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Everything posted by Ric

  1. Well I mean I don't want to be too harsh on them, they clearly see the benefit of their position, but if it was a no before then just say no now, if it was a no and they wish to change then just say yes now.
  2. Dundee really should "shit or get off the pan" There are not, and never have been, the bellwether for Scottish football.
  3. "Y so serious" I was just joshing. You've been quick to point out my "loose language" in the past. Just returning the favour.. Although I am tempted to green dot you for such a condescending first sentence. It really is a work of art.
  4. That's what a correlation is as Inverness and Rangers don't really fit into that claim.
  5. I mean far be it for me to point out this correlation, but it's interesting that the two teams who are shouting the most were the ones who had massive benefits in comparison to the teams around them (fanbase, funding, stadium, squad sizes, the ability to sack managers mid season) yet still found themselves at the bottom of their league. Could it be that they have just utterly failed and are now blaming all of Scotland for their failure? I'm sure less charitable people than I would say so.
  6. So reconstruction then? If that is the case then target your ire at Budge. As for my opinion on restructuring, these were my comments a from Sunday...
  7. Did you see a single time that I have said it's fair? As the league is not going to be finished (as in 38 games), I'll ask again, who is going to get relegated?
  8. I honestly despair. I have no personal beef with you, or your club despite the fanbase constantly question my club's integrity because they lost to Dundee, but your post is if you are either unwilling or unable to accept the realities of the situation.
  9. Jesus f**k man, I don't believe I've ever actually issued a red dot in this place ever since they were introduced about a decade ago, but that utter horseshit is sorely tempting me. You have just given a "we are too big to go down" line. Using the "people's jobs" line as if somehow your club is special is sanctimonious shitgibbonary on an epic scale. You might be emotional, but you have posted one of the most tone deaf replies I've seen in quite a while at the same time managing to totally ignore the question posed.
  10. That, my friend, is a very slippery straw to grasp. The idea Stendel is Lazarus is just nonsense. So, if you are not going down then who is? Unless you are happy to shit all over United.
  11. * relegated, and yes, yes you do. Certainly more than any other team in the league. I've said it already, I'm not entirely unsympathetic, but seeing as your board is against reconstruction there is no other option other than have no relegation/promotion but the way I see it United deserve to come up far more than you deserve to stay up.
  12. You see you say that as if there aren't many people who are exactly that way. Not sure where you based, but the Southside of Glasgow sadly rife with people saying the same sort of shit without a hint of awareness at how mental it sounds. Plus does it matter if they tweet stupid stuff for a joke or tweet stupid stuff for real, it's till a pretty shitty thing to post. Anyway my last word on it, I take your point though.
  13. I'll be sleeping for most of it, but thanks..
  14. I've not been had, he's just posted something that makes him look like a c**t, so to me, he's a c**t. Edit: btw, I should blame @Bohemian, he was the one that posted the link in the first place! I've been set up!
  15. There is nothing on that twitter that suggest it. Either way, making yourself look a fanny is only making yourself look like a fanny, and if that is someone you know tell him he's being a c**t posting something like that about the NHS. I think you can, I'll need to go find it but there was someone down south that had their collar felt for something similar.
  16. Do you know the guy? I mean it was 3 in the morning and I wasn't exactly paying too close attention, but if you actually check his twitter feed, it is "entirely" on brand. Seeing as he's @'d policescotland in one of his posts, so I'm guessing he has to be at least semi serious otherwise the polis would surely have a word in his ear for wasting their time with pointless whining.
  17. I've been writing code literally for the last 18 hours straight (uni deadline), at this point drugs wouldn't even touch the sides. I'm currently like that scene at the end of 2001: Space Odyssey!
  18. Don't worry, tam, we'll relegate you next season. Whenever that may be, of course.
  19. I've got much better (and much more important) things to do, but this fucking twitter is solid gold... ..it's got f**k all to do with football, but this is the sort of perma-rager that throws out threats on twitter.
  20. Check his twitter page before it's deleted it's fucking hilarious. After his tweet he was roundly laughed at and now he's claiming he'll go to the police because people were threatening him. The irony is clearly not lost on the lad. Here I am pulling an all nighter to hit a uni deadline tomorrow and all I'm doing is laughing at this no mark!
  21. Very good point, but it's a funny one isn't it? They lost to us in 1986, therefore it's our fault they lost the league. They lost to us in 2013, yet somehow there wasn't some massive conspiracy.
  22. Hearts fans... Whether any of them will believe this, I do actually have some sympathy. It's considerably watered down sympathy considering the way Budge was like a Christmas card throughout this and for the utterly tiresome liedown patter, but sympathy none the less. Still if it is relegation, then when you look at the league as is, you'll scoosh it and you can huckle Leveins duds out at the same time.
  23. Here's a fun fact, out of all the sources cited on Wikipedia. every single shady media outlet, every broken link and bullshit trolling site, did you know that only one outlet has seen official discussions within the Wikipedia hierarchy about banning them because they are so consistently unreliable. I'll leave you to guess which media outlet that is.
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