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Everything posted by Ric

  1. While I agree, I just think arbitration is set up in a way that isn't a zero-sum outcome. With that in mind I think compensation will be the result. I could, of course, be wildly out but that's my prediction anyway. On a side note, I notice JKB Meltdown is quoting that post you made there, or at least the final tagline from it. I'll be honest, I would have thought that the prize money was agreed on before the start of the season. I'm not disagreeing with you here, btw, I am sure you have far more visibility over the issue than I do.
  2. Ah, right, my apologies I see where you are coming from now. Where the cash comes from I suppose is a bit irrelevant to my initial post. I suppose you could say that the SPFL is "saving" money by not paying it out. I'm no SPFL financial expert so I can't tell you "where" that money goes should, in a normal season, it not be handed out (for example, when we beat United in the play-offs the other season). The nice thing would be for it to be budgeted every year and if it's not paid out fully then it goes to some grass roots development fund of some sort.
  3. Not sure what you mean by 11th place parachute payment, as neither Hearts or Partick are in 11th place. Going to arbitration seals the fact that they are 12th placed teams. They have been relegated, the argument now is over compensation. They've tried that before, and it just ended up with the decent Hearts fans on here telling them to bolt while the rest of us just laughed at them. It's not like we've not been drip fed a bunch of Moon howlers over the last couple of weeks. The result is akin to Ben Shapiro facing Andrew Neil, where poor Shapiro sounded a genius when snugly ensconced in his echo chamber, but when let into the wild he looked an absolute fool.
  4. I absolutely agree. Both are in an awkward position. On one side the SPFL have made a bit of a mess of this whole thing, on the other specifically Hearts have tried to play the "we are too big for this sort of shit to happen to us" card and the fanbase is now expecting something concrete. I suppose it's a little unfair to use JKB as a bellwether for their support, but if you do it's clear they are opting to open the Rangers playbook. Everything is a conspiracy, everything is broken, everything is intentionally set up to get them, all the while not reflecting on their own club's actions that had led up to this point.
  5. I didn't include the parachute payment, I understand why you'd mention it but I can't see the SPFL using that as "part payment" as that would just kick off more fighting. Like Jim Bowen would tell you, "you've got that, it's in the bank".
  6. Oh, I know. Perhaps a TL;DR;TL;DR of "Hearts threw money at something and got nothing for it" It's way too long, but thanks.
  7. I apologise, bit of a long one (oo-er), there's a 'TL;DR?' at the end. Outcomes of the court ruling: Said this all along, the best outcome Hearts can have is by going to arbitration. It will pretty much guarantee them and Thistle some form of compensation. I can understand why they are celebrating, even if many seem to be claiming this was what they wanted all along - which we all know is not correct. The "whurz the doxx" claim is equally misplaced, as these will be in private, not public, and what would have been required should they have requested arbitration in the first place. Arbitration is, we should remember, a legal implement. Of course, it's a bit of a pyrrhic victory considering (1) they have spent a good wad on their own lawyers, (2) they now have to pay part of the SPFL legal costs and (3) this is something they could have achieved for free without going to court. Can it go back to court? Sort of, depending on which one you mean. If Hearts/Thistle are unhappy with the outcome they can appeal to CAS, but they can only go back to the Scottish legal courts only if the mandated structure of arbitration is not followed correctly. You'd imagine the latter is unlikely to happen if only because of the scrutiny on the process. Are they likely to complain to CAS? Probably, because successful businesswoman has locked herself into a zero-sum death spiral where she cannot back out unless Hearts either reap a double figure million pound settlement or reinstatement back to the top league. Both clubs have already stated they have no confidence in a positive outcome from the process. Anyone going into arbitration with that attitude is not doing so as a balanced party looking for equable solution. Outcomes of arbitration: I've already said I think this is by far the best way for Hearts/Thistle to get a payment. Can the arbitration panel rule that the SFPL's actions were flawed or bias? Sure, of course it can, what they cannot do is enforce the reinstatement of Hearts into the Premiership. They can recommend that reconstruction talks take place (again) although I cannot see the appetite for a vote on restructuring the leagues, let alone a successful one. The argument that stymied the last (2nd) reconstruction was that it was simply too late for things to be introduced into the up coming season and I feel that, along with no doubt quite a lot of anger at Hearts/Thistle trying to force their hand for a 3rd time, will prevail again. That's if, of course, the arbitration panel, makes this recommendation. Could Hearts/Thistle go to court if the arbitration panel recommends another reconstruction vote and that vote fails? No. The arbitration panel doesn't have the remit to tell an organisation to hold and vote and for that vote to go in a specific way. If that was the case then it wouldn't be a vote. Ultimately if they did try and force through reconstruction through recommendation then any one of the shareholders could go to court themselves. How much can Hearts/Thistle be compensated? Honestly, I don't know. I don't think that any of us think the £10m claim made by Hearts is in any way realistic. Could it be more than £1m or so? Perhaps. Do they deserve it? IMO, no, but then it's not me on the panel. I believe there will be some level of sympathy for the position they are in and the panel will try and address that. Personally I feel a large(ish) payout will only make the Championship a hugely imbalanced league - if it wasn't already - but isn't really the issue here, it's a procedural one regarding the ending of one league, not the balance of another. TL;DR? In short Hearts/Thistle achieved what they could have got months ago by paying cash via legal representatives, will the outcome likely mean compensation for them? Yes, probably, will it be the amounts they want? No. Can it go back to the Scottish law courts? Extremely unlikely. Will it go onto CAS, probably, as signalled by both clubs already. Can arbitration force reconstruction/reinstatement/nullification of promotion? No. Can it recommend another reconstruction vote? Possibly, but again unlikely. Where are we now? Hearts/Thistle lost their case, they are relegated and will remain relegated and while this process is not over, the league cannot be stopped from going ahead - and Hearts/Thistle accept that now.
