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Everything posted by Ric

  1. So if we are going there, and we weren't, that is definitely not how Shakespeare would have said it. However, rather than spend 10 terminally dull minutes explaining as to why allow me to provide an actual quote: "The common curse of mankind, folly and ignorance, be thine in great revenue!" Which if anyone is interested (and I know they aren't) this is from Troilus and Cressida, although I can't remember which act (again, not that anyone cares).
  2. I mean... er... sure... it's not like those two "worked together" before that...
  3. I agree that 4 times a season is dull and repetitive. However, that in itself should never be conflated with the caterwauling coming from Gorgie that the league structure needs to change to benefit their current situation. Budge doesn't give a f**k about 4 times a season as it means more OF games and more Edinburgh derbies and she's actively argued for less clubs in the Scottish setup.
  4. But... but... So... as I had better things to do yesterday and didn't follow the radio, have we reached a stage where Budge has put forward a 12 team league where all the team names that start with "H" and end in "eart of Midlothain" are stopped from relegation for the next decade? Does Budge tweet btw, because I feel she would be up along with Trump in terms of unhinged.
  5. Here's a thought, has Budge been putting forward such a toxic suggestion in order for a watered down one to be met with more approval?
  6. f**k me, I'm not going to like it but have a green dot. Good. You'd hope at least 2 teams would dingy her nonsense.
  7. What is the requirement to get any vote passed? Or are we working on new rules? I'd sincerely hope that my club would tell them to bolt if it came to just a temp reconstruction.
  8. Is there any point in listening to Budge's interview. English can be a bit too earnest at times but I'd hope he'd rip her argument to shreds, however I'm not sure if I want to listen to 20 minutes (or whatever) of him metaphorically sitting on his hands. Well said, the whole "they park the bus and are so negative" is a laughable accusation coming from fans who cheered on Walter Smith's team in Europe. They would use things like determined. honest and compact when playing the elites of Europe, yet come up against a well drilled "provincial" side and suddenly it's all about being negative, fear of getting beaten and lacking in class. Stunning myopia.
  9. Thanks, it's obviously an easy and very photogenic thing to throw at us. I can totally see how it looks and to be honest if it wasn't us I'd use it as banter too! It's a frustrating thing having to be in a position where we "need" to do this (although I think it was also a favour because they were stuck unable to use Parkhead, I'd need to check back on that). Wouldn't it be lovely if the funding for all clubs was enough so we could concentrate on our own shit?
  10. Now, you see that is the obvious image response, and fair play for going to the obvious. However seeing as I don't have one, I'd suggest I can. The club being used by one of the the OF is unpalatable, but it all went into the coffers to keep us going, because you know.. administration is a tough gig as I'm sure you will appreciate. Thing is it's not unique to us, all the clubs in and around Glasgow have had one of the OF use them, whether it's youth, reserves or whatever.
  11. Nor in Gorgie either it would seem. I had the "" after it, I thought you'd see it was intended as tongue in cheek. Carry on though...
  12. You mean throwing the same accusation that has been thrown at me? Oh, I know, that's just not acceptable right?
  13. I would perhaps have someone like Thompson or Money, but those guys are clouded by history for me, and I find it difficult to really judge them objectively. Hladky, while only a fairly short tenure of 2 seasons, has possibly put himself into contention. As for worst? Heh.. the list can go on forever and I really don't know. I seem to remember Bullock (spelling?) who, if memory serves me well - and it rarely does, asked to be subbed at half time because he wasn't in the right frame of mind. I'm sure other buddies could correct me on that one.
  14. Please, some wag with photoshop put together an image of budge in one of those Mexican wrestling masks.
  15. It's certainly a point worth discussing, but that seems like riding two horses. If reconstruction was to happen, then surely that would extend to ensuring there isn't such a cliff edge. You can't look at the current setup and say that's definitely how it would be under the new one. That said, it is Scottish football of course, so will tend to focus on the slightly myopic top league concerns and ignore the "tail of the snake".
  16. it's almost.. and bear with me here.. like she is doing this entirely out of self interest and that she's lacking any objectivity or mental fortitude. It clearly underlines why it was such a "good idea" to appoint her head of a taskforce.
  17. Problem with attendances is they are massively shifted due to the OF. I don't think the Eredivisie (and I'd need to check) have such a disparity of say, 60,000 fans and maybe 2500 a the other end of the scale. I could be wildly off with that, they might very well do.
  18. Don't worry, I'm sure some Hearts fans will be going, "see I told you, 1986 and all that, look how he's defending his big team" Truth is, if Celtic had been doing what Rangers were doing, I'd have exactly the same opinion.
  19. I'm more than happy not hearing from them because they aren't sounding like a child that's dropped their ice lolly. Have you heard from Hibs, Livi, St Mirren Aberdeen or others? Not much more than let's see how this goes through. The less I hear from the OF the happier I am. On the flip side we have Rangers with "pram emptied, toys everywhere" approach. The "werz the kafflics" premise, which is what your initial post sounds like, is just adding more pointless bullshit. More so because you feel you need a special thread all to yourself just to discuss their "unbelievable silence"
  20. And the Belgians, in fact I think the Jupiter (?) league is even crazier or it used to be.
  21. Thing is, I reckon while we'd be disappointed, and no doubt try and aim for some compensation but we wouldn't be doing what Budge is.
  22. What about the schnech? Is wee Robo not chomping at the bit to have a go at the accies?
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