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Anonymous Spider

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  1. Impressed by Roddy, thought Cammy Kerr did really well considering he was playing left of a three. Both look really-really good additions, credit where it's due. Really impressed with Zach Mauchin when he came on too - used the ball pretty well overall. Rudden a wee bit isolated but linked up well at times. Once the defence is sorted - that's the next area to strengthen for me.
  2. 2 sentences about the Livi game is all we've had during this entire episode...
  3. If you can get an experienced (mobile) CB to play alongside Tizzard as part of a settled back 4, he'll come on leaps and bounds.
  4. Massive sh!t on the bed aside... the away strip looked decent last night..!
  5. Tell me you haven't seen our squad without telling me you haven't seen our squad.
  6. The tone of the article is brutal but it's Keith Jackson writing about Rangers for the Record - what do you expect? Realistically, there's no way we could have gone toe to toe with Rangers on this. So... if they've given up the Hampden agreement, that means we're going to be playing at Lesser. If we're at Lesser that would need to mean temp stands?? Hopefully on the Rangers dollar... I could certainly stomach that. If the kicker was a 'proper' stand development starting as soon as Rangers depart the scene, that would be even better. And hopefully all the good will we're building up in the interim can be cashed back in to get the necessary plans and certificates battered through for Lesser 3.0?
  7. I think we all know our place in the food chain on the stadium stuff. We could have a 4000 seater at Lesser and we’d still get bumped to the Friday because Rangers are at Hampden. That's not the issue. It’s the lack of information and engagement and then an update that’s so embarrassingly brief and lacking in any sort of contrition that it alienates supporters (of multiple clubs) and we’re back talking about EGM’s. This is obviously a difficult situation to organise - lots of different stakeholders with competing priorities. Why not just own this and give regular full, frank, humble updates instead of the classic ‘we know best - keep them in the dark untiL the last minute’ routine.
  8. Was chatting to Savoury at the Celtic game - he’s doing well, stepped up training and looking forward to getting back.
  9. Some of my Celtic-supporting mates are gleefully sharing follow-follow meltdown stuff. Seems to be opinion within the rangers support that they’re paying for a temp stand at Lesser.
  10. Might be misremembering but at the AGM, I’m pretty sure the SFA negotiations were still ongoing and the chat was were shooting for Hampden, but temp stands at Lesser is the contingency... surely that plan can be dusted off here?
  11. I think unfortunately we're in the 'glass houses' camp when it comes to dictating where teams that have fcked up a stadium development can groundshare or play their games... I also note that the deal doesn't look to be officially completed and Rangers / the SFA haven't announced so I'm not expecting comment from the club just yet... However... we're almost certainly going to be shafted / deeply inconvenienced with this (and the smart money will be on this rumbling on for many months to come). It's been an open secret that the Ibrox build has been fcked for months - this should have given the club ample time to come up with contingencies AND to properly think about how they properly communicate & engage with the fans. Big test for the club/president/committee/randoms-in-charge coming up...
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