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Everything posted by smpar

  1. Back to the original point: it's an easy finish in the end for Farid, aye, but who's to say Reilly would have got that far? Farid was on his toes and read the pass going in that direction. I'm not saying Reilly would have been back at the halfway line (he's a striker- there's a good chance he may have got himself into that position) but my point was that Farid had one chance and he took it.
  2. Farid's goal, albeit gifted to him by the diddy that is Kyle Hutton, was massive. Important moments like that are something Reilly hasn't come up with. I'd like to see Higginbotham get some time, too.
  3. I've been (jokingly, but not quite jokingly at the same time) asked to bake something to bring to a uni class on Thursday. Open to suggestions.
  4. I don't normally look out for whether a 'keeper has reached for a shot, if there was any point etc but Murdoch looked very uncomfortable for the second and third goals.
  5. Usually said by the same fuckwits who spell it as "defiantly."
  6. Thought I'd go with 'garbage' for its dirtier connotations. I feel it emphasise the inconvenience.
  7. Fortnightly bin collections. I live in a block of 8 flats, so there's a wee area round the back where each flat has one black bin. Since we don't have separate bins for different materials, everything has to go into this one fucking bin, they can only hold about 3-4* bags each and we need to get rid of much more than that in a fortnight. Which normally results in having at least a full bag or two lying about with fucking garbage in them with nowhere else to put them once the bins are full. *and that's on a good week, if some twat hasn't started using yours after filling their own.
  8. He just doesn't seem to be in sync with anyone in the team so far. No doubting that he has the ability but he's been very ineffective for us.
  9. Murdoch starting for the U20s tonight is a very promising sign.
  10. We're desperate for guys like Geggan and Fordyce to start turning up again. When they're performing well, other players thrive off that. Can't help but think Higginbotham has the same effect but we just haven't seen him put in the shift he's capable of.
  11. Messiah - can't be arsed to quote your post and pick out the bit I want, but re your point of Faiss getting a run-out at EEP for the trophy winning w**k-off: He did.
  12. Absolutely. Even more so when said item probably costs 15X your month's pay.
  13. Lassie I went to school with has screenshotted one of the Kardashian c***s' Instagram photos and put it on Twitter, demanding to know where she can get the sunglasses she's wearing because she NEEDS them for her holiday in Cancun next year. They probably cost about £20k ffs.
  14. Falkirk game on Christmas Eve has been moved to Boxing Day.
  15. Our Christmas Eve match against you c***s has been moved to Boxing Day.
  16. Is it Liam McLeod who says "Elalagee"? Makes him sound like a fucking teletubby.
  17. Fucking hell, man. Many of the wee team fans take it pretty well, some don't react too well to it, but I never thought I'd see someone so emotionally destroyed by a simple - and, frankly well-known - fact.
  18. Anyone else watch Scotland's Game on BBC there? For anyone who missed it, this part focused on the rise and/or demise of several clubs in Scotland; Motherwell, Gretna, Hearts and Rangers (RIP), but no mention of Dunfermline. As soon as it finished, Sean Murdoch tweeted: "Gavin Masterton got away with one there." Some boi.
  19. Something to do with falling out with the manager is the rumour.
  20. That would quite obviously be overspending and cheating, we'd be in administration within a fortnight. Apparently.
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