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Everything posted by Ric

  1. Don't worry they have promised not to do that again. Mind you, at the same time they shelved out a wedge of cash on Neilson, so you can make your own conclusions.
  2. We should all just be thankful that this coming season isn't a leap year, otherwise that would be another million added into the pot using successful businesswoman Ann Budge's patented "Deans-o-matic" calculator.
  3. Aye, right. So the argument being made there is that clubs if they are relegated should be compensated due to their size? Calm yourself. If they are stupid enough to have a big wage bill and running costs that are unsustainable in the lower league then they shouldn't play in a league setup that could result in them playing in a lower league.
  4. They should get f**k all. Hearts are already a rich club who will benefit from a considerable parachute payment. Partick were bankrolled by a multi-million pound lottery winner. These two clubs are complaining that somehow all the massive benefits they had in terms of club size and funding (relative to those around them in the league) were not enough and that something that has effected every club in the country should somehow result in a pay off specific to them? Aye, bolt, ya charlatans.
  5. Personally the best solution would be for it to squeak by enough to get to a full court hearing, then fail when it gets there. That way, no compensation and Hearts are left both with a hefty bill and at least a season in the Championship. If it goes to SFA arbitration the result of their relegation will be the same, but I can see Hearts getting some sort of tacit payoff to appease their seething masses. Successful businesswoman Ann Budge gets to walk away with the claim "it's not our fault, we tried everything but the system was against us, however through our perseverance and valiant efforts we did negotiate compensation"
  6. It sounds crazy to even ask "do you know about football", but you'd be surprised.
  7. Out of interest, is the judge a "good football person", or are they a fan of the egg chaser. It never ceases to amaze me how unconnected with the subject some judges can be. They might just swallow the points thing.
  8. When Queenie, ensconced within her golden palace, without a care in the world and every privilege the 'proles' do not, trotted out hints at the British Blitz spirit, it absolutely ripped my knitting. Lest me mention Sun back pages of WW2 slogans when "our cousins" down south play the Germans.
  9. I suppose it all depends on what formation we think Goodwin will play.
  10. Anyone trotting out WW1 or 2 analogies, whether it's Covid, Brexit of the fucking Seethelothians relegation is clearly someone who is a bit of a dick.
  11. Legal advisers don't necessarily advise on whether a case is winnable, just that there is a basis for the case to be made. They get paid whether it goes to court or not, the only way they don't get paid (edit: paid less) is if they say "Nope, absolutely no chance of going to court" which they're clearly not going to do. The ruling today is whether it's within the court's remit or whether this should go to arbitration. In many ways SFA/CAS arbitration would suit successful businesswoman Ann Budge because that has the most likely outcome of some compensation - certainly not the millions she's asking for mind. If the case does proceed from here, it is absolutely not in any way signalling that there is a likeliness of it winning, more that there is enough of a legal argument for it to do so. There are countless spurious cases that make it to court, ones which you would look at form the outset as having no chance, but the argument is there.
  12. The one plus side with non-league players is that they will be cheap and will have at least experienced "rough and ready" football. Whether they are any good at this level is of course the gamble. As pointed out, sometimes it can work out for you. Be interesting to know what "in talks" actually means. Their agents have spoken to Goodwin on the phone or maybe something more substantive.
  13. I've spent most of the day racking my brain to think of any other "connection" we've had with Gillingham. In the last 4 decades, Hodson is the only one I could think of.
  14. Nope, went right over my head. I understand that the lower leagues are forever arguing about whether this or that town is on this or that coast. With St Mirren being an established Premiership side that sort of banter is best left to the Dundee teams..
  15. Not sure what point you are trying to make, but you said Glasgow Centric. Hearts are not, and forgive the Capt Obvious here, in Glasgow.
  16. Considering his fawning sycophancy for successful businesswoman Ann Budge and her East Coast outfit, I'm not sure if that is really that true. He is painfully annoying though, regardless of his leanings.
  17. Look, guys, just split the difference and appoint Malky McLaren.
  18. That is a rotten sponsor logo on the Killie tops. Blue isn't really my favourite colour but the home and away ones looks clean and simple which I do like. Just a shame about that sponsor though, I get that Killie can only work with what they are given but it makes it look quite amateurish.
  19. Just think, "Steve, big game tomorrow, home debut and with some interesting signings made since you were appointed. There really is only one question to ask, what was it like picking Steven Gerrard to play for England?"
  20. Considering the other options, other than maybe Wright, and if McLaren does take the job, I think United have come out of this pretty damned well. He's a gamble, but then all managers are a gamble. He certainly can't be worse than Stubbs was for us.
  21. If he doesn't get ground down and spat out by the Scottish goldfish bowl media. You've seen what an absolute mess it's made of some managers who really should have been able to cope with it. What's more, have you seen the wreck Tom English has become just from covering it!
  22. Will he still be manager when Hearts win their court case and United are denied promotion?
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