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Everything posted by Ric

  1. Well either that or the websites that compile the stats do so either by the last 6 or last 10 games played. I'm not cherry picking here, I'm using the stats available to me.
  2. I just didn't get his argument. Where is the concession from those wishing a temporary fix to help out Hearts?
  3. This is the Achilles heel of the "but we might have stayed up" argument. As has been pointed out the facts of the matter are very clear.. They are bottom of the league after 30 games, they are bottom of the form league for 6 games, they are below the other teams around them in the form league for the last 10 games. This season they have have failed to beat the club directly above them, they have failed to beat the club 2 places directly above them and their manager has failed to put out a team that is capable of beating a team 3 places above them. The idea that some Lazarus miracle was about to happen is fanciful to say the least.
  4. This is where the "it'll cost us XXX amount if we go down" line sticks in my craw. Both our clubs have been up and down over the decades and I don't remember many bleeding hearts (pun intended) concerned about the impact on our budgets.
  5. I think, your bed is the best place for you. It's clear you are having an absolute nightmare here. Maybe once the beer has worn off, and you face life anew tomorrow morning, you'll reflect on the utter detritus you have left here.
  6. Oh, I answered it, what you are having problems with now is your cognitive dissonance colliding head long into the answer that was given. Quelle surprise!
  7. And I've replied to you, it's not my fault you have failed to read that comment and just gone on a massive "heid's gone" quote rant.
  8. Oooh, going by the last couple of pages, I'd say just the one.
  9. Stop lying ffs. In the end you are just lying to yourself.
  10. For years I thought this guy was dressed up in a stiff collar and tails when in reality it's just a shady tracksuit top.
  11. I've answered the question, you simply don't accept the answer. Are you a Trump supporter by chance?
  12. So, let's nip this in the bud. Is anyone here annoyed that Hearts are making a strong case in order to cover for their season of failure? No? Nah, didn't think so. We all agree any of our clubs would do the same. Are most people just laughing at the painfully transparent way Budge is trying to shoehorn a temporary league reconstruction and threatening legal action if she doesn't get it? Yeah, I thought so.
  13. Wrong. Why is it you quote people, yet don't bother to actually read what they said? Why is it, in a league reconstruction thread do you continue to ignore the fact we are talking about league reconstruction? The more mischievous amongst us may even suggest you are intentionally doing both of these things.
  14. Stop misrepresenting my argument, it is both intellectually bankrupt and quite childish to do so.
  15. We simply wouldn't demand a temporary league reconstruction and/or threaten legal action. We've both been supporters of our club long enough to know we'd complain for a while but ultimately get punted into the championship.
  16. I have already given you an answer. It's not my fault it's an answer you don't find acceptable.
  17. In many ways I actually have sympathy for (some) Hearts fans. Budge has come to this with a "pram emptied, toys everywhere" approach. If she had shown contrition, rolled back on her previous comments about the league structure needing to be reduced and accepted that they are where they are because of her failings and put forward a solution that doesn't look like it's been designed purely to by her time so her legacy isn't tarnished then I feel she, and Hearts, would have garnered a lot more support. Metaphorically banging her hand on the table and giving the "we're too big to go down, it'll cost us too much, and if any of you b*****ds send us down we'll sent the lawyers to your doors" is possibly one of the worst "successful business woman" approaches I have ever seen.
  18. You simply keep on repeating this false equivalence. Repeating it doesn't make it any less flawed of an argument. Raising concerns about relegation does not equate to demanding temporary league reconstruction and threatening legal action if it's not put into place. At this point you are either unwilling or unable to accept that.
  19. Remember, Ann Budge was advocating clubs like yours should not exist within the professional structure.
  20. Go and look at the top of this thread, it's called: League Reconstruction 20/21 season Now go and re-read my post you quoted.
  21. It's also utterly irrelevant. We are talking temporary league reconstruction. Now are you asking me would St Mirren demand temporary league reconstruction and if it didn't happen we would take the SPFL to court? If that's the question, then no, I do not believe they would.
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