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Everything posted by Ric

  1. Do you mean "intents and purposes". btw, that's a stinking selection of managers you are offering up there Ludo.
  2. Jinkies, shows a complete lack of belief in himself from Neilson. Imagine thinking he couldn't do the job in the Premiership and having to go to a club facing administration and a transfer embargo. As for the Arabs, it's a stinker losing the manager who promoted you, we did with Ross, albeit he went to a bigger team.
  3. Imagine someone stating the obvious getting you that worked up.
  4. Cannot see why on Earth Neilson would want to drop down a league, to a club teetering on the brink of administration and looking at a possible transfer embargo. Now so much a sideways move as a backwards jump.
  5. Aye, because St Liedown for the last 30 odd years didn't make you lot sound like a bunch of crying children? At least Heart of Seethelothian has a basis of fact, while successful businesswoman Ann Budge is what Tom English's called her. I heard Tommy boy is your biggest fan these days, so I can't see why you would be annoyed by that. Of course, if you find the patter rank, there is a solution for that. Go post in the forum designated for your team. I'll give you a hint, it's not this one.
  6. While I'm sure that's a typo, it's not any the worse for it, as non-prescience sums up VB quite well.
  7. St Liedown no more all hail the new kings..... Heart of Midliedown Heart of Seethelothain, please.
  8. The good old fashioned 'hidden hand' approach? Gotta love the classics... I believe he is a doctor, a gynaecologist that is.
  9. I have to say, I'm surprised that Rangers have been so quiet over the Heart of Seethelothian legal action. Knowing the way they operate, if there was a chance to claim Celtic shouldn't have been awarded the title (and thus 9iar) you'd think they'd take it. Successful businesswoman Ann Budge's cowardly avoidance of that clearly opens it up for comment.
  10. Could be, I don't think that anyone is disagreeing that (a) he's a decent player and that (b) he'd improve our current squad, I was more just wondering if the two of them were close at Motherwell.
  11. Makes sense, I heard there were a few Celtic fans in their squad.
  12. I've been saying this for a while. If these people are meant to represent the spectrum of views, and containing the 'great and the good' within Scottish football, why is it they are left going "we don't know why people are holding this view" when finding out why people are holding this view is easily found - either by talking directly to club representatives or but perusing forums such like this.
  13. You'll forgive me, I never bother with the prediction league, but what position did you finish in last time? As for latter part of your sentence, that just adds weight to my initial comment..
  14. So can't be fucked reading through pages of nonsense since I last posted on here, but I take it everyone is of the mindset that Heart of Seethelothian have shat the bed by not challenging Celtic's title win, despite them challenging others' right to be promoted for winning their leagues? I stupidly listened to some of Sportsound the other day and even dyed in the wool maroon flag waving numpties like English and McCann could argue the success of the legal action when it was laid out by Winnie. This despite these people saying it's a shoe-in that they will succeed before any legal papers were written.
  15. As i'm an expert on so many things, it's only natural something like this would be referred to me for my perusal. As for JT, considering the number of piss poor JKB dregs that have popped over here recently, with spouting countless absolutes that never came to fruition, he's hardly stood out as being a bad poster. In fact I've agreed with him that some of the comments about successful businesswoman Ann Budge have strayed into personal insult and misogyny when really she should be derided for her piss poor decisions alone. He'll be back, though, it's the mark of a good poster to return you know.
  16. As this has come out of left field a little, although to be fair I thought the Tait signing came a little out of left field too, were those two quite chummy last season? Not wishing to offer up a lazy correlation, but could Tait's move have had an influence on O'Hara's possible destination? Of course, it could be that Fry saw Tait going to us and is using us as easy leverage. I've not seen anyone claiming we haven't been in for him mind, which you might expect if there was absolutely nothing in it.
  17. Good to see you are not bothered. So not bothered you never even gave an answer to the OP's question. For me? Oh, I predict relegation for St Johnstone.
  18. Yeah, sure, out of all the things written on this thread that... that's the one that's made you cringe..
  19. I would have thought that would happen at the local chippy/kebab place, to avoid the bouncers at the club getting involved.. Maybe late night throwing out time has changed since my "formative years".
  20. This thread is like a club that's just shut the bar, it's 3am, the music's stopped, the lights have come up and all that's left are the drunkards with nowhere to go and those desperate for a pull. Nothing anyone says is going to get the music back on or open the bar again. I'll leave you to work out which one of you falls into which category. Me? I'm the one shouting, "Come on, you all have homes to go to, drink up and be on your way!", while cashing up.
  21. That was a massively flawed court judgement and certainly not one I would hold up as an acceptable outcome.
  22. You'll be looking for this... Don't worry, you won't be missed. As for the language, I doubt many would disagree with the description of successful businesswoman Ann Budge's actions being akin to a "condescending cünt". I would also wager there would be less argument about her hubris. Transfer embargo for bringing legal action against other clubs, there is precedent for this. Bankruptcy is a certain, that's why the inflated compensation claim. After a season of piss poor performances on the pitch, Heart of Seethelothian are continuing it by spending the summer having piss poor decisions off it.
  23. You've misspelled painfully tedious. Nice to see successful businesswoman Ann Budge being advised to throw litigation in all directions. Just shows how desperate they are at this stage. I reckon bankruptcy and transfer embargo for the up coming season. Just imagine what successful businesswoman Ann Budge could have achieved if she had actually not acted like a condescending c**t from the beginning and had bothered to work constructively. Still, hubris is the downfall of many, as it will be in this case too.
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