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Everything posted by smpar

  1. Always shite to hear that that kind of nonsense still gets shouted from our fans. Post admin, the club has done some excellent stuff and there's a lot of effort put in by a lot of people to bring a positive environment about the club whether it's PR stuff, decent crowds and quality of facilities.. only for a group of fannies to come along and ruin it for everyone else. Hope the wee p***ks cut it out.
  2. Couples who celebrate any anniversary other than an annual one.
  3. STV reporting that Derby are interested in Ryan Williamson. Get him and Callum Smith on 5-year deals pronto, we'll soon be a footballing superpower.
  4. The Courier (@courier_footy) tweeted it. Smith himself retweeted it but he's undone it.
  5. He quickly burst into the scene tbf, played well against Hearts in a televised match and then scored within 2 minutes in a league game. After scoring (a couple?) for Scotland U19s I'd imagine he'd grabbed a few other clubs' attention. Johnston seems keen on bringing on 2 strikers most games, so far Smith is probably averaging at least 25 minutes a week. As a 17-year-old in the Championship that's a decent amount of first-team experience.
  6. Apparently West Brom and Bristol City are keeping an eye on Callum Smith. Tbh, even if they're waving a decent cash sum in our face, I'd rather (for his sake) he stayed with us for a couple of years at least and let him play as much first-team football as he can. It's not as if West Brom would be giving him any sort of game time in the EPL at his age.
  7. Also, I was within a couple of feet away from Jason Talbot at the Glebe on Saturday. Took me about 20 minutes to concentrate again, the man is fucking beautiful.
  8. Probably announce it by texting himself tbh.
  9. I was exactly the same with Morton, bet was placed on Wednesday afternoon. 9/2 seemed outrageous and now it seems you'd be lucky to get them at 3/1 come Saturday afternoon.. 14/5 with McBookie!
  10. That really scares me. He'll end up like one of these super-human machines that simply cannot be stopped.
  11. That is a fucking horrific piece of journalism. Even for Keith Jackson's standards.
  12. Got in early with a Morton (v Dundee United), Livingston (v Falkirk) and a draw between Dumbarton and Inverness treble. Roughly 66/1, can see that price coming in before Saturday at 3pm.
  13. smpar


    The Libertines were brilliant on Sunday. Thought Pete would be in a bad way again but he just seemed a bit pished as opposed to being out his tits on smack. Pretty classy of them to let that boy on the stage at the end too.
  14. Stuck a fiver on over 2.5 goals in all 5 SPFL Championship games. Pays ~18/1. In gameweeks 2&3, 4 out of the 5 matches had over 2.5 goals. Last week, another goal in Brechin v Falkirk and Dundee United v Dumbarton would have been enough. Looking at tomorrow's games, it looks possible.
  15. smpar


    Libertines on Sunday at the Alhambra in Dunfermline. Saw them briefly at TITP a couple of years ago but my pal hit a bad yin and we had to leave about 2 songs into the set.
  16. Not embarrassing at all mate, that's a serious situation to have experienced and the vast majority of people would feel pretty scarred by it one way or another. Are your family and friends aware of this in any depth? If not, they might be able to help you more with things like going out and about; making planned routes when walking to the supermarket, making sure you're not suddenly deserted on your own etc. Also, if they're able to help in any way, it might make you feel like you're not just trying to cope on your own. I don't know if this is a thing, but do GPs do appointments over the phone or anything? I know avoiding going out shouldn't be encouraged, but speaking to him/her over the phone and then gradually increasing it to face-to-face appointments might help. Means you're still speaking to your GP while going out a bit more at a time. It sounds like you and your mate were extremely unlucky in a wrong-place/wrong-time kinda thing, and it's such a shame that it's affecting you so much. Feel free to fire a PM over any time. I might not be much use but if you're just needing someone to talk to for whatever reason, don't hesitate
  17. I disagree. If you get yourself a barber/hairdresser who moves past the usual weather, holidays and weekend patter and actually has something decent to talk about it's much better than sitting in an awkward silence for 20 minutes.
  18. Sounds like a poorly-chosen name tbh. I get that it's supposed to be catchy and they're just trying to use alliteration to sound positive, but the use of the word "blues" when trying to help people with depression is verging on tasteless IMO.
  19. What's funny is that, in Scottish colloquialism, this is almost a coherent sentence.
  20. I've just been on that thread about addiction that banana started and people are making reference to him being a bit of a fud on other threads, that I can't remember, so such a feature would be great for remembering what posters are better known for.
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