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Everything posted by Ric

  1. I'd be surprised if there isn't behind closed doors, or perhaps even those who have a "covid passport" (although that in itself has serious issues surrounding it). Expecting 1000s of people all packed together in a tight space while there is no test, let alone vaccine, is clearly not an option though.
  2. And there, my friends, is testament to the predicament we are all in.
  3. You realise the power is within you to do that.. right now.
  4. Probably, after a few decades you start to lose track of all the different reconstruction plans put forward. The craziest thing was that multi-league split where the points would be reset, and you'd begin again. I can't even begin to express my incredulity that the idea was even floated let alone given a level of credence.
  5. True, but there was considerable push back on that daft 14/14/14 proposal (or whatever it was) when Gilmour went tonto along with (I think) Roy McGregor to dingy it. I hope that same sort of pressure is put upon any short term hatchet job put forward by Budge.
  6. 1) I see I've been calling him Grey all the time, not Gray. Oops. 2) I would sincerely hope that he doesn't rubber stamp a temporary situation as it's clear it would not be beneficial to your club. If he does, then he's no better than Budge. 3) Again I would hope our club votes against any temporary measure while stating if it wasn't temp we would be happy to agree.
  7. Could I just say that while it's clearly a typo, I did chuckle at the thought of someone "wronging" their neck.
  8. I quite liked Grey's quote of: Which I am sure has niggled both Budge and those down Ibrox way. I've always found Grey to be fairly even minded in the past. I've not listened to a lot of what he said, so maybe Hamilton fans will think differently but I said at the time while Grey and Budge being put in charge of the taskforce has serious conflicts of interest, at least Hamilton will have some understanding of what it's like to be in a relegation battle on a regular basis (no dig there, I'd level the same at us) and the detrimental effect a temporary change would have.
  9. Thankfully not too much on here, although I feel the couple that I've seen have been more intentional banter than out and out vitriol. I fear what some of the less moderated single club forums are like. Any part of the country returning a Conservative representative should be ashamed of itself. I feel that's not relevant to the League Reconstruction debate, so I'll leave it at that.
  10. As much as I find Budge's comments arrogant and sanctimonious, I would be very disappointed if the debate resorted to personal attack or misogyny. Which to be fair, other than the odd occasion, this place doesn't seem to be embracing (or at least not that I've seen).
  11. I've got to admit I really don't keep abreast of what Rangers say, so can't be sure exactly what it is they are claiming. However if Rangers were to repeat a claim from someone the court doesn't consider that any different than them saying it themselves. They can't claim that they were simply repeating it and were unaware it was defamation. It's the old "ignorance is no defence" line. Ultimately, we both know what will happen. The SPFL will avoid a big court battle to reduce costs, and will offer a bit of an olive branch. Rangers will then claim that as some sort of moral victory. Neither side will accept either is wrong and neither will end up with a costly lawyers bill (well a more costly one).
  12. Yes, and possibly only one of us. I think is the answer.
  13. Stop playing this game, and stop being butthurt about it. I have actually discussed this earlier as have others feel free to read back.
  14. You should know this, being a fan of your club. As to whether it would have changed things completely? No probably not, which is why I was agreeing with your point. However bending over and taking it (metaphorically) from behind without as much as a consoling reach-around is hardly good business strategy.
  15. While you are absolutely correct, your chairman certainly helped maintain their hegemony.
  16. Or.. you know... not get absolutely humbled by us earlier in the season:
  17. Ah, how I've missed the way in which vT can cut to the point and be utterly unapologetic about it.
  18. Fair play, good answer! It's clearly fucked everyone, there are of course lives beyond this tiresome debate which really should put it into perspective the whole process. Is it unlucky, in a footballing context, that Hearts happened to land on Mayfair just as someone put a hotel down on it? Of course it is, but to trot out the unfair line repeatedly is just ignoring the simple facts of the matter. I'd say that this stance, combined with Budge's comments, have lost most sympathy any other supporter would have. Except for some Rangers fans who just see this as a means to an end and care little whether Hearts are relegated or not.
  19. It's actually a tough call on this one, considering Rangers has gone for the belt and braces approach. It's all under defamation law, but slander tends to involve verbal one off statements. While libel is about making false accusations in print. That's a rough approximation, as you can probably imagine there is a lot of legal arguments to be made around either.
  20. Guess what? Coronavirus was not put on this Earth just to f**k over Hearts.
  21. I am stunned there hasn't been more pushback from other clubs on this point. Under Gilmour we would have been first out of the traps to give the "aye, is that right is it?" line, it seems under Gordon Scott we are a little more subdued. I've said it already, I presume the Brown family having a good laugh at the claim too. I get now isn't the time to start another fight, but she really needs to be put in her place before people simply accept the premise more money == no relegation.
  22. I will be genuinely surprised if they get 11 Premiership clubs to vote for any proposed reconstruction - I can't see Rangers voting for it - only one other dissenting vote and it does not pass.
  23. That worked out well for him. It was a clear power play to seize the power vacuum left by Rangers, however instead of the big two ending up Celtic and Aberdeen, it just turned out to be a top one, with "the new Rangers" waiting in the wings.
  24. Could I just offer my apologies to both of you, for different reasons..
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