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Everything posted by smpar

  1. He just looks like a happy wee guy in general. It's amazing how much a player can improve with competent coaching staff and decent service on the field.
  2. Rumours that Hibs are after El Bakhtaoui, anyone got information on this?
  3. That's just throwing a spanner in the works for anyone trying to sing a song about him. That extra syllable causes more problems than you'd think.
  4. A quick Google reveals that canned chickpeas are already cooked, and so safe to eat once drained.
  5. I was thinking that we will do very well to hold on to El Bakhtaoui before next summer or even January. But now, I reckon there'll be a few clubs after him before this window closes.
  6. Racists not welcome on this thread, I'm afraid. Move along.
  7. In that case, I reckon you'd need to get yourself into a social sciences/history/geography degree and then the teacher training after that. Not 100% sure on that though, I could be talking nonsense.
  8. Primary or secondary? Even If you don't have anything above Standard Grade, you should be able to get into NC Education & Childcare, followed by the HNC (a year each) which will get you into year one at uni. However, to get into uni, you may need to gain Higher English on top of that.
  9. Seen a few of them too. Always wanted to ask these folk if they take their shot of tequila back to their table.
  10. Worstcunt. I mind getting a cup of tea from Costa a few weeks ago and there was one of these supervisor-types standing there with a pen and a clipboard taking notes of the staff members making fucking coffee.
  11. I reckon she was a supervisor of some sorts. The guy actually doing his job was a young boy, possibly a student. The female sending an email was older, and one of these employees who feels that their higher job status means that they don't have to serve customers. I think it was a receipt she was after. Regardless, she should have waited at the back of the queue like everyone else. She obviously felt she was a higher priority of customer as she had just been served a few minutes previous. Scum.
  12. Easy there, Jamie. Some people may find this tweet offensive.
  13. Relative to that PTTGOYN about queues above: I was in Asda at Garthdee, Aberdeen earlier on. It's a pretty big Asda so it has an entire floor upstairs which is just the home department, so my girlfriend and I picked up a few things for the flat. There were two things that bothered me about this visit; First of all, we had picked our products and headed to the checkouts. There was one buy being served, two other customers in front of us and then ourselves. With one member of staff serving a customer, another member of staff completely ignored the queuing customers and continued to send a fucking email. Surely, she could have just put the email aside for a couple of minutes to do her job - serve customers. The other thing that pissed me off, was that another ignorant wee shite of a customer had just bought a lamp, however the arsehole forgot to get a receipt with her purchase. So instead of waiting at the back of the queue again until it was her turn to be served, she jumped straight back to the front as if she had some kind of priority over the rest of us to be served because she forgot to ask for a fucking receipt.
  14. Incorrect. Same with that Jack Jones c**t, get him shot.
  15. Do you also drink out of bleach bottles to see if it's Dettol or a Capri Sun?
  16. This winds me up too, not the Facebook post, but your picture. Too many folk posting insults over a picture from Still Game/Kevin Bridges and it's the wrong person or even worse, they didn't even say it.
  17. Well, aye, if you want to be so polite about it.
  18. I wouldn't congratulate parenting that involves telling children to "shut the f**k up" tbf. There are better ways to get them 'telt.'
  19. Aye it might have been him, there was definitely more to it than "it'd be good if we signed him" - whoever I'm thinking of.
  20. Wasn't it rumoured that AJ was interested? Starting to think I'm thinking of a completely different player.
  21. Agree with that last one, there was always an "I play for Rangers" smugness about him. Any developments on the McMillan front?
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