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Everything posted by Ric

  1. At least he looks like he's having fun during lockdown. Bit scatter gun with the tunes though. Might be best to drop Blurred Lines, mind.
  2. Anyone got an idea of what the new strips will be like? I'll not like, I wasn't keen on this season's number. It wasn't JD Sports terrible, but it wasn't great.
  3. I'm surprised there are any straws left considering how hard you've been clinging onto them.
  4. "The Austrian says he'd add an extra 2,000 supporters to the McDiarmid Park gates if he was given the job." I admire his chutzpah, but considering Wright has had you about as successful as you could hope to be how does he aim to do that?
  5. I would hope that my club, and several others, will vote against any temporary nonsense. That said I think that ship has sailed and it's now more permanent and the argument is over the number of teams in the structure. I am wary of reconstruction being forced through because of the "pram emptied, toys everywhere" approach of some clubs, but I am still favour a bigger league and it's unlikely to happen any other way. The more I think of the 14/14/14(16) options, though, the more I think that the lowest of those should in some way be regionalised (and presumably expanded to suit). Considering clubs will be taking a hammering financially I can't see Stranraer vs Peterhead, for example, being viable now - and you could argue it wasn't before.
  6. Although... The 15-strong reconstruction group met on Monday and the 14-14-16 option will be discussed by top-flight clubs on Thursday to see if there is enough support for it. BBC Scotland has learned the plan would only be formally recommended as the preferred option to all 42 clubs if it is clear there is enough support for the proposal at all levels of the game. Just to clarify, they will discuss the possibility of the possibility of putting the idea forward as a possibility. Great. At least we all know where we stand now. Source: https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/52545305
  7. Indeed, Tam. If someone is that bothered about knowing our opinion, they should spend time posting in here rather than just create an account and expect us to jump to it.
  8. You say that like this isn't Scottish football we're talking about.
  9. I can see them calling the league then arguing for another 2 months about reconstruction because as it is I'm not sure there are the numbers to support it.
  10. All depends on whether you are working with the etymological or the de-facto meaning. For example, in the political spectrum, lobbying has far more connotations to it than simply advising or recommending. That's why I have a concern that the word is being used. Yeah, as I said, that's what is going to happen. The SPFL will say that's fine, Rangers will say that's bullying and as Del Amitri once sang .. "Nothing ever happens, nothing happens at all. The needle returns to the start of the song and we all sing along like before..."
  11. Again, lobbying is not the same as advising. If you want I can point you to where I've discussed this before. In short I have no issue with the SPFL either advising or even recommending, that isn't lobbying though.
  12. It was MacLennan that said it (I think, honestly can't remember) but the choice of word is interesting to me. Advising, fine, lobbying is something different. I've already had quite a long exchange about this with someone else so don't really fancy repeating it, but to me lobbying goes well beyond advising.
  13. That's how I read it. I'm still uneasy at the SPFL calling it "lobbying" because to me that word has connotations, however if there is any club that can start a fight in an empty room it's Rangers.
  14. I spent longer than I should trying to work out this anagram.
  15. You could counter that with both Ross and Goodwin, albeit we were not in the Premiership when Ross was with us. He's certainly not out of his depth at Hibs though.
  16. On the flip side, why pay a manager when there is no need to. I'd be stunned if you lot make a quick appointment. In many ways, Wright leaving you at this time is the best timing you could have. Obvs the world is going to shit, but just in terms of breathing space and avoiding paying wages you don't need to, it's "ideal".
  17. With a litany of c***s on offer, just who am I meant to root for? The only people who have come out of this without looking like utter shitehawks are those who have said nothing.
  18. Mikey Stewart: "I'd just like to praise Doncaster" Also Mikey Stewart: "Here is a list of why Doncaster is a c*nt"
  19. Not the to sort you'd expect though, and that's the perennial problem with all provincial clubs when they have cup success not just St Johnstone.
  20. Deary me, clearly this whole covid thing is getting to you.
  21. For some reason you have an absolute stiffy for me. Not sure why, but..
  22. I really don't see why you are upset at that comment. Your chairman has said it, your manager alluded to it and it's clear Covid is not going to help the finances. If you wish to take umbrage at an entire fan base because one of them pointed out what is public knowledge then that says far more about you than anything.
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