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Everything posted by Ric

  1. Can you imagine the bun fights and caterwauling should reconstruction talks last longer than a month? Not that the recriminations, regardless of outcome, won't continue on for much longer than that.
  2. I guess that passes as a "Aye, fair enough, you've got a point" from you. I'm more than happy to throw out a bit of cherry picked data "for the lulz" but when caught I at least hold my hands up to it! To be fair, I was only picking you up on the 15 year claim. As you've only been in the division for the last 10, the last 5 years seems an entirely sensible division of that to take into consideration.
  3. 1) Yeah, I mean we could maybe get the cup games done, but only under very specific circumstances, but for the league I'd say it's a bogey. 2) Tough one about next season, I can see the start date pushed back but dingy'ed completely? Not sure. A reduced half season with no away fans and only a very select number explicitly distanced home fans unable to buy pies or bovril? It's doable. Not sure it would be that much fun. 3) IMO, too many cooks are the problem. We have "hidden hand" influences of the broadcasters, we have narrow self interest from some clubs, we have other clubs who simply want a fight no matter what all governed by a body that hasn't really shown leadership.
  4. It seems that the sporting bodies are walking a fine line between following advice (and/or legalisation) put forward by actual experts and sucking the corporate cock of their broadcasting paymasters. I've said from the very start of this, that it's daft to suggest the season is played out. Those, perhaps with less of an overview of how pandemics work, seem to be clinging on to hope.
  5. I would suggest the same for Aberdeen, although I'll leave that up to decide whether that is a compliment or not.
  6. So, just to confirm, you were incorrect about the 15 year figure, and when the last 5 years were put to you, you've desperately try to twist it to the last 2 plus an unfinished league in order to grasp at a straw that is just out of your reach? Aye, whatever. You need to admit when you've been feeding a line you know.. Going by your logic, we are on an equally meteoric rise.
  7. I see no "you know Ric, you are right, I over stated the case".. As for upward trajectory, if you count the last 5 years it most definitely is not.
  8. 15? You were in the championship (first division as it was) a decade ago, and in that intervening time you've finished top 6 just over half that time. St Johnstone have certainly "punched above their weight" and should be applauded for doing so, but let's not over egg this pudding.
  9. With this virus malarkey who knows, me ol' mucker.. who knows?
  10. That really says more about you than it does about us to be fair.
  11. You know what would be interesting is to sting Cormack with the offer of the same money as 3rd position (the only possible improvement they can have) and a promise of a European slot (say at the expense of the Scottish Cup position - as might be delayed until after Euro qualifying had started) and to do this in a Fake Sheik style manner. I'm betting he'd bite that hand right off you and be happy to go back on his current comments. I could be wrong of course, but that's how I feel it would go down.
  12. UEFA have no jurisdiction here. The are a private body dealing with private companies. As there is currently a travel ban within the UK UEFA can make any declarations they want but they are totally meaningless. CAS would throw out any punishment UEFA decided to throw at a club adhering to the laws of the land.
  13. Nah, we'll be saved by Celtic, after all they owe us one.
  14. As I say, Hearts certainly beat us in administrations. So you've got that to hold onto!
  15. For the benefit of St Mirren fans you should probably expand on what European Football is. Sorry, I just hit FS's quote. The forum took both. Liar. Sorry, you are right.
  16. For the benefit of St Mirren fans you should probably expand on what European Football is. Technically you've only gone one round further than us, and that was once.
  17. Number of times St Mirren have gone into administration because they've taken tough decisions to bring in cash? Oh, that would be zero. Plus this:
  18. "Keep your feet on the ground but reaching for the stars"
  19. Glad to see a new one, for years all we had was some mental list that had Morton above us in terms of success. Edit: Oh, and this of course....
  20. Wasn't that my point and you are stealing it for virtue signalling brownie points? I'm sure there is an Irish joke to be made there
  21. Yeah, sorry, I'll wind my neck in now.. The thing with Budge though is that it seems there is a route that could benefit more than just her club, and it wouldn't be detrimental, but she seems to still be pushing for the thing that only suits her and her club in the short term. It's another argument, but what suits Hearts alone may not suit Scottish football, and to use the terrible "no man is an island" quote, could then mean she is not pursuing what is best for her club in the long term.
  22. I think you are right to an extent but it's not the destination you floated. Both of them have a final destination that is purely wrapped up in their own legacy. Shareholders and staff (in that order) are the least of their concerns. Forgive my cynicism, but anyone suggesting Branson is doing anything other than being an utter c**t has clearly not followed Branson's actions over the years. He's also anti-Scottish independence, which while irrelevant, is particularly annoying as it goes against almost everything he espoused in his "I got fucking rich look at fucking me" book. Edit: You may have figured I have little time for the man.
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