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Everything posted by smpar

  1. No, but I wasn't after that fancy shite anyway.
  2. I may have inadvertently grassed someone in to the store manager at the opticians.
  3. For the opening game of the season? Don't think you'll find too many Pars fans in there tbh.
  4. Don't really know what that has to do with my post (Scottish weather = shite being Scottish?) but I gave you a greenie anyway since it's the best scene of all time.
  5. Cheer up you c***s. This weather is fantastic. We're never fucking happy, are we?
  6. Always thought he was a right dick tbh. Great signing though.
  7. Go for it. I was more than willing to give you the benefit of the doubt on the first photo as they looked much more like a pair of desert shoes I have.
  8. He'll struggle to find either with they fucking shoes. ETA: jumped in too quick with that one, but we all know who I meant.
  9. That's probably normal reaction if it's been left for a while, given the oily nature of the ingredients. Stir it around a little bit, if it still looks/smells funky then chuck it (still talking about peanut butter here).
  10. Someone who was in my year at school keeps getting tagged in this nonsense by his brother who is just a walking steroid. Instead of just doing the fucking press ups, he's done various versions of them including one-handed press ups. Basically, a 2 minute "look at my #gains" video. I bet the c**t's hung like a Rice Crispy.
  11. I made a piece earlier today, I can confirm that the butter had been refrigerated and was very spreadable. Happy to help.
  12. Haud the bus. You don't put butter in the fridge? What the f**k is wrong with you?
  13. Any idea what's happened to Hopkirk? "Setbacks galore" according to his Instagram.
  14. James O'Kane obviously got knocked back by this lovely Fiona after 4 minutes of hard graft and buying her a jägerbomb. There's no other reason for someone being so bitter to somebody he doesn't even know.
  15. Can we please see a picture of the shoes in full, Shandon?
  16. ^^^ripped the heid aff it to a picture of a passed out Shandon
  17. The purpleloafers (which, FWIW) aren't that bad, although I'd need to see a full photo of them. It's the fucking white chinos(?) and lack of socks I find distressing. f**k sake, man.
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