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Everything posted by Ric

  1. All 20k of them, he's been covering for me for years! That's the thing with the St Mirren mafia.
  2. It used to be in the 20k mark until Div purged tons of my "top quality" material.. Edit: sorry this is nonsense. The number of posts used to be up in the 20k.
  3. That's a very fair point. My Popescu comment was a little tongue in cheek, but as @FTOF says he was a regular with Bucharest anyway. I listened to Goody on Sportsound today and he mentioned we have 12 players contracted for the coming season (whenever that happens) I presume that's senior players. I honestly don't know but I'm guessing we'll be moving some up from the youth ranks to fill in some of the gaps as well as looking to get more on board. Any idea how Erhahon did down at Barnsley? Checking their website, it doesn't look like he got any game time.
  4. I'd be tempted with a pay for play deal with Flynn. I think many people remember him from being a winger years ago and when he rocked up at Greenhill Road I think many still expected that of him, but after seeing him put in a shift in midfield and covering so ably at full back I think he's earned the right to play. All depends on his mentality and fitness. That said, that's the same for any player. @djchapsticks Any idea what sort of wages Famewo was/is on? I wouldn't want to put all our eggs into one basket but for me he'd be worth seeing if a return was possible. Wonder what Popescu is up to these days..
  5. No mention of stewed fruit or coloured circles though, so I count that as a draw.
  6. I was back posting though, so f**k knows what was going on there. I would count that more of a drunken dummy spit, but hey ho, hoisted by my own petard. It's fair to say I am not the person I was a decade ago.
  7. Honestly? No, no I don't. Where or when was that from?
  8. I doubt I'll be changing in a hour when I've been saying the same thing as I have been for over a decade, which is... Earlier: Now:
  9. That's a fun read. I liked HJ. He certainly knew his stuff. Again though, just another example of people claiming I'd done something based on other people claiming I'd done something rather than actually posting the thing I was supposed to have done. Who would have thought that over a decade later this same sorry cycle would repeat itself...
  10. Don't worry, no wobbling here. The "you resigned because of some spurious argument over stewed fruit" is a definite no because that is crazy talk. The "you deleted a post because you were drunk" is certainly a possibility, albeit a very slight one.
  11. I await with baited breath. edit: ..and I mean that sincerely, as you seem quite determined but for the life of me I honestly cannot remember ever doing anything of the sort.
  12. it's true. Same for those cakes with a big strawberry in the middle. Fresh fruit, lovely. Cooked fruit? Nah, not for me, vicar.
  13. Because it's brilliant. It means there is absolutely no way to disprove the nonsense claim. Checkmate. I tip my hat to you. I should be flattered really.
  14. Yeah, I appreciate that, we'd need to do some sort of deal. Not sure how well he did at Morton. Some posters seemed to like him, some didn't but I didn't follow it his time down there that closely.
  15. Disgusting stuff. Tell you something that will rustle your jimmies more... I hate apple pie too. Not enough to somehow quit posting on a football forum for mind, because that's a mental suggestion, but definitely a no-no.
  16. Baird played a lot better when next to McKenzie, I'm not sure he is a first team starter but not a bad player to have around. If it's a money thing, or just that Goodwin doesn't fancy him then are we as well just letting him go?
  17. Of course you'd be willing to point to me doing that? Because that's just nonsense.
  18. Completely agree and I really don't know what triggered him in the first place..
  19. Yeah, I think if we dropped a division then maybe McGinn and Mullen would be an option but I don't now the sorts of deals they are on. Bit of a shame for Mullen as I always felt he was a useful backup. Flynn is an interesting one. He really came onto a game under Goodwin and even did well at RB once (the other) McGinn moved to Hibs. The worry is whether he'll come back as good after such a long layoff. Not sure if he'll get many offers else where though so maybe we can get a pay for play deal going, at least for the first 6 months. I still sort of hope that Cooke might show something but really not sure about that. I could see Goodwin aiming to bring Hodson back. He's always been dependable and seemed to enjoy his time at the club plus is quite versatile. Thought the game time given to Famewo may convince Norwich to give him at least another 6 months with us. Any idea about Baird? I presume he's coming back.
  20. Wait? Coloured circles? It's no secret that I don't like stewed fruit, things like rhubarb pie are disgusting, but it's hardly something to get worked up about. Looks like your memory is really bad.
  21. Why not post actual proof? Would that be because there is no truth in the matter? Yeah thought that. Out of interest, as you spent 3 replies complaining about the thread, why are you complaining I removed it?
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