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Everything posted by Ric

  1. Isn't one of the youth players who were promoted a striker? If so then I can't imagine we'd need 2 more. We operated with Morais, Mullen Obika and Cooke last term. Cooke while not terrible and barring a Jack Hamilton gifted hatrick, did very little and surely could be "replaced" by a youth team player. Add one more in and we are at the same level as last season, imo. I think everyone agrees on a LB, and I certainly wouldn't mind seeing another CB added. I wonder what stage (Nick) McAllister is at. He's been hovering around the edges of the first team for a while now. Interesting to note that when you look at the official website, Sheron is shown as both a defender and midfielder. I guess that can't be by accident, you'd expect whoever does the site to check with Goodwin (or Gus, or one of the coaches) where he should be placed.
  2. Can I throw in the fact that, when signed, Sheron claimed he was a defensive midfielder who can also play in defence - including right back. I've never seen the lad play, so have nothing to go on, but if we are to take a hit and play a player out of position would Sheron in there rather than MacPherson be a better option? Sheron's place, if he was starting, would then be filled by MacPherson.
  3. Probably. I'm as ITK as they are. * cue an announcement at 4pm today..
  4. Other than Hibs, Alan Stubbs has been an abject failure as a manger. Even at Hibs he failed to get them out of the Championship. The very fact that he is still speaking about St Mirren, nearly 2 years after he was given his jotters speaks volumes. The very fact no other club has deemed him suitable for a position (any position, not just manager) also speaks volumes.
  5. If the Norwich lad signs then that'll fill in the LB with Tait moving over the RB. Still not sure that he will sign though.
  6. I'd be surprised if there is any announcement today. While the witnesses may have given their testimony, there are still closing legal arguments to be put forward by both sides. Even if they do complete today, I think you'll still have a day or so of discussion between the 3 judges before an agreement is met. Could be wrong, but I'd say maybe Friday morning.
  7. I see the BBC are soft soaping Stubbs, as usual. "Having signed 13 players as St Mirren boss, former Celtic defender Stubbs was dismissed after three defeats in their first four top-flight games of 2018-19." They seemed to have forgotten to mention dreadful displays in the cup, unable to beat either Queens Park or Spartans, and he was dismissed after 4 defeats in their first 5 league games. Dundee, Rangers, Aberdeen, Livi and Hearts. The winner at Dundee as I'm sure we all remember was a gift from Jack Hamilton.
  8. So I notice that Chic Young is on the show. I'm not going to listen to it, but does Chic provide any pushback on Stubbs' claims? If not, we can pretty much draw a line under any pretence that he is a fan.
  9. It's interesting to see where Goodwin has handed out his praise. The new signings will always get a bit of good press, after all no manager is going to say that they've bought a plum, but I noticed he singled out Morais, McAllister and Baird for attention. All players that, for whatever reason, need a bit of a boost. In regard the Thorvaldsson, I don't want to sound negative because from the videos he certainly looks like he has pace and tricks up his sleeve, I just worry that he'll struggle to make an impact. I hope I'm wrong, and it's not like he'll be first team, we'll just have to wait and see.
  10. Way too early to make any sort of predictions. The transfer window has just opened and won't shut until October. That said, obvs it's the farmers for the drop.
  11. Good to see Shaughnessy over the line, it seemed to have stalled. If anything we at least know he has the ability to play at this level, good to see we are continuing with 2 year deals too.
  12. If it's Shaughnessy, then it's hardly a secret. It's been dragging on for weeks now.
  13. Considering Goodwin is now saying he is off on the look out for a striking option, and we are stocked to the gunnels with midfielders, I'm going to go out on a limb here and suggest these will be two defensive players. I know, that sort of deduction would make an Agathe Christie novel.
  14. The thing with McAllister is that he is following the same story as other players with chronic injuries. Needing a rest / Identified the problem / Operation will help / Needs a proper pre-season / Now injury free / Recurrence of injury, should be fine if managed / Can be a world beater if only gets a proper run in the team Now, I'm not saying that is McAllister specifically, but these sorts of quotes run in cycles and we've seen it with other players. Don't get me wrong I genuinely hope that he can at least enjoy playing football at a decent level without either being in pain or causing him problems in later life. I do worry though.
  15. I thought it was utter tosh until I noticed they put us top of the league, so... you know maybe it's not such a bad piece after all..
  16. As in personal relationships? No idea. It would take a brave person to suggest they've been the perfect partner though.
  17. A tad unfair. To paraphrase CJ, he didn't get to where he is today with being stupid.
  18. The thing about Chick Young is that he isn't duplicitous. He can be a bit too chummy, a cheeky chappy persona that is a tad grating, but never duplicitous.
  19. Cracking album and while the sprawling 18 minute eponymous first track may be the one most remember, I find the closing track Siberian Khatru to be my favourite.
  20. Not if you are Brenda Ann Spencer. Seriously, good to hear though.
  21. Just think if you hadn't "lain down" to us that day you might have won the league, regardless of the Dundee result. This seems to get sidestepped by all the nonsense conspiracy theories about the final game.
  22. Yeah, sorry, too quick to hate on the myopic old Brexit goat. Wasn't aiming any ire towards you.
  23. Not knocking you for it, more commenting on the video having the jingoistic British garb around it when it's not even in the slightest British. If you missed the reference btw, the old Maxell tape advert from the 80s (the classic one where he gets blown back in his seat) had Ride of the Valkyries playing. Composed by Wagner, a well known anti-Semite (in fact reportedly Hitler's favourite composer).
  24. John Cleese said that London was no longer English because it didn't have enough white English people living there, and qualified that later by suggesting it was proven by their remain vote. He then went on to claim that Britain should leave the EU because people should believe in their country - quickly followed by him fucking off to a Caribbean island for tax purposes. He seemed to be either unwilling or incapable of understanding why people found issue with either statement. So maybe he's right, stupid people don't realise how stupid they are. Edit: Don't forget his constant tirades at Scotland. From the temerity of us having jobs in England to the sheer gall that we didn't just hand over complete control of Doune castle to them so they could film Holy Grail.
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