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Everything posted by Confidemus

  1. Good lad!!! You read the zombie survival guide as well? I know it's slightly off topic, but for a person (me) who is a shiter at horror movies, I've developed a zombie obsession. From reading both books to watching the walking dead and reading all the comics... Cannae get enough zombie shit, me. Any road, canals and boats. Where were we?
  2. I think you'll find that's a cludgie. SJC - Do you own a bargepole? If so, have you ever touched anyone with it?
  3. I'd certainly give her the most astonishing 23 seconds of her life.
  4. SJC, have you ever thought of dressing like Richard Gere from An Officer and a Gentleman to attract the canalside clunge?
  5. I realise a gent would never tell. Hence why I'm asking you, meladdo!!
  6. Fucking yaldy! How many maidens have spliced yer mainbrace in there? I bet you've shivered their timbers! And other various nautical references.
  7. Tbf, all we need to do to make things hunky dory is to get rid of a certain Ayr solicitor.
  8. Alright lads? Not sure what to make of AJ as a potential manager. I liked him when he played for us, and from what I've read on here, most of you seem like you would be gutted to lose him. So far, as far as I know, only AJ and Berg have been interviewed. What do you think he could do at Kilmarnock? Serious quesion. Whatever happens, all the best for the upcoming season.
  9. * puts hand up * SJC! SJC! Have you ever jet washed your penis over the edge of the boat whilst watching the swans and ducks nibble the blacking?
  10. I have a question or two. Have you ever made love on the water? Are you dreams more lucid, what with you bobbing about and what not? Do you get to put a wheelie bin out? If not, how do you deal with refuse? Have you ever pissed over the side of your boat? That is all.
  11. Imagine what Kirk would do to this?
  12. You realise how empty space is right? And for the bits that have nature, you realise how dangerous they are? 7,000 mph winds, gravity that would squash to 1 millionth your current size, magnetism that would literally rip you apart, radiation that would kill you in under a second, temperatures that would melt you instantly. Plus there's no clunge in space.
  13. Given that the universal is always expanding, and it's really sparsely populated with matter, this is almost impossible to even take a stab at, but a good estimate I've seen is: 3.35 × 1054 kilograms Which is a lot. As for the volume it would take up, even harder to say. For example, Saturn is so lacking in density, it could theoretically float in water, whereas a neutron star is so dense a teaspoon of it would weigh as much as a mountain.
  14. Morning fellow space buffs! How about some large numbers to wrap your head around? How about what's actually in the observable universe, which is, for those who aren't sure, all the matter that is visible from present day Earth, as it's light has had time to reach us since the big bang. In the observable universe, there's estimated to be: 10 million Superclusters. (Large groups of smaller galaxy clusters) 25 billion Galaxy groups. Galaxy groups typically contain no more than 50 galaxies. 350 billion Large galaxies. 7 trillion Dwarf galaxies, which are small galaxies containing up to a few billion stars. 30 billion trillion (3x10²²) stars Quite a lot then.
  15. Get a bidet, get a bidet! A clean ringpiece is a thing of beauty.
  16. Oh my. Praise from mhak. #doesn'tgetanybetter
  17. If this did happen and the false vacuum became unstable and dropped energy, the whole thing would happen at the speed of light, and we'd know f**k all about it. It would be rather shite if it happened, though. Edited to add this, for further fun reading: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Doomsday_event#Scenarios
  18. It's a distinct likelihood that a lot of what happens in the Universe is beyond our understanding. We base much of what we know on things like the laws of thermodynamics, Einsteins theory of relativity etc. But what if, somewhere in the Universe, life exists that isn't carbon based and doesn't need water? What if there's a place where gravity has no effect and entropy doesn't exist. We're only taking what we know and making best guesses Another possibility for how the Universe started, and how it might end is the Big Crunch. In this, the Universe will expand to a finite point before contracting back in on itsself and either ending with everything in existence squashed into a singularity or causing another Big Bang. Could it be that the Univese has been big banging and big crunching forever? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Big_Crunch
  19. When you go for a big satisfying shite, SJC, do you call it "dropping anchor in Pooh Bay"?
  20. What's the worst that can happen?* * The pressing of criminal charges, the destruction of your boat and a lifetime ban from British waterways, tbf
  21. Pot pourri and candles!!! Brilliant! Looks a cracking wee gaff. You are of course aware that the entirety of P&B awaits their boat warming invitation?
  22. As i said earlier in the thread, space is not made of anything and therefore doesn't need any higher space to exist in, so the answer to what lies beyond the edge of the Universe is probably nothing. If space did need that higher state, then what would be beyond the space beyond the edge of the Universe and so on and so on. There are all sorts of other possibilities, such as m-theory, bubble universes etc, and there's every chance, in fact probably a good chance that at some point in the next generation or so our understanding of the Universe will completely change, but for now, the best bet is that beyond the Universe lies nothing. Probably the ultimate stoner's question, that one. Since we can only say what happened from the point of around 1/100th of a second after the big bang, who knows? Have a look at this though: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lee_Smolin He's the guy who wrote the theory of cosmological natural selection. http://www.starlarvae.org/Star_Larvae_Cosmological_Natural_Selection.html
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