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Everything posted by Ric

  1. Hodson is a solid signing. Not outstanding, but puts in a shift, is reliable and knows this league well.
  2. Forgot the draw was being made, those are not bad considering the teams we could have drawn. QotS are not the force they were a year or two ago, "League One's Partick Thistle"™* will be a hoot, Queens Park should be a Gus MacPherson tribute game while Morton is hilarious in the clown shoes type way. (* all rights reserved, Coventry Saint)
  3. I would need to see it again, but at the time I thought it wasn't in the box, close but not in it. That said, I also believe that if it happened at the other end, Dallas would be pointing direct to the spot without hesitation.
  4. I don't think Foley and MacPherson played that well yesterday, but I'm unsure if it's a case of instructions or just having a bad game. I think all of us would like to see a bit more attacking intent and I'm sure Goodwin would too. For those of us old enough to remember, the fear is an 'Ebbe Skovdahl like' result if we try and play against either side of the OF. It's slightly frustrating seeing Kilmarnock managing a draw for several reasons, but let's see where we are come Thursday to see where we stand in relation to that.
  5. I think the thing about Sheron being a deep lying midfielder didn't come into play yesterday as we essentially had a flat 5. In that case he should be ahead of Erhahon. In terms of playing a little more forward, we've not really seen him in his "best" position, but after seeing how determined Erhahon can be I'd have no issue with playing him in a defensive midfield role.
  6. That's a fair point, but unless you want to go all Hearts on me what matters is the final score not what could have happened.. We'll need to see how he lines up against Celtic, I hope it's a little more positive, albeit we still need to be careful.
  7. Got to say, while I'm happy for us to shitfest a game against either OF, but that was not our finest hour. Especially when you look at the result Killie got when they played their more natural game against Celtic. If Goodwin doesn't have confidence in the team to do that I'd be concerned, although I do understand the worry of taking a tanking.
  8. I presume McGrath will be playing right mid then? Looks to me a formation for a good old fashioned shitfest. Only problem with that a lot of time spent in our half with Rangers players trying to force their way through the middle. Expect a shit ton of freekicks to be given by Dallas as the slightest contact will bring down men who suddenly have no balance.
  9. The one positive from yesterday's results is that we will keep our 5th position in the league unless Kilmarnock beat Celtic.
  10. FS is not wrong, certainly looking at a map if you are new to the game, https://dayz.ginfo.gg, is a life savour but he's glossed over how to actually cook the food. If you do manage to kill an animal, if you aren't wearing gloves then you need to wash your hands to remove the blood. Leave it and the next time you eat anything you have a chance of getting infected. Eating raw meat will also lead you to being infected. If you are infected, you will need meds, depending on the infection it depends on the meds. In general it'll be cholera so you need tetracycline. These can be found at hospital areas (check the map/app). I'm sure you've probably realised this already but it's a harsh survival game you are not meant to flourish. Keeping fed, hydrated and warm are key tasks, well before worrying about PvP. But... in short(!), if you kill an animal (and the chickens are the easiest as they take little damage and are easily tracked down) you need to have an knife of some form. When you do, the option to skin and quarter will be available to you when you look at the corpse with your knife in your hand. All animals will give you meat, bones, fat, guts and all but chickens will give you hide. The important ones are meat, fat and bones. Once you have cut the animal up, and you weren't wearing gloves when you did it, place your water bottle into your hands and the option to "wash hands" will be shown. You can also do this at any well, or in rivers and ponds. To cook the meat, you can either use a type of stoves or fireplaces that are in houses, or create your own fire. Either way you need to create a fireplace. You do this in several steps. get your knife and go to a tree, the biggest ones will give you the option to cut bark off. Do so, you will need at least 2 pieces. go to a bush and either use your knife or your bare hands and cut the bush. If you use your bare hands and are not wearing gloves there is a chance you can cut yourself doing so. You need 3 sticks here, 2 short 1 long. It just depends on the type of bush you cut on what you get. You can create short stick from combining long stick with a knife. combine one short stick and one piece of bark to create a firedrill kit and another short stick and bark to create a fireplace, you will need to cycle through the craftable options to get both. You can also make a fireplace out of a short stick and one piece of cloth. (** if you have found either matches or a lighter you can