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Everything posted by Ric

  1. If I could be arsed I'd photoshop the relevant teams into this, but seeing as we all know what it's referring to I'll save myself the bother and just post the unedited YouTube version..
  2. I actually think you are both right. Parachute payments are needed because of the gulf of finances between the two leagues, so for a club going down it's a big hit (trust me, my club has seen enough of it), but they also provide an advantage to teams who have failed over those they will be competing with. Ultimately the solution is to make it a far smaller gap in finances between the two leagues, that way you can remove the parachute payments and, at the same time, provide a more level playing field for all clubs in that lower division. Some, not all. Hearts are there through their own failings despite having massive benefits over the teams around them. Their position is based on utter negligence not through "luck".
  3. Ironic considering you decided to question someone pointing out the legal position, then doubled down when the evidence proved your erroneous position.
  4. You need to tick the Multiple choice question? option. Plus your poll doesn't include Celtic, as the OF together have been making Scottish football look bad and damaging other teams.
  5. I'd suggest spell checking your poll, while expanding it and allowing multiple selections.
  6. You have to admire that there is not a hint of irony in that post.
  7. If you wish the flip side, I felt English's interview with Budge was just as lacking in bite.
  8. I wish Young had said, "no, I don't believe that would be the case" because we all know that.
  9. If it's any consolation I found myself agreeing with Donald Findlay the other week which, trust me is not something I expected to be doing some months ago.
  10. f**k me, English is painful. He started out, years ago, as being fairly objective and even handed but the goldfish bowl of Scottish football has ruined the man.
  11. Not much, other than he's said.. "mistakes were made but not the ones highlighted by Rangers" "if anyone has been bullied they should report it, no formal report has been made"
  12. Now that is something we can both agree on. She must have realised, if she is such the successful business woman, that consensus was needed to get her club out of the hole she's put them into. Trying to put forward a temporary reconstruction that only benefits Hearts, bleating about how much cash it's going to cost and effectively making the "we're too big to go down" has only set everyone's teeth on edge. "You catch more flies with honey than you do vinegar."
  13. Go on... ..are you accepting that Budge has said nothing about reconstruction until now? ..are you accepting that Budge actively suggested reducing the number of professional teams, not increasing them? Oh, you are? Well at least we agree on something.
  14. Because there is no normal. And the Hibs.net point, which I've not fully read only what you've posted here, is a pretty valid point. If Budge had said a single word about league reconstruction before now, then maybe she'd have a leg to stand on, what's more she was an advocate of reducing the league structure not increasing it. So forgive me if I see through her crocodile tears. Trust me, after experiencing years of petty bullshit from some Hearts fans, if St Mirren were in the bottom spot now there wouldn't be a single hint of contrition or support. It would all be about "rightful justice for 86" and all that bullshit. The whole "it's going to cost us £3m" is just grist to the mill of those who think Budge has been an utter dick about this whole thing.
  15. Bottom line is Budge can whine all she likes about reconstruction being dingied, but she was the one putting forward an utterly rotten reconstruction "solution" that really only benefited her club. How can she be so myopic to not realise that..
  16. So Budge is claiming it's disrespectful for clubs to relegate the team in bottom spot. That said, respect seemed to be furthest from discussion when she claimed that there are too many professional clubs in Scotland and that "we should be looking to half that number". Funny how respect is only relevant when it's one way.
  17. "No club should suffer this fate.." Drama queen bullshit forum for that nonsense. They make it sound like their club wasn't literally playing in that division 5 (6?) years ago.
  18. He's just the tannoy announcer, and if ours is anything to go by then spouting impassioned nonsense is the key criteria for the job.
  19. Well this definitely deserves a separate thread.
  20. Oh, Jesus, it was. Allow me to summarise that interview in picture form.
  21. Leslie Deans is a really short man, btw, does that come across by any chance? Also, when Mikey Stewart rips apart the argument a man who claims to have 40 years worth of legal experience you can guess that those 40 years were not spent in court. Tom English getting a reach around simply because he's been made to look stupid on this already and desperately needs the backup.
  22. Oof, "cabal", "natural justice", Deans is hitting greeting old c**t bingo.
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