still people wanting to give harris a chance. 

    The sooner he gets the boot the better. 

     Absolutely spot on. Amazing that this is still a live topic for some folks; there’s been more energy spent on P&B debating this than Harris ever gave us on the pitch. Utter waster.  And a pea-heart, who contributed not a single positive moment for his wage. Get him to F...ife. 

  14. 1 hour ago, roman_bairn said:

    Agree. However I guess the argument is that you are rewarding the less successful teams...

    But, against that; given it’s the start of a new season, wouldn’t any cup draw be better if it was completely random, maybe get the paying fans - ie us - better interested in going along? 

    Actually I’d be all for any cup comp being a random draw... Eg the Champs League is a farce these days.  The seeding has made it beyond dull until you get to the last 8. 

  15. 1 hour ago, roman_bairn said:

    I think that’s the point really. The seeding, allowing the top seeds home advantage over the second seeds, and splitting of the sections between North and South means every draw is now pretty mundane.

    Reverse home advantage emphasis and give the unseeded clubs home advantage against 1st & 2nd.  Falkirk get away trips to grounds we visit less often, & it’s generally going to be a better atmosphere in a tighter ground.. just a thought. 

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