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Everything posted by Ric

  1. Technically, the start of next week when the arbitration panel provides a verdict which will give a legally binding decision. Practically, if Hearts/Partick somehow "win" the case then it kicks off all sorts of nonsense on how to deal with re-jigging the leagues. If they lose then, to paraphrase Del Amitri, "Nothing happens at all. The needle returns to the start of the song, and we all sing along like before" and we kick off with United in the Premiership and Hearts not.
  2. "I think Anne had been screaming all day, but it hadn't really registered before. She might have been screaming for a week for all I knew. It's been days since I've heard anyone speak, though surely someone must have said something in all that time, surely to f**k someone must have." Tom: What's wrong, Anne? "Anne points towards the league table, her club was bottom of the league. Leslie follows her directions. Daniel says, 'Calm down, calm down, it's going to be alright, everything is going to be fine'"
  3. I take your point but that was a much narrower outcome (ie: whether to proceed to a full hearing or go to arbitration) and he had complete autonomy. Although I do agree that the majority of their deliberations will have already been written.
  4. If we can take it as read that there is no embargo on the decision being made public, after all why should there be - it's not like the SPFL are traded on the stock exchange - then I can't see that sort of info being kept under wraps by any club and certainly not for a whole weekend. If there has been no announcement then, imo, no decision has been reached. I believe the deliberation time began when the witnesses and closing legal arguments had been made, which going by my reckoning had been done by late Wednesday, early Thursday. Could be wrong, of course.
  5. I would imagine there are two stories sitting on the BBC internal CMS ready for publication, providing coverage of whichever outcome with both of them missing the "the panel ruled that.." bit which will be put into place once the ruling is made official. It just so happens that the previously cached version (as posted) was on the same URL as the initial relegation story. I don't think there's legs to this "press embargo" claim to be honest.
  6. If I had to guess, there has been a strong hint that the decision is not going to be released by the panel until Monday and that JKB is running with the "we've won" because they've got nothing else to do.
  7. I'll take that over having to edit it twice because it was the sort of mess red dot charlie would have gone apoplectic over. Yeah, got to say I don't agree on that. W is used sparingly because it's the thing that gets you intro trouble, strafing and stepping back are more "involuntary" movements. IMO, anyway. The real question is whether he plays with an inverted mouse control. He's of the age, as it seems to be a very generational thing.
  8. It also suggests that McLauchlin might be a PC FPS gamer is that's where his hand naturally rests..
  9. Hate to spoil a good conspiracy/anagram party but if you just look on the keyboard as to where the letters 'd', 's', 'f' and 'a' are I think you might find the answer to the letters used.
  10. I think that's part of the problem here. She went hard and fast into indignation to push a narrative her tenure wouldn't end on failure/disappointment* (delete as appropriate). Someone more secure may have acted with finesse, ultimately resulting in a more favourable outcome from the two attempts at reconstruction. IMO, anyway.
  11. Well glad that's settled then. Hate for there to be any confusion.
  12. https://www.epicgames.com/store/en-US/free-games Two titles being gifted for free from Epic this week are: Two very different titles. Tacoma has been kicking around for a while now (and if you have a Humble Bundle sub, you can find it as a DRM free download in their Trove). I'm not entirely sure how much game there is to it, as I think it might be a bit of a "walking sim" (yeah, in space, I know), with the real hook being the storyline behind it. Apparently there are hours of recorded dialogue and it's won tons of awards. As for Next Up Hero, another game I've not played. If you liked Torchlight from last week then I guess this will float your boat. It doesn't seem to be as solid as that title though with reviews claiming it's got too short an attention span with it becoming repetitive fairly quickly. Might be worth grabbing for free simply to have it in your library.
  13. Shouldn't the win be shared, a la Dumbarton/Rangers?
  14. Not unsurprising, but if they actually stood back and thought about it, it actually hampers their case of claiming the league was called too early and that games could have been played. JKB is hardly a hotbed for Mensa members though.
  15. I have concerns about this. It is, without doubt, a good thing if those who tested positive are shown to be negative, and as DJC says it sounds a bit odd there was no cross contamination into the team. However, considering there is a culture of fucking idiots (and that's me being polite) who seem to treat this issue as either not important or, even worse, some sort of hoax, situations like this will be used by those to further their agenda(s). As I say, if it does turn out these are false negatives, that can only be a good thing for those involved (and their families and friends), and I'm not arguing personal versus ideological.
  16. Got to love the baller move here by us, just as the arbitration panel will be deciding whether it was too premature to finish the season we throw up some positive tests to show the infection is far from away.
  17. Did you not witness the utter mess they are when they actually engaged? Trust me, their 'drive-by dotting' is as erudite and intelligent as it gets.
  18. Wouldn't the mess in the middle make your eyes go all blurry?
  19. Says the person sharing their Rangers tribute 1980s shell suit number. Looked a lot better on, as do most of these, and the long sleeves don't help, but if I had the choice, that would be mine.
  20. Can't find an image of it but the 1977 kit, looked not to dissimilar to this one which I think is the 1979 one.. Looked a lot better on and in short sleeves and on a player rather than hanging up. Nice clean lines, no huge sponsor and was the first time (I think) that we didn't have a massive border around the badge.
  21. I am all for diversity in the reporting staff, but I just cannot deal with Lewis' voice. "Grating" would be kind.
  22. Jakubiak, yes, sorry, you are right. Did Chabbi get more than about 40 minutes sub time?
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