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Everything posted by Ric

  1. DJ Tiesto - 'Adagio for Strings' Possibly one of the finest trance tracks ever..
  2. There are two main ways to do this. One of them is from a post they have made. When you view a post it's made up of the content on the right, and the user's details on the left (posts, joined, etc). At the top of those details is the username of the poster. Left clicking on that username should provide you with a drop down menu which has "Send Message" as one of the options. Selecting that option will set up a PM to that user. If you can't find a post by the user you wish to contact then you will need to find them through the Members Page. To do that, look at the top right of this page and you should see a list of links; Blogs, Calendar, Members, Search, Help. Clicking "Members" will bring you to a search page. In the "Search and Filter Options" section enter the start of the username for the user you are looking for (for example, if the user is called Fred Jones, you can get away with just entering "Fred"). Once you click "Go" the list of matching names will be shown. Again each username when left clicked once will display the drop down menu, allowing you to select "Send Message". Hopefully that helps, if not you can read more about PMs here: http://www.pieandbovril.com/forum/index.ph...DE=01&HID=6
  3. St.Mirren, as the owner of the site and it's superior moderator both support them. No better reason than to curry favour with us..
  4. At this very moment the Isobel Campbell & Mark Lanegan "Sunday at Devil Dirt" has just finished playing.
  5. Disconnected from The Creatures (off the 'Anima Animus' album) Siouxsie
  6. The new PJ Harvey album. Much more mellow than her last couple.
  7. I haven't watched it, but one thing bugs me about it (and is also the reason I haven't watched it yet). Snakes are cold blooded reptiles, right? Snakes need heat before they can do anything, right? So why not turn off all the heating and let the plane temperature drop to below zero. While all the passengers are sitting wrapped up in blankets sipping cocoa, the snakes will be freezing their, er, scales off, unable to move. However I believe one comment about the film was... "Snakes on a plane? Pffft! They should try a wasp on a bus!"
  8. For fucksake Carlos, what was the fucking point of telling us that? I hate Rocky films but might have had a look at this to see how much cop it is. No fucking point now is there?
  9. 13 (Tzameti) Odd film, I picked it up in Fopp for £8 in the World Cinema section. (on a side note here, Fopp is pretty good with their World Cinema stuff as while it isn't a large selection, it tends to have some real gems hidden in there). From IMDB: Sebastian, a young man, has decided to follow instructions intended for someone else, without knowing where they will take him. Something else he does not know is that Gerard Dorez, a cop on a knife-edge, is tailing him. When he reaches his destination, Sebastian falls into a degenerate, clandestine world of mental chaos behind closed doors in which men gamble on the lives of others men. It's all shot in B&W and is in French (with subtitles) and has a nice grainy feel about it. I don't want to give away too much about it, but I certainly enjoyed the film. 8/10 - well worth the watch.
  10. I would be happy for Uma to offer me relief, light or otherwise..
  11. Reading up a few posts... Shawshank Redemption - it's one of those films that you either totally love and consider the best thing since a blow job in the morning or are utterly unmoved by it. I fall into the latter category. While Freeman and Robbins play excellent parts the director, who's name escapes (ha!) me at the mo, fails to create a character than I can relate to and because of that, I just couldn't care less if anyone leaves that prison. 7 maybe 8/10 but nowhere near the 10/10 that some give it. Aristocrats - dreadful. Not only is the joke not funny the majority of the people telling it were American who (in general mainstream comedy) seem to lack any real dark humour relating to the build up. Some people deliver the joke as if they were telling a story and lacking in emphasis. As for the subject matter, I know it's intended to try and shock but with the advent of the Internet the acts that some comedians were trying to convey are as meek and timid as a Sunday night in with the WRVI. The only laugh the whole film gave me was the woman who told it as a clean joke but then changed the name of the act to something utterly filthy. 2/10
  12. Flushed Away. Not a dreadful film but with the number of CGI flicks out there it's always going to be difficult to keep pushing the boundaries. It revolves around a pet rat that is flushed away down to the sewers where he stumbles upon a whole mini London. Cue love interest, questionable plot line and fairly poor dialogue - but then again when was that necessary in a cartoon? The animation is done pretty well, and the whole thing hangs together well enough even I failed to see a single character that wasn't "borrowed" from somewhere else. Safe enough movie for kids, and if you have a spare evening with a bottle of wine, it's not a bad diversion. I will warn you, it does have an England v Germany World Cup final as part of the plot! Marks? Hmm... a generous 7/10, perhaps less. I think it all depends on the audience.
