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Everything posted by Ric

  1. Now, you see.. I don't mind that. They are just doing their best for the team they are at. Heh... or at least thought they were doing their best. I'll not lie, if we signed someone and they were playing against their former club and they passed on a message and it worked, ooh.. I'd be milking that for the banter.
  2. Shaughnessy is Dundee captain, if he told the taker to aim for a specific area then it's Shaughnessy's fault (whether that came from Carson's origin comment, or not) if the penalty is saved. Should Robinson have done better? ( .. no need to answer that!)
  3. Oooft, harsh! Although I am right far far more times than the Herald, and what I write is backed up by evidence rather than a general desire to print "fear and anger" porn, or loving up the tories. That said if you wish to pay me £2 a day, or whatever exorbitant price the Herald asks for these days, to spout shite, I'm happy to do that..
  4. Why is anyone taking notice of the Herald, it's not like it doesn't have a very long record of getting things wrong or putting out stupid opinions. This applies to their politics as much as their sporting "output".
  5. I'm a simple man, I see a link to the Herald and I don't follow it. I know their "journalists" struggle at the best of times, and that's not helped by the heavy agenda the "paper" has.
  6. You are right though, social media is a fucking cesspool, irrespective of which team they support (or don't).
  7. That is the world of football fans, irrespective of team and irrespective of whether there is social media. Dundee were an entirely innocent party here. They were allowed to vote to curtail the Covid season. Yet Hearts fans didn't see it that way and many of them including the club's official twitter account spread lies conspiracy and hate.
  8. It's not like Carson was an entirely innocent party here. He signed a contract then just a few months later he was demanding we let him leave because he felt hard done to. A player that was roundly lauded by the support and in turn was given the shirt even while injured (his decision, we never forced him to play). While I take your point about it relating to social media, but in general any player would get pelters for that, it would just have been out on the street, or in the pub or wherever. Social Media has done an absolute number on society. It has emboldened the worst in society to think their opinion has merit. Run by a capricious and seriously dense man-child, and stocked to the gunnels with hate filled insane conspiracy rants, I don't blame anyone for either quitting or abandoning twitter.
  9. It's twitter, don't think anyone could accuse it of being a "grown up" environment..
  10. To be fair, hiding/removing your twitter after getting pelters is a lot better than spending that time arguing with twitter users.
  11. It's the consistency, rather than them flagging it, that would be the issue for me. It was a foul, even if nobody shouted for it at the time, soft but only soft if others are not being pulled up for similar.
  12. Fair point, although I still think an increase in the external opinion of Scottish players (or players who play in the Scottish leagues) has happened.
  13. There is value in our market. Players like Robertson and Tierney shifted the "ignorance needle" of our 'friends' down South and now with newer talent, along with our international form, Scotland isn't seen as a backwater. I mean it should never have been thought of as that, but we had no control over the capricious media. Baccus shouldn't be looking to get some gig lower down the leagues and hope for promotion or being noticed, if he continues to do well for his national side, while getting regular good press domestically, I can see a more direct route. Obviously money is a huge pull, as is the challenge, but is his goal going to be enhanced by playing in League One against teams like Scunthorpe or Hereford, while he could be competing against Champions/Europa League teams.
  14. I'd say the person in your avatar certainly wins any "talking utter shite" award, hands down.
  15. Have you never frequented a St Mirren Dundee thread on P&B before? No point in claiming everyone should behave, just as well greasing yourself up and joining in on the bunfight.
  16. So you admit you are just talking shit for the sake of it? Ok, then.
  17. I'm not convinced the ball went over the line. Don't get me wrong, it totally looks like it has, the wide angle from the right of the goals shows it being 90-95% over the line, but the rules are clear, it needs to be all of the ball. I've seen numerous times, a ball that looks like it's over, and everyone agrees it's over, yet on full inspection it wasn't. I'd probably be more motivated to say it was over if it was the difference between a draw and a win, but as it never cost us anything (other than some minor GD) then I'm not overly fussed. You'd think, if we are introducing VAR, that the "hawkeye"/goal line tech would have been part of that. It's technically the easiest (and presumably, cheapest) part of the VAR system, and something that has been operational all around the world for different sports. Why SFA/SPFL chose not to include it, despite a delayed start last season that could have been used to factor it in, is beyond me. The cynic in me thinks that offsides and red cards are what they wanted VAR for because it's probably the things that hit the OF the most. It's not true, but you do wonder why it's not a "full" VAR system.
