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Everything posted by smpar

  1. I take it that would be St Johnstone Craig Thomson and not BEAST Craig Thomson?
  2. The Brazilian Ronaldo is the 'real' Ronaldo. I'm not sure why one would get so annoyed at that.
  3. Again, no 'official' source but it looks like Coventry are close to signing him. Good luck to him, as long as he doesn't go to another Scottish club I wish him all the very best. It's been said all along, but there's a lot of confidence in AJ bringing in suitable replacements.
  4. The last couple of weeks, I've been forced to watch this programme Love Island. For those of you who don't know what Love Island is, it's a reality dating show whereby an equal amount of ridiculously fucking thick, overly muscly guys and equally stupid girls are paired up in a villa in a presumably Spanish/Greek resort. They don't really do much, apart from pretending that their dull as f**k lives matter, as well as having those irritating arguments that - regardless of the topic of conversation - go something like this: "At the end of the day, yeah, d'you know what I mean, yeah? Like, I'm just one of these people, yeah, you get me?" I'm not an overt intelligent guy (this may have become quite obvious in my time as a P&B poster), but I feel that small parts of my intelligence are slowly fading away with every passing moment of watching this absolute clusterfuck of fake tan make-believe importance.
  5. I think the whole country has a soft spot for him after the shite he's had to endure the last couple of years, seems like a genuinely decent guy as well. I wouldn't be too confident of him doing a job anywhere higher than League One. As Grant says, though, I genuinely hope he has a great career, football or otherwise.
  6. Gets in behind the defenders, looks quite pacy but not overly. Excellent finisher with both feet and his head. A QoS fan (Distant Doonhamer?) posted a YouTube video on this thread yesterday of all of his goals for them.
  7. I mind when a few of us developed some erotic fantasises over Andy Stirling when he was pictured taps aff. Then we all realised he was quite shit at football.
  8. I was just thinking that whilst arse-licking him. He'll probably net a brace against us and I'll rant about how much of a horrible wee rat he is.
  9. Cracking video, thanks for sharing that. Looks like a great wee player, even in some of those older clips he looks like a player with years of experience and he'd have only been about 19/20 in some of them.
  10. We've enough time to sort out fighting arrangements for next season. I'll bring the chairs if you c***s bring a load of empty Carlsberg bottles. Deal?
  11. Every other player that has left has been given recognition; Josh, Reid Rooney and Wallace etc were all announced as no longer DAFC players. The fact there's been no confirmation either way is interesting.
  12. The silence regarding Faiss in the last couple of weeks is intriguing to say the least.
  13. Very #deece, always good for scran after a pissup
  14. To be fair, that won't be inaccurate now as I believe some Norn Iron fans have been getting into some trouble as well. Still, they just couldn't help themselves but report it as 'British' fans causing the trouble.
  15. Guy I went to school with has launched this complaint against a local kebab shop for the shite quality of his munchie box. All his wee schemie pals are joining in, saying it's an absolute disgrace and the kebab shop should be shut down.
  16. Is this our official reintroduction to the second tier then?
  17. Losing someone you care about is never going to be easy for you. Sorry for your loss, man. Without sounding like a script from a Hollyoaks episode, think about all the fondest memories you have with her. Mourning is completely natural and whilst I appreciate that your other family members may not want to keep talking about it, try and find someone (a family member who was also close to her or otherwise) to just sit and talk about all the funny times and treasured memories you had with her.
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