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Posts posted by ForzaDundee

  1. 1 hour ago, Detournement said:

    What we do know for sure is that anti China propaganda is growing and that conflict between China and the USA is inevitable.

    Trump's past obviously means he has a alot of experience of China and the Chinese so he'll know that the writing is on the wall for era of the American empire as there's no way to beat the Chinese. Baws oot war is the only option for America imo.

  2. Didn't think much of China or the Chinese until I starting going.

    What a great place and great people. Most just don't understand that it's not just a country like we imagine but a whole separate branch of human civilisation with a written history going back 3500 years (at which point China was already described as an ancient civilisation). It is only recently (1840 Opium wars onwards) that the West has started to look down on China as before then it was seen as superior. 

    The current enviromental-led propaganda against them is nonsense too.


  3. 1 minute ago, heedthebaa said:

    Pleased for Rankin, thought Curran just edged it though 

    Thought so to but I'm sure if the commentators weren't sounding so certain about it I could've easily been swayed.

  4. 3 minutes ago, jakedee said:
    1 hour ago, Kuro said:
    How much is enough?  A swimming pool in Dumfries recently went gender neutral in the changing rooms, now it is averaging one serious sexual assault every three months.  Is that enough?

    The old Olympia leisure centre in Dundee had mixed changing areas for years. Never heard of any problems. Must just be Dumfries.

    Used to go the the Olympia all the time as a kid and there was all sorts of stuff that went on in those cubicles which would be police matters these days. 

  5. 4 minutes ago, Gordon EF said:

    Toilets and changing rooms are a little bit of a red-herring to me. Prisons might be the more important one. Never been to prison so I've no idea if they're really as violent as portrayed on TV etc, but if I was facing a spell inside and could just switch my gender to female to go into a women's prison, I'd seriously consider it as I'd guess the odds of facing violence would be greatly reduced.

    Change to a women before sentencing and the odds of you even ending up in prison would be massively reduced.

  6. 57 minutes ago, NotThePars said:

    Why do we need to convince YOU specifically? Do you have a button that activates the climate emergency protocols?


    Well this is a forum where individuals can share and debate their views. If he's on this forum looking to convince the masses rather than individuals like me then he's chosen the wrong sphere. 

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