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Everything posted by smpar

  1. You'll struggle to find better songwriting in a modern band IMO. Ellie Rowsel is a dream as well.
  2. How does it compare to Saturns Pattern? It took me a few listens to get into SP but eventually found it to be a decent album. Anyway;
  3. I've still got your bus pass, you'd be surprised how many pubs accept it.
  4. It was in Fabric. I was only there to get a seat in the sun tbf. In an average-sized place like Dunfermline? Thought it was a bit over the top for a lager.
  5. Pint of Hop House, any guesses to where this might have been?
  6. Nice to see Gav trawling the Pars thread for any mention of himself. A sad existence.
  7. Jamie Mole was found screaming at pigeons outside Haymarket.
  8. I just paid £4.95 for a pint of lager in somewhere that isn't Edinburgh (Dunfermline).
  9. Aye, I heard Iain Williamson had a short commute from Reykjavik airport.
  10. Someone shared a recent picture of him on Twitter, holding a can of Fosters. I found the Fosters rather metaphorical of his footballing career as it seemed that people would only sign him because they didn't understand football very well and just picked the first player available.
  11. Iain Williamson tae. ETA didn't realise he's been playing in Iceland for the last five years and has to retire a couple of months ago because of a gammy hip.
  12. I want Geggan to stay forever. The kind of player you want to see have a testimonial at your club. The handsome fucker.
  13. Martin can cover right along the back 4, he's already contracted till next year.
  14. Haven't heard anything re Williamson. Also realised that Morris signing means we can fully dismiss any rumours of that utter diddy M'Voto signing for us. As if I ever thought he would anyway tbh.
  15. Excellent news. Morris and Ashcroft looked like a pretty solid pairing after they'd had a few games together.
  16. Half the answers are already on the thread, that was probably a good start for him.
  17. I've never seen the guy before, but Alan Young seems a tad arrogant in that interview. The way he rolled his eyes at a couple of questions and the manner in which he spoke just amounted to what appears to be one stinking attitude for someone in his position. Not only does he fail to apologise to the Raith fans, his opening sentence is one of self-pity.
  18. Christ, either he'd have taken a bit of a drop in wages or he'd have taken an large chunk of our wage budget.
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