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Everything posted by smpar

  1. He could invent a brand of chocolates that automatically enlarges your cock, I'd still think he's a complete bell for having disgusting pout and hand tattoo.
  2. I sense thundercunt creating a P&B account to confront the masses and making, well, a thundercunt of it.
  3. I sense thundercunt creating a P&B account to confront the masses and making, well, a thundercunt of it.
  4. The Velvet Underground - I'm Waiting for the Man
  5. 100% agree with DA Baracus. We had a decent signing section in the Norrie in the last couple of years, albeit mostly youngsters who were blinded by a cringeworthy fantasy of hooliganism, however they did make an atmosphere and I'd much rather sit there listening to some chants and encouragement than constant moaning and grumbling. All footballers, professional or not, will be susceptible to a bit of criticism. But us Pars fans do like a right good moan, and it's tiring now, it's certainly not going to do the players any favours.
  6. Loving Barrowman's tweet about signing for us. Seems genuinely excited about being back at the club. Will he definitely be full time though? He's at uni as well IIRC.
  7. I just got a bit of a chubby at the thought of McMillan coming back tbf. Class player and a fantastic leader.
  8. Must have been a fair whack of coke if they felt the need to put him in a Spanish prison whilst on holiday in Cyprus.
  9. "Buzzin tae be back in napa wae the boys, desperately need another cheeky wee holiday"
  10. Correct decision for Jefferies to go. He's now gone having succeeded very little at the club and failed numerous times, however no Pars fans will forget his contribution to keeping the club alive. Hopefully Potter will turn things around, he seems to get a good reaction from the players and has done excellent work with the youngsters recently, particularly in recent weeks.
  11. The longer Jefferies is in charge, less chance we've got.
  12. I understand the sentiment, but he has failed us on so many occasions that I reckon a decent man would just step aside and admit he fucked up. My frustration at JJ still being in charge isn't so much at the fact that we haven't sacked him, the fact that he hasn't admitted defeat is frustrating as we're getting ever so closer to the stage where his damage will be somewhat irreparable. However he comes across as a bit of a stubborn old character and won't go until he's told (sacked.)
  13. I was in 6th year at Dunfermline High a couple of years ago, and the first team were doing a lot of training on both the large astro pitch and the grass area to the side. However any recent photos posted from the team's training sessions all seem to be at Pitreavie. DHS seems like a decent place to do their training, given the availability for both playing surfaces I'd say it's a better option than Pitreavie as well as the fact that both options at Pitreavie are very poor playing surfaces.
  14. Anyone managed to get into some sort of 5s/6s/7s league at Aberdeen/RGU? Not had a proper game of football in months, missing it badly.
  15. Depends what you go by. I'd say P&B is a good source of making that kind of estimation. While dot net is full of complete helmet throbbers, I'm pretty sure every club in Scotland has its equivalent.
  16. Moved into Aberdeen yesterday, had a cracking night last night and at least a few folk in my halls are a good laugh.
  17. If you can't think of a reason to hate those two c***s then there's something seriously wrong.
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