use them instead of the firedrill kit) Once you have made both, they should should be on the ground around you. Pick up the firedrill in your hand, and face the fireplace, and you should get the option to ignite. Do so. Once lit you can add fuel to the fire, if you don't have an axe you'll just need to keep adding sticks. The fire will burn but even once the flames reduce you can still cook food over it. combine your long stick with a piece of meat and while holding it in your hand face the fire and it should give you the option to cook. it will take a little while to cook the meat, it will change colour once it's done you can also cook the fat this way If you are using a stove or a fireplace in a house, it is exactly the same steps when you craft the fire you hold it in your hands and face the fireplace or stove and it'll give you an option to place. The only difference now is that rather than using the long stick the fireplace has either one or two slots (depending on the type) for you to place the meat/fat Taking it one step further, combine the knife with the bones and you will get fishing hooks, normally you can get 3 hooks out of one set of bones. If you combine a rope and a long stick you can make an improvised fishing rod. With your knife you then need to look at the ground and it should give you the option to dig for worms. It works on several different types of surfaces but standard green grass is best for this. You always get a worm when digging but it ends up on the ground not in your inventory so you'll need to pick it up. Combining a hook with a worm makes a baited hook, combine the baited hook with the improvised fishing rod and you are ready to fish. Simply find any decent sized pond and you can fish. Go to the edge of the water with it in your hand and the option to fish will be displayed. You are not guaranteed to catch a fish every time and a baited hook will degrade with each attempt. When you do catch a fish, you will need to combine it with a knife to fillet it. Each fish provides two fillets. You cook the fish in the same way you cook meat; either on a long stick or in the fireplace inventory. This probably sounds a bit much if you are new to the game but it becomes second nature to be fair. It's a lot easier to loot for cans of food (or even grow stuff from seeds - which in itself is another post altogether) but the point of DayZ is that tinned food should be at a premium and you are always just on the edge of survival for the first hour or so of any character. Using the (izurvive) map will show you the towns. I'd advise avoiding military areas to begin with. Although there is normally a lot of "tactical bacon" to be had there, it's also likely to be full of people willing to kill you with no questions asked.
  11. Well if we are talking Delphine and Infogrammes sure, after all who could forget Another World and Flashback or Alone in the Dark.
  12. The reason I refuse to use uPlay or play Ubisoft games (btw, I should have mentioned I refuse to use uPlay or play Ubisoft games) is that I bought the early Assassin's Creed games on Steam (this was some time ago) and Steam only offered you the key, which you then had to use on uPlay. I played the games for about 10 minutes to check them, then came back about 2 weeks later only for uPlay to tell me the games were being used by another player. I contacted Ubisoft and got a really snippy response from them saying "you were using cracked keys" but I sent them the Steam purchase details but they continued to claim I was a pirate and were trying to steal their games and that I got what I deserved. So, yeah, if it involves uPlay I'm not in. I did play a cracked copy of FC3 and Black Flag, and to be fair both were decent games (best ones in their franchises?) but every other title from them seems to be cut and paste - I don't feel I'm missing out. So, f**k me, long story even longer.. but bottom line, if uPlay is required from a Steam Ubisoft purchase then I'm not buying it.
  13. Oh, and while we are here, I suppose I better list the free games from Epic (seeing as "that's my thing" recently).. I'm not going to lie, it's not a particularly bountiful harvest this time round, with two smallish indie games. One is a set of mini games all tied together under one sort of meta plot about video game development. Maybe I'm being too harsh on this, but... well make up your own mind, maybe it'll float someone's boat... https://www.epicgames.com/store/en-US/product/3-out-of-10-ep-1/home The second one looks a standard by the numbers puzzle game, now it's hard to be too harsh on this as it isn't anywhere near as pretentious or annoying as the previous title, but it does just feel like someone's personal project that's made it to a full release. https://www.epicgames.com/store/en-US/product/wilmots-warehouse/home I know of a few people who would like this simply because whenever I play online games with them they spend more time organising their inventory or my storage than they do anything else. If inventory management is your thing I can see you getting some love out of this. Another title I've not played before so really can't say anything other than.. "it's free, so what have you got to lose".
