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Everything posted by Confidemus

  1. I got a text from my nephew last night saying he'd just completed GTA. The f**k? I've not even unlocked Trevor yet!!!! ETA: I realise he means he's hammered the main missions and probably not explored/ done side missions at all, but still..... the f**k?
  2. Just checked Rockstar social. My mate has uploaded a pic of a bird on Vespucci beach in a bikini top. What a massive trouser hawk!
  3. That, my friend, is because you have a PS3. Lawlz.
  4. Just watched the Italian/ French art house movie. Bizarre but hilarious!
  5. Speak nice to your mum. Get a paper round. Break into your christmas fund. Rob an orphanage. Whatever you do, get GTA V pronto.
  6. If it's any consolation, the game is fucking outstanding. HTH.
  7. Yaldy!!! We'll be expecting your initial thoughts soon!!
  8. There's usually a couple of hikers just in front of the stand at the top of Mt Chiliad. A well aimed punch usually sends one of them flying down the mountain!
  9. I was happily driving along a country road, just north of Los Santos, and a deer ran out the side of the road. I tried to avoid it, but twatted the frigger. The "thwunk" when I hit it felt pretty real. Anyway, I stopped for a second, still in the car, to survey the damage and another car coming towards me swerved to avoid the deer carcass, and crashed into a tree! Brilliant!
  10. Just got invited back to a strippers house and rode her!! Yaldy!
  11. Feel for you man, I got mine from Tesco today. I'd complain if I were you, on their site it said order now for delivery on release date. Either that or phone them, kick up shit and ask if you can pick it up today in your local Tesco.
  12. So for those of you who have played it, how massive is the map? How long to get from, say Los Santos to Mt Chiliad? Also, any of you cycled/ hiked up Mt Chiliad?
  13. Just got a text from the Mrs.. It's heeeeeere! I feel a little faint!!
  14. My wife is on strict orders to text me the minute the postie's been. She says I can play it after we watch a film tonight...
  15. I'm hearing that Rockstar have advised against installing the 360 game disc as it may cause problems. Oh, also..
  16. If you're looking to kill a bit of time waiting for GTA to arrive, Gametrailers have done a really good 1 hr 20 min video on GTA's history: http://www.gametrailers.com/full-episodes/sbtuge/gt-retrospectives-grand-theft-auto-retrospective--complete-collection
  17. My mate just text and said he's "not bothered" if his doesn't come tomorrow and he can wait till Wednesday. f**k's that all about?
  18. Some pretty tasty shit on here... http://metro.co.uk/2013/09/16/17-morsels-of-gta-5-goodness-to-tide-you-over-until-launch-4024708/
  19. Did you get a copy? I should warn you, an answer in the affirmative may sexually arouse me.
  20. Me an all. Your Tesco direct order is on its way.‏Possibly the sexiest e mail I've ever had. And that's up against all those e mails I get offering me viagra and Russian brides.
  21. Yeah mine too. I've had confirmation from them that I'll definitely have it for Tuesday. They'd best be right or I'm going to steal a fucking grape next time I'm in.
  22. Probably something to do with this. Looks like Rockstar aren't happy with Amazon... http://uk.gamespot.com/news/rockstar-investigating-early-gtav-sales-6414471
  23. My Tesco order says "Ready to dispatch". So pull your corporate fingers out your capitalist arseholes and dispatch it then you c***s!
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