  8. English, while being the senior BBC Scotland football writer still manages to call Partick, Patrick. Now I get predictive text can catch people out, but again, I point out he is the senior BBC Scotland football writer and someone who really should be aware of how teams spell their name. Anyway, as for this tweet, he's trying to argue it's a draw, when really the analogy is that Hearts/ Partick lost where the game will be played but won the toss to decide which way they'd be shooting. Absolutely not an equivalent.
  9. I read one comment claiming "this is in no way a defeat, we only have to pay 50% of the SPFL's legal costs"
  10. We will get out of the relegation places -> They did not get out of the relegation places. We will beat St Mirren and get out of the bottom of the league -> They did not beat St Mirren and get off bottom spot The remaining games will be played at a later date -> The remaining games aren't to be played. The league won't be called -> The league was called. Hearts won't be relegated -> Hearts were relegated. Reconstruction #1 will happen -> Reconstruction #1 didn't happen Reconstruction #2 will happen -> Reconstruction #2 didn't happen The court will rule that the full case can go ahead -> The court didn't rule the case can go ahead. Any Hearts fan still arguing any point what so ever is effectively punch drunk after making so many bad predictions, all of which have failed to come to pass.
  11. Hearts have got the only result which will see them getting compensation, an arbitration panel, I can understand why they are celebrating.
  12. Hue is free on Epic. Worth getting but nothing challenging for any experienced platform/puzzle players. Interesting note, Conan Exiles was also due to be free but it got pulled just hours before - after being advertised for a week. Many people pissed, nobody really sure why it's been pulled. It might come back if that sort of thing is your bag.
  13. Funny that they were coaxed out from the sidelines after constant 'drive-by dotting' sessions only to be shown up as an absolute Moon howler, rightfully pilloried, and has returned to the shadows with their tail between their legs only to continue back where they were before. Still, it's as easy to updot every one of their downs. Just showing what an utter irrelevance they are.
  14. From my point of view: 1) Arbitration is the most likely way Hearts will get anything from this process. They really should be hoping for that, not a full court case. 2) If it does go to court there is no chance of an interdict to stop the league from being played. It's simply not within the courts remit to do so. They can rule that the SPFL acted unlawfully - of which there is no evidence of but in the unlikely event that happens it would result in Budge + Co suing for compensation. The court, however, cannot reverse the relegation or force reconstruction. 3) Again if it does go to court, Hearts will find themselves not only at the wrong end of some fairly hefty legal fees, but also a transfer embargo and possible expulsion from the leagues. As I say, (1) is the only exit strategy that gives them any hope of a "successful" outcome. It was utter folly for successful businesswoman Ann Budge to go down the route of legal action and forced upon her purely by her own hubris and condescension while trying to appease a fanbase which seems to have a very loose grasp of the actual realities facing them.
  15. Personally I'm liking the way a particular Budge apologist is jumping from Dundee vote, to it's unfair, to rules were broken, to sporting integrity, to we were going to catch everybody in the remaining games, back to the Dundee vote, to it's unfair, to rules were broken, to sporting integrity to we were going to catch everybody in the remaining games, back to the Dundee voted, to it's unfair, to ru... etc, etc.. Every time someone points out the failings of their point, they just jump to the next one arguing as if that point hadn't already been completely shot down several pages back.
  16. Oh, I don't know, I hear that we are losing lots of posters to forums on other boards, the added traffic from Premiership club posters could be the sort of impetus they need.
  17. You realise this was what Tom English described her as. If you are describing Tom English's chat as absolutely tragic, that is probably the only thing we agree on. Edit: I see I'm just repeating what MacArab has written.
  18. Is it just me or is it looking less and less likely MacKay will be given the job. That is going on the assumption that he's been interviewed and his opinions evaluated. If he was such a stand out candidate then he would have been appointed by now.
  19. I'm sure you're just setting them up for me Tam, because you know what my reply would be..
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