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Everything posted by Ric

  1. Was that the season the League Cup was curtailed for months due to a pandemic?
  2. Of course, but that is in a normal season, and seeing as this isn't a normal season to me it still feels like a vanity thing. I'd have the same opinion, and to answer your question, because it's not going to be the "same teams" competing in the final games as the ones that got there.
  3. You constantly complain about conjecture and assumption yet you post conjecture and assumption. Funny that.
  4. I pay little attention to it, my eyes tend to be focussed down the other end of the league.. If that is the case, then just call it. It seems to serve little point other than vanity. * and by call it, I don't mean declare a winner I mean null/void.
  5. I just don't see the point in playing the cup at all. What is the end game? Can't the European place that would normally go to the cup winner not be awarded to the next non-European qualifying team in the league? As a St Mirren fan I take little interest in how many places we have, but I presume as the champions league isn't made up of champions and that there is no longer a cup winners cup then it's irrelevant in many ways where our qualifiers are drawn from. I'm sure someone can clarify that for me.
  6. You agree the games haven't been played? Good, that's my first point one proven. To paraphrase Bon Jovi, 'we are half way there'. As for the second point, we are discussing the calling of the league which is a significantly different competition to the Cup. Personally I think they should just scrap the cup for this season too.
  7. 1) Have any games in the UK gone ahead so far? No. Which suggests getting them played before now is not a reasonable assumption. 2) Have most teams had to let go players (or players intentionally deciding to leave) due to their contracts expiring? Yes. Which suggests getting them played now is not a reasonable option. I hope that clears up any daft nonsense that we could have somehow finished the season. Calling it was the only option left, either null/void or promotion/relegation.
  8. Are we talking Hearts' approach to their failed attempts at keeping themselves in the top division? If so, I fully agree.
  9. Hearts fans: "Claiming we'll boycott them, are they? Well, we'll show him. Let's boycott them, lads"
  10. As was mine, as we all know it's not a boycott, it's an expulsion.
  11. That'll be it. In the same way Hearts will be boycotting the Premiership next season.
  12. It's a confusing thing, if successful businesswoman is so good at this sort of thing, why did she make such a rip roaring arse of keeping Hearts a top division team?
  13. While he certainly did well in that position, I honestly thought he was great in MF. That said, looking at the squad we are officially without a full back on either side just now but with quite a few midfielders. Albeit I think we all expect the captain to be given his jotters. Which is a shame, but in a squad that is considerably smaller and on a smaller budget I'm not sure there is still a place for him.
  14. I'm not remotely interested in such low brow humour. Obviously conjecture is only game in town just now. It's not that I don't take your point, but if it comes to fruition (and that is still to be seen) then I cannot see the SPFL and/or SFA or even the Scot Gov not somehow finding a way to at least keep the Championship going. Christ, maybe Saint Roy will splash the cash.
  15. I believe "money for nothing" (and the chicks for free) is the phrase I'm looking for. If Anderson is willing to pile in the cash for testing that is one less burden your club needs to deal with.
  16. The whole bribe thing has been blown out of the water, imo. Tell you what though, whether it covers all the costs or not, it's still a pretty good deal all things considered. If it comes to pass of course, as according to some Hearts fans the unmasking of the masked provider will scare him off.
  17. Yeah, just playing, you've been generally pretty reasonable through all this TC. I shouldn't really be so nippy with your comments as I am with some others.
  18. She's been pretty scathing about lower league clubs, and consistently so over many years so forgive me if I don't really buy into this Damascene Conversion theory.
  19. If he stayed anonymous then how do you know he was putting millions into Hearts?
  20. Come now, let's nip this in the bud. The only person claiming successful businesswoman Ann Budge is responsible for Anderson punting in millions is successful businesswoman Ann Budge herself and she clearly did it as some attempt to leverage favour for her club. When she was called out on that little petty bluff it immediately became clear the offer was unconditional. The only person who should be thanked is successful businessman James Anderson.
  21. Come now, successful businesswoman Ann Budge was quite clear that you Hearts fans should show respect to the man, and that she is very sad at his departure.
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