  14. From second hand info, yes. A friend has a bit of a soft spot for early Assassin's Creed and got the first couple of games in the recent Steam sale. I asked if it needed uPlay too (because it used to) and he said he certainly doesn't have it installed and it never popped up when he kicked the game off from Steam. Whether it's still there in the background I couldn't say but it looks like it isn't. So take it as a soft "it's not needed".
  15. Yeah, I spotted that Q1 is being given away free. It's 20+ years old though. In fact to show you how old it is, it was the first game I played competitively online! Free is free, so I'm not knocking it. I'm guessing ID/Bethesda will have tweaked the game to run on Win10 - native windows support has always been a "thing" with Q1. If not could I recommend checking out the alternative rendering engines: https://www.quaddicted.com/quake/recommended_engines If you navigate back to the home page of that site you'll find all sorts of resources, including an absolute shit ton of player created maps, and an unending number of mods. On the flip side about launchers, EA and Ubisoft are now offering their titles up on Steam. Not sure if that means the end of Origin/uPlay but if you buy the title from Steam you don't need the EA/Ubi launcher too.
  16. While I've got some sympathy for St Johnstone as it's clear they had a game plan and training set up for the Aberdeen game, some of their fans seem to be over egging the pudding a bit. The way the season has started, there are a lot of fixtures fitted into August and they are still playing the same number of games as other teams, the only difference is they have a longer break this week, while others get it in a week's time.
  17. I'm a bit late but.. Humble are giving away a free copy of F1 2018. https://www.humblebundle.com/store/f1-2018-free-game It's available until roughly this time Monday. The 2018 version of the game is actually quite solid, and while it's obviously an outdated roster and car design there are a lot of mods out there. F1 2019 was essentially a reskin of 2018, albeit with slightly more aggressive AI, but if you get into it, there is a lot of game here you are getting for nowt. If you are still unsure, then have a watch of Aarvaa's (lengthy) playlist.
  18. I take it poaching Celtic's goalie is taken in the same terms that the binmen poach your rubbish every week.
  19. As in too early for a start or too early for the bench? Gerrard might use this game to allow Jones, Stewart, Murphy to get some game time and put them in the shop window. It's clear he'd be happy to ship these guys off the wage bill.
  20. Got to say I'm a little more worried about this than I was the other day. The addition of the two new strikers who will be keen to get on the pitch and stake a claim, the fact that Rangers never really put in a 'full shift' against Leverkusen and that Gerrard will no doubt give the "right, that's a line drawn under that, now focus on the real work" argument to motivate them. My hope is that our experienced defensive line will do enough to frustrate them in front of an empty stadium and that Alnwick has a point to prove at his former employers - even though they will have a 12th and 13th man in the officials - to keep the score down.
  21. Unconnected to my previous comment, and just in the round, it seems that that quite a few people have been really annoyed that the SG and Sturgeon have been seen in a positive light throughout this and are seeing an opportunity to fire in. That's politics, so you know, Johnson's clown-like shambling through this whole debacle has equally come into focus, and the SNP aren't perfect (no party ever is), but some of the jibes towards the SG can be seen for the transparent petty point scoring that it is.
  22. Breaking rules, arrogantly ignoring their privilege, yet you are spinning it that it's just fickle fate. Something that couldn't be avoided. You've said in other comments that the players should be punished in some form, but trying to use the "but other players have been fucking idiots, so ours shouldn't be judged too harshly" argument is giving them a free pass. It's a situation that could have been avoided, and it is entirely the fault of the players who failed to do so. Don't use "luck" as some sort of metric in that.
  23. Am I missing something here, because the website only seems to mention the St Johnstone game.
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