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Everything posted by Ric

  1. "Keep your feet on the ground but reaching for the stars"
  2. Glad to see a new one, for years all we had was some mental list that had Morton above us in terms of success. Edit: Oh, and this of course....
  3. Wasn't that my point and you are stealing it for virtue signalling brownie points? I'm sure there is an Irish joke to be made there
  4. Yeah, sorry, I'll wind my neck in now.. The thing with Budge though is that it seems there is a route that could benefit more than just her club, and it wouldn't be detrimental, but she seems to still be pushing for the thing that only suits her and her club in the short term. It's another argument, but what suits Hearts alone may not suit Scottish football, and to use the terrible "no man is an island" quote, could then mean she is not pursuing what is best for her club in the long term.
  5. I think you are right to an extent but it's not the destination you floated. Both of them have a final destination that is purely wrapped up in their own legacy. Shareholders and staff (in that order) are the least of their concerns. Forgive my cynicism, but anyone suggesting Branson is doing anything other than being an utter c**t has clearly not followed Branson's actions over the years. He's also anti-Scottish independence, which while irrelevant, is particularly annoying as it goes against almost everything he espoused in his "I got fucking rich look at fucking me" book. Edit: You may have figured I have little time for the man.
  6. Is Budge going to offer up a shit stained olive branch as collateral in an attempt to get tax payers money to save a business she controls from a tax haven? Budge is transparent, but Branson is so fucking tone deaf it's incredible.
  7. Would they not see it as a slippery slope? Just feels like something they would put an immediate stop to. That said, you are spot on about "current circumstances", and in many ways if they did put a block on it there may be a hit from subscribers cancelling. You know what a social media campaign is like once it gets going. All in all, is the slice of pie that's Scottish football all that important to them. I'd wager so long as they got OF derbies they would throw the rest out like pennies at a scramble (I'm showing my age!)
  8. Got to say, for me, that is a terrible idea. It increases car use when it's not necessary - with all the negatives that brings - and for me personally it would feel like listening to a party going on next door. I can see why they would suggest it, and I understand it's preferable to lots of people being in close proximity, but I have to say I would never take advantage of that.
  9. While I feel there is some merit in this, I feel the broadcasters would dingy this idea in a heartbeat: "If people want to watch live football they can do it on our platform"
  10. I get why people like the split, I was against it, I'm less so now seeing as it seems to be OK, but the idea of a team in 7th getting more points than the one in 6th absolutely rustles my jimmies. Yes, I know why, still doesn't stop me grinding my teeth about it.
  11. Considering the Guardian gives scant time to Scottish football, I've seen it cover non British cricket matches over important Scottish games. They really can do one. I like the Guardian's politics, but their sport is as if England is all there is.
  12. I shouldn't have, but I had a quick look at that Kickback link. Imagine blaming a team you weren't playing for your loss against a team you were, while forgetting you were pumped by that first team earlier in the season. Not just that, but to hold onto that bitterness for nigh on 40 years? I know single club forums bring out the worst in supporters, but it's hilarious. They need to take a less from Frozen.
  13. ...and to think we were praising Goodwin for signing up all those players on long term contracts!
  14. Has this been posted in here? Coronavirus: Uefa update due on Tuesday on plans to finish season https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/52353856 Apologies if it has.
  15. The problem with set time limits is that it doesn't work, as set terms for the parliament shows. I think Budge would happily accept a one year reconstruction because it retains her legacy and she can hand over the reigns to someone else and not care.
  16. I mean you're right, I was more meaning across the country the out and out flouting of the rules doesn't see to be happening. Thankfully no Trump-esque loons to deal with though. That's not to say I haven't no met a few conspiracy theorists online though. Many of them, ironically, wearing masks while pointing out it's all a massive con job so the government can control us.
  17. I'd be surprised that isn't a very tiny minority of people. From what I've seen around my area there seems to be a level of slight bending of the rules in regard to leaving your house but not house parties.
  18. If anything he was replying to me who had mentioned it. While you are correct, these sorts of viruses change over time, which is why you get an annual flu jab and not one that covers you for life (like MMR, for example - although that in itself also needs a booster over time). The point is, with it being endemic within society a vaccine is still needed.
  19. I believe it is also the reason certain clubs have such a low attendance. Clever thinking ahead! Thanks Sherlock..
  20. Yeah, you are right, I should refer to the source. The gov are clearly in a difficult position (both sides of the border) as they are going to need to start reducing the restrictions but they have to be careful not to second spike it. Plus if you say in 3 weeks time we will no longer have restrictions on us leaving our houses, that can sometimes be taken as carte blanche for all out parties in the local parks. I don't blame them for being a touch ambiguous, not least because we just don't know how far away a nation wide testing service or a vaccine is. On the flip side I can completely understand why people are desperate for some clarity and exact dates.
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