  18. They have done, though, both Dundee and Hibs played like amateur sides in the first half. That's not taking anything away from how we have taken advantage of that, but I'd say it's unlikely either team will play as badly against us again.
  19. If I had to guess, he was trying to be smart and do a Panenka. Remember, this was after Carson had relayed a message to him. What was he told and did he take note of that message? We'll never know.
  20. Hemming was alright, he did what he needed to do, although you could possibly say he should have imposed himself for the goal. The penalty save is less a penalty save and more him just standing still while Robinson (?) rolled the ball to him. It was a stunningly bad penalty, one of the worst I've ever seen! However... with that said, for the penalty, Hemming could have just gone for the corner, hoping to get it right, instead he watched the path of the ball and reacted. He put in a couple of decent reaction saves later on too. I have been critical of him because of his form at Killie. It's fair to say he is playing better than that, although I still see inexperience in certain situations, it all depends on whether he's a quick learner. Not sure what the f**k was going on with the chat from Carson to Shaughnessy to the penalty taker, but it makes brilliant optics for us; "former players gang up to hit at their previous employer and get it terribly wrong" type of thing. Bolton looked very short of fitness, either that or he's still carrying an injury. It's a tough one for the lad as he's only getting bit parts where he is thrown into the game late in order to bolster the defence. Perhaps a start might help him settle a bit better, but at this point he's well behind all our other defenders barring perhaps Kelly. Previous clubs' fans have given him big licks on social media and forums so I guess the gamble is just whether he can get back to that. I can see why Boyd-Munce was given that extra year, he has a good range of passing. Is he mobile enough? That all depends on how Robinson wants to play. Can't remember the lad, but he played for Killie and looked like he was towing a caravan everywhere, yet pinged shots and passes with such accuracy that any negatives are evened out by his deliveries. Bit of a shame about O'Hara, although as that tweet comes from The Herald, I would immediately dismiss it. Injured? Yeh. Timeline? Unsure. Hearld, shit? Obviously. Overall, who can complain about being top of the league, eh? Robinson is getting a tune out of I side I thought looked a bit unbalanced. Being top of the league will hopefully also convince any "on the fence" players we have our eye on. You'll have a lot easier time convincing someone to join when we aren't sitting rooted to the bottom without a win to our name. Mandaron doesn't look like the player they were at Motherwell. Fitness/opportunity/style of play/etc.. I presume are the reasons, but he looks a considerably more effective player than any time I saw him in claret and amber. Nice to see Tanser put in a very effective shift. When he is injury free and is on form, he really adds to the team. It was really nice to see him and Strain working so well on the wings. McMenamin has impressed me. I expected the sort of thing he does, just didn't expect him to be quite so effective. We've had to change the formation to get him into it, but it's worked out in our favour. All, in all, while we did stumble at little in the second half in both games so far, that doesn't take away the 3 points, being top of the league for about 24 hours is a nice reward for the players' efforts.
  21. Amongst the banter, it's the person with a racist as an avatar calling for us to act with dignity, and another claiming we shouldn't celebrate being at the top of the league (when was the last time Dundee were there?) are the two best "sour grapes" posts. We did what we did last week, and Dundee were charitable and decided to perform in the same way as Hibs - at least for the first half. The own goal was just brilliant, you couldn't write that sort of script, made even better by the call from Carson to their penalty "taker" via Shaughnessy. I have no person gripe with either player and think they will make a huge difference for their survival, but that was just glorious, get it right up the both of ye! Tiffoney's inclusion and a change of formation certainly improved Dundee, he is exactly the sort of player that has hurt us in the past. I'm surprised it took so long for Docherty to get a tune out of his team. He might be a new manager but he lacks no experience and should have read our team sheet much better. All in all, Dundee won't be relegated. I think in Docherty they have enough a manager who knows when to make changes and knows the league, and while Shaughnessy gifted us the first goal, he saved a 3rd late on to balance that out. He had a bit of a habit of doing that with us too. As for us, I feel we've been lucky. While we've had good tempo, the opposition have effectively shat the bed in the first half. I can't believe every team will do this, although it would be fucking lovely if they did.
  22. Yeah, it's been a while since we've been able to sing, "we're top o' the league, and you're no..." Even if it is for less than 24 hours.
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