  13. If the fucker had been going on for 7 hours, I would have been out there after the first ripping the electrics out of it. With cars it's less easy as to get under the bonnet you normally need to get into the car. Nothing a deftly chucked spark plug can't solve of course.
  14. The checkout thing is not limited to just old folk, women ALWAYS take longer! That's not a generalisation it's a fact! Tell you what, "love", how about getting your fucking money out of your purse until waiting until the very last moment, rifling through your bag to find it then spending ages to pick out the change out the corner of your overly small purse... As for really petty annoyances - and it is really petty. How about waiters/waitress' offering you pepper for your meal before you taste it? How am I supposed to know if it needs it if I haven't tasted it yet?
  15. You could hardly call his bit in True Romance a large part. Was he not the stoner flatmate that is seen on screen for about 5 minutes?
  16. Pitt totally steals that movie! He's superb in it... ....Monkey... Monkey... Mon... Key!
  17. Not sure if anyone has mentioned it, forgive me for not going through all 80 pages , but I caught a late showing of Renaissance which is a mix of Bladerunner, Animatrix and Sin City with a drop of Mickey Spillane thrown in for good measure. It's an animated feature set in the Paris of 2054 and has the hero tracking down a kidnap victim who works for one of the big chemical corporations. Obviously there is more to it than at first glance. While the plot was decent, and the acting (voicing) was good enough not to distract you from the fact it's an animated film, it's the style of animation that has you glued to the screen. At first it is awkward on the eye as, a la Sin City, it's all black and white - which adds to the film noir feel to it - but after the first 10 minutes your eyes get adjusted. Some of the incidental animation is really clever and they use perspective really (really) well throughout the film. It also manages to capture the future pretty well too. Definitely worth a watch and would probably make the transition to DVD pretty well. Oh, and one other film worthy of note. I got out The Three Burials of Melquiades Estrada on DVD the other day and I have to say I was very impressed. Tommy Lee Jones not only stars but directs (and I believe produces) this film. It is far the glossy Hollywood blockbuster titles he has starred and centres around a farm hand, who had befriended TLJ, that is found dead. I would love to go on and explain more but if you go to this movie with a clean slate (like I did) I think you will get far more out of it. Again another movie definitely worthy of a watch.
  18. Múm (pronounced Moom) and a track that has no name. Odd icelandic four piece lo-fi malarkey. Very condusive to this time of night, and the complete opposite to raaaaavvvveeee!
  19. What am I listening to now? WHAT I AM LISTENING TO NOW? Let me tell you... A procession of piss heads shouting "mon the hoops", singing really badly, and generally making complete fuds of themselves! That's what the f*ck I am listening to right now, and have been for the last hour or so! * raises fist and shakes it in the air *
  20. I take it "Somebody to Love" has some relevance to you in 4th year, considering the song came out in 1975? Jeffrey Lewis - "The Chelsea Hotel Oral Sex Song" No, it's not what you think.. I'm just having my first listen to the "The Last Time I Did Acid I Went Insane and Other Stories" album and it's quite good.
  21. Oooh, that looks a good one. And cheap too... think I'll grab it. Thanks for that.
  22. While going through my MP3 collection, I rediscovered my Asian Dub Foundation. The first couple of albums are the better ones. Been listening to most of them today. Currently on.. "La Haine" from "Enemy of an Enemy". ..actually seen them live a couple of times although that was perhaps 4 or 5 years back, but they were damned good, and very very (very!) bouncy!
  23. My cousin is an author, amongst many different roles she has, and if I was to mention her name everyone of a certain age would know her, but I find it easy to be subjective about her work compared to the person she is. The reason I mention this is that Boiling A Frog is the first CB book I have bought (heh, and even then it was only because it was on cheap at Fopp) but I would have no problem in saying to him I didn't like it.
  24. Not that I am going to out the media wh0re, but I am sure he'll be happy to know you were pleased..
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