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Everything posted by smpar

  1. Complains about shite programmes. Watches people watching telly.
  2. Aitch and Jay are, of course, the correct answers. "Haitch" - BEAST "Ji" - though incorrect, is also inoffensive "Aitch" and "jay" - noble, law-abiding citizen.
  3. With Geggan (I think?) being the only central midfielder sign up for next season, it would be strange to let Falkingham go, as it looks like Byrne and McCabe won't be staying. The Falkingham and Geggan partnership worked wonders for large parts of the season, I really hope Josh stays.
  4. Using the app, you can never get to the end of a quoted post if it's a long one. Shiter.
  5. The real trophy presentation will be Faiss penning a 25 year contract at full time, in the middle of the pitch.
  6. Moffat tweeted that the only downside to tomorrow is "some boys will be saying their goodbyes."
  7. Tragic stuff over the last week, worthy of automatic relegation tbf.
  8. Another win for Douvan, wasn't much in terms of competition but a good run nonetheless.
  9. That end of the High Street really is a shitehole, eh?
  10. People from all walks of life suffer that kind of heartache, don't alienate the third world from such a trivial disturbance.
  11. The boy before me got the last naturally-sugared passion fruit and organic orange country fruit cider. I was fucking furious.
  12. £4.25 for a bottle of Peroni in the bar at Dundee train station. Scandalous behaviour. Before any beer snobs start, it was either Peroni or a can of Strongbow, so don't fucking bother.
  13. Referees should start giving penalties against defenders who are wrestling strikers to the ground at set plays, it's the only way they can cut that shite out.
  14. I wouldn't have stuck the barmaids thread getting binned in the PTTGOYN tbh.
  15. Murdoch Williamson McKay BRE Talbot Wallace McCabe Rooney Falkingham Hopkirk Moffat Not sure if that's how the midfield will line up but that's the order the Twitter page has put it in.
  16. A reliable source mentioned Liam Craig a few weeks ago. I'm happy with Talbot now that he's signed up though.
  17. Play the single from your new album, Free Love on the Freelove Freeway.
  18. Haud the fucking bus there. Tomatoes shouldn't be kept in the fridge? And red win in the fridge? I can accept chocolate in the fridge, I can understand either choice for ketchup, but come on to f**k.. Why wouldn't you keep tomatoes in the fridge? And why the f**k would you even want red wine in the fridge?? f**k off, the fucking lot of you.
  19. Fantastic news. Getting Cardle signed up after the season he's just had is a cracking bit of business.
  20. Probably didn't even happen tbf.
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