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Everything posted by Ric

  1. There is a piece on the BBC about it. Interestingly the only team to do so was us, last year, albeit the gap between us and Dundee (who we overtook) was smaller than the gap between you and Hamilton, and in that instance our form at the time was better than yours and we weren't chasing a ridiculously slippery Hamilton.
  2. For me to answer that I would need to see the league structure, with the proposed promotion/playoff/relegation spots, for both the initial reconstructed leagues then what would happen to them after the leagues are "re-aligned". Because it seems that you are only dealing with the top division in isolation here.
  3. Because you seem to ignore that temporary reconstruction makes it difficult for every team barring the top 6 or 7 teams in the country. What is more "fair"? Relegating a team that was at the bottom of the league when it finished or altering the promotion/relegation of every league when the temporary period finishes?
  4. Some of the nonsense posted on here from some Hearts fans is hilarious. Luckily there are some decent Hearts fans which balance it out, Tony and DC should probably stick the myopic crowd on JKB though.
  5. It's really not hard to grasp. I guess you are just too blinkered about your own club to realise it.
  6. Not for one year it wouldn't. This is a mutually exclusive situation.
  7. So the "reconstruction is for the benefit of all Scottish football" is out of the window now and it's now a "this is purely to save Hearts", case. Well at least you are honest, it's a shame SBW Ann Budge wasn't as transparent as you.
  8. So you don't care about the other teams who will be relegated next season to re-align the league structure then?
  9. Interestingly not a single mention of "successful" or "businesswoman" in that article. Looks like McLauchlin is going off script.
  10. Perhaps SBW Ann Budge thinks that her team should be considered a Premiership team for the basis of this reconstruction, even though they are not.
  11. "Monday at earlier" .. .. clearly nobody proof reads BBC content. As for it being a one season temporary, that's the antithesis of it being for the benefit of Scottish football and absolutely all about SBW Ann Budge trying to save her club rather than accept the abject failure she has presided over.
  12. So... is SBW Ann Budge taking a metaphorical leaf out of Rangers' book and delaying the release of her "reconstruction dossier"?
  13. You know what would be a hoot? The vote for reconstruction happens but the SPFL say it can't be implemented immediately and can only be put into place for the 21/22 season.
  14. From the little I've seen of Gogic, he's always been fairly solid. When you consider what we have in the squad just now and what is likely to be available (due to the 'rona and people unlikely to relocate) I feel he'd bring experience without too high a price tag.
  15. Civ 6 is the next game on the free Epic Games bandwagon. With GTA5 last week, that's a couple of cracking games to give away for nowt. https://www.epicgames.com/store/en-US/free-games You are right, but there is a bit of a caveat to this. The game must be priced (after any discount) at £14.99 or higher. I was tempted to pick up Witcher GOTY for £0.49 (it's priced on sale at £10.49) when I discovered the small print.
  16. He's full of shit and if it wasn't for Only an Excuse he'd have been an utter nobody in Scotland. He's had his moments but they've been rare, and getting rarer. The one benefit is that he's not a bitter ranting nutter conspiracy type, more the rambling pointless comment one, which at least means you can ignore him rather than get annoyed by him. It's fair to say that the pool of available "pundits" within Scottish media, he's not the worst but that's damning with faint praise.
  17. He claims he was a Hearts fan as a youngster. I don't think he's ever claimed to be a Rangers fan but his reporting would suggest so.
  18. It's been a massive let down it has to be said.
  19. From what I believe, yes, they specify 4 OF games, although there are other caveats too.
  20. Thought it might be one of those "journo perks". Do you think the Irish indy spoke to him direct or just took the piece from his comments on Sportsound? Which, if you missed it, is the first 20 minutes of this.. https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p08dftwv
  21. Any chance you could post some of the details, it's behind a paywall.
  22. You forgot to log out of your alias account.
  23. Funny how Foulkes jumps into action within hours when his beloved football team is relegated, yet sits on his hands while his party tries to kick the can down the road on the Islamaphobic complaint raised by Humza Yousef 2 years ago. Two years where Foulkes has said (pun intended) SFA. Clearly George cares about some things more than others. p***k of a man.
  24. Bit disappointed with this one season chat. They'll clearly get 4.
  25. Talking of age, I'm surprised Cooke is so old I honestly thought he was 3 or 4 years younger. McAllister on the other hand I thought was 2 or 3 years older!
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