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Everything posted by smpar

  1. The outrageousness of the live show, IMO, was simply because it was a live show. The whole song and routine about Isa being out her tits, although it wasn't particularly funny, was fine for a live stage performance but I'm sure they won't have stuff like that in the new TV series.
  2. Back for series 7 this summer. Smashin'!
  3. Same. I also didn't realise how much we meant to them until we played them c.2010 for the first time in several years.
  4. Incorrect. Falkirk have fabricated some fantasy derby with us because the absolute no-marks don't have any other local rivalry. Raith, on the other hand, have gone from an intense desperation to rid their wee team status, to 'just another game'? Interesting.
  5. Folk who write "IMPORTANT!!!!!" in the subject of an email but don't mark said email as high importance.
  6. It's certainly a better read than "we're gonna get 80,000 people at our home games every week so we can buy Ronaldinho!!!" c.2004.
  7. I don't know much about you, but I'm going to guess you're not too far off receiving a special letter from the Queen?
  8. Good effort tbf. Wasn't sure how much the club would have done until they knew which league you'd be in next season.
  9. How much have you manky c***s done in terms of contracts? Many players with contracts ending/expecting to leave?
  10. Nothing, really. Just a couple of neds thinking they're in Green Street.
  11. Some guff like "you blew it, we're coming to get you DAFC 1885" written on 3 bed sheets. It's posted on the last page or so of the Rovers thread. Shite patter tbf.
  12. Only when ex Cowden players are playing against us so he can watch them, erm, annihilate us.
  13. That double relegation can't be easy to take. Feel bad for them.
  14. Fucking hell. You actually came here with a guff rumour just to make an admin dig? Oft.
  15. Don't know why you'd take your top off tbh. That all looks fucking freezing.
  16. Apparently BRE and Spence were at the handbags during their end of season party in Magaluf. Mind you, it was The Sun that reported it so probably complete shite.
  17. Picked a Simpsons episode at random to watch. Turned out to be the Babysitter Bandit episode. Happy days.
  18. That c**t in the second photo has a zip on his t-shirt. Immediate custodial sentence and a lifetime on the register.
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