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Posts posted by RandomGuy

  1. Talking of Christian Bale, I've just watched The Machinist for the first time. I've wanted to see it for ages. Holy shit, he puts in an amazing performance. Method acting to put De Niro to shame. It's actually quite unsettling to watch him in it.

    Really good creepy film with an excellent ending. The guy who directed it, Brad Anderson, is good at making very understated, disturbing films. Anyone seen Session 9 with Peter Mullen?

    Christian Bale is probably one of the most adaptable actors in the world, and probably the best. I often hear stories about how much work he puts in to his characters so they are perfectly the way he wants them to be, for the entire filming he virtually turns into them. Wouldn't surprise if actually forced himself to stay awake throughout the filming of The Machinist just to get more realism

  2. I know this is a slightly controversial opinion, but I feel really quite sorry for people who have children when they are still young, even if they are in a stable relationship at the time. They're not going to get the same time back when they're 40 because you're laboured with all sorts of other responsibilities then.

    I agree, that's why i said i dodged a bullet. To be fair so did the kid because i'm far too young and immature to look after one just now so it would end up a murderer or something laugh.gif should wait until yur in your late twenties for before considering a child unless circumstances dictate you can't wait that long

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