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Everything posted by Ric

  1. Aye, come on Deans, fucking sue St Mirren. We will not only laugh at your pathetic shenanigans while drinking in your salty tears. Deans:
  2. Of course, but just added it into my post seeing as it's relevant to the thread.
  3. Is there any point in complaining or even outing the "six" when we don't actually know the proposal put forward. I can't believe that it was simply.. Reconstruction: [ ] Yes / [ ] No Edit: Richard Gordon has just said on air who the six are. Aberdeen Dundee United Hibernian Ross County St Johnstone St Mirren
  4. Spoken by someone who has not seen their club in the 2nd tier. Very very few clubs bounce back the next year. Sure it's possible, but the huge impact of relegation and the incredibly tight nature of that league - albeit loosened a little with the playoff - extends the yo-yo period. All this does is add weight to the reason why we would vote for a reconstructed league. As for your other point. I completely agree. It's already been pointed out that Budge said nothing about reconstruction during her term, and in fact argued that there were too many teams in Scotland.
  5. For my quote it depends on whether you feel the reference is from Batman or Nietzsche.
  6. Why do people have us as a definite no because, for some reason to 'do over' Hearts? As a club that has yo-yo'ed far more than any of us fans would like, a bigger league would benefit us far more than keeping with the status quo. Perhaps the proposals, which nobody has seen, were tilted to such a degree that no consensus was possible. If that's the case then the ire really should fall upon the person leading those proposals.
  7. "You either die a hero, or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain"
  8. You are preaching to a believer here. I've been saying this all along, just dotting the i's and crossing the t's in regard to any options left.
  9. Be interesting to know what the United opinion is on this. If there is no reconstruction, and presumably no null and void, the only options to save Hearts is either try and play out the games when it's possible (which is a serious problem for players with contracts running out) or there is no promotion/relegation. Personally I think reconstruction will come back onto the agenda once playing the remaining games is ruled out.
  10. From the "evidence" put forward, and the manner in which Rangers have put it, I would suggest they don't.
  11. We should be careful about creating a false dichotomy here. Just because Doncaster has been pretty shitty at his job, and in general always has been, that doesn't automatically mean Rangers have a case here.
  12. You've got to feel sorry for the Hearts fans, they've been happy to have Rangers fight their corner in the way you want that mental mate to defend you in a fight, only to watch in horror as that same mental mate performs a Cleveland Steamer and they can't back out because they're balls deep and we're at the vinegar strokes stage.
  13. One might argue waiting weeks to provide evidence, while constantly claiming there is evidence, then with just days before an EGM they release a 200 page document, is hardly concomitant with an accusation of bullied silence.
  14. From earlier: For me there are 3 scenarios here: 1) They have nothing, and are "at it". 2) They have something but it's got no chance in court so they are using it as a beating stick while not needing to act upon it. 3) They have something, and it could go to court but they are hoping it's enough for other clubs to look for the removal of Doncaster - thus avoiding the costs of doing so in court. We can rule out that they have cast-iron evidence because if that was the case they would have already initiated court proceedings.
  15. Oooft, Jimbo won't be flavour of the month down Ibrox way with that sort of language.
  16. Technically? No. The analogy would be punishing a whistleblower and while we all think Rangers are blowing something, you would never want a situation where people cannot raise complaints. I guess this is why they have tried to force through the EGM. If, however, Rangers are guilty of defamation (and that's a messy job at the best of times, not least in Scottish law) then that's a different matter and perhaps why the document was delayed to ensure they were just on the line without crossing it.
  17. So just a head's up about legal advice, the old joke is "I can give you my legal opinion and if you don't like it I can give you another". For me there are 3 scenarios here: 1) They have nothing, and are "at it". 2) They have something but it's got no chance in court so they are using it as a beating stick while not needing to act upon it. 3) They have something, and it could go to court but they are hoping it's enough for other clubs to look for the removal of Doncaster - thus avoiding the costs of doing so in court. We can rule out that they have cast-iron evidence because if that was the case they would have already initiated court proceedings.
  18. Perhaps I'm being cynical here, but I wonder if they've put in a fictitious entry unique to each document in order to identify who is responsible for the inevitable leak. In the same way map makers would add in towns, the famous one being (or not being) Agloe, in New York State.
  19. So turns out that it's not the complete document. The one sent out is 54 pages long. Apparently Rangers are still waiting on the 55th.
  20. So here is everyone posting their favourite modern beat combo tracks, while I'm keeping it real...
  21. I doubt Murray knows what objective journalism actually is. A quick look at his twitter feed will show a man who has a very clear bias and it's thinly veiled in that article.
  22. Ewan Murray is an absolute roaster with a clear bias on this issue, and The Guardian seems to care little for Scottish Football. Not taking a dig at you posting it, but I'd be taking anything he is saying with a massive pinch of salt.
  23. Surely the that argument applies irrespective of time span. I'm torn, I want a larger league and always felt it should be bigger (if only to take away the x4 nonsense). I feel you are spot on though, if it wasn't for Covid and more specifically if it wasn't for Covid and Hearts being bottom, then reconstruction would be getting short shrift. It would also be chucklesome to see Hearts relegated.
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