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Everything posted by ForzaDundee

  1. Those who apply to Oxbridge have a pretty high percentage chance of being a c**t. Those who get rejected from Oxbridge and see St Andrews as the next best thing must be odds-on c***s.
  2. Why would anyone want to go to St Andrews for uni?
  3. Heads up, The Hive have just posted some belters. Someone check them out cause I can't be arsed uploading them.
  4. Me and two course-mates managed to nick a booth in the main library on Sunday just in time for the Old Firm game starting. People were walking past with looks of genuinely disgust when they saw our screen. Absolutely seething.
  5. Seen him in Cav a few times. He's quite the dancer.
  6. What have the SNP got to do with Rangers not paying their taxes to Westminster?
  7. I think this will be the first topic on P&B to gain a million views. A worthy accolade.
  8. I would genuinely cry if Rangers went bust. Tears of happiness. A vile, vile club.
  9. Alot of people would give up on Celtic and take an interest in their local clubs. It would rejuvenate Scottish football.
  10. Guys who posted/quoted the details should probably edit and remove them just in case it gets taken further.
  11. In our engineering class the few girls always get significantly higher coursework marks. Me and my lab partner usually submit identical lab reports but she usually ends up with about 10% more marks.
  12. Actually looking forward to watching this match. Great for Scottish football that we've got a massive game which doesn't involve the bigot bros.
  13. Redded by mistake. He is indeed a shitey Gregory.
  14. Central belt is all the lowlands that are non-tcheuchter territory so Dundee qualifies.
  15. Basically all those who came campaigning at my door said the same thing about wanting fees abolished for English students, most were English and did just mention English as if they couldn't care about anyone else. I tried to explain to one guy that although I agreed that education should be universally free, I thought it wasn't in the interest of any Scottish person because our Government would be paying for others. He genuinely almost started crying. In the end I just voted for the most normal sounding Scottish people, struggled to find many though.
  16. Look a few pages back and you'll probably see it.
  17. Noel G at the SECCby any chance? I'm aiming to complete a good few series of The Wire during innovative learning week.
  18. Just do a search to see all the tweets they've been mentioned it. Search for - "@Joey7Barton" https://twitter.com/#!/search/%40Joey7Barton
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