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Everything posted by Truthhurts

  1. Incidentally, does anyone on here ken why Coronation Street wasn't on the telly last night?
  2. Then if that is true, then every Scottish team need a Wullie Harkness.
  3. It was the correct decision at this time. Too many teams have went to the wall lately with out any help from some kind of Messiah.
  4. If you are a die-hard fan of your local football club, how the hell can you boycott watching them play???? I have friends who have sneaked into closed door friendly matches, just so they can say that they never miss their team play. I would if I had such a team.
  5. Well there are nearly 300 people looking and reading this post right now.
  6. Nah the administrators would have concluded the winding up and not the SFL.
  7. If all those top Premiership footballers really loved the game, then why don't they buy into a team like Livingston? It would only take a few weeks wages to clear their debts. There are not many British League clubs with the problems of Livingston.
  8. If I could save them, I would run them on the lines of Queens Park so that we could get some of the debts paid.
  9. Livingston have been saved. It would not have taken this long otherwise.
  10. Why don't you ask the skylinedrifter that question, I'm sure he will know. I can't ask him as he has me on ignore.
  11. I'm only asking where the money from Saturday's cheque went? Also, are the programmes already printed for the Livingston game this weekend?
  12. I'll ask the question again. Which person received the cheque from the Queen of the South game on Saturday as their share of the gate? What happened to the money? B)
  13. Has the cheque been written for £10,000 (guesstimate) since the game on Saturday? If it has, who was it given to? Is there a functional board of directors currently at Livingston FC? Does anyone actually know what happened to the £125K that the club received from Dundee for the recent transfer? Has more than one person been breaking the law recently? I am becoming rather suspicious. B)
  14. I have two questions for Livingston fans. 1. What happened to the £125,000 they received from Dundee for a recent transfer? Who got their hands on the money? Is it still available to the club? 2. What happened to the guy that won the lottery? Did he not put all his winnings into the club? Is he still on the Board of Directors? If not, does anyone know him and does he still follow the club? Thanks.
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