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Everything posted by smpar

  1. smpar


    The Vaccines were really good actually, started to get into them recently and their music is pretty decent. I'm a huge fan of the Arctic Monkeys, and I love Suck it and See so Sunday night was perfect. They didn't do any B-sides, I sort of expected them to do 'Leave before the lights come on' but they didn't. They did do that new song 'Evil twin,' good song.
  2. I always feel brainwashed when I buy something from McDonald's, horrible corporation.
  3. smpar


    Arctic Monkeys were brilliant at the AECC in Aberdeen last night.
  4. Feel sorry for you mate. My cousin's dog had to be put down a few months ago, he wouldn't even sit down because it hurt him too much. Obviously your dog was a lot closer to you than my cousin's, it's a pretty shit thing to go through.
  5. Got told last night that I can't play football for 3 weeks, missing a Scottish cup game and a Fife cup game. f**k's sake.
  6. And how long have you been flirting with this other forum?
  7. Ankle is completely humped, probably won't be playing for a few weeks.
  8. Is that quote from facebook? I'm a fucking rebel.
  9. Photo number 7 in that album. each person has 22 toes.
  10. This. There are truly demented people on this planet.
  11. I've never been addicted to any music before. But I have been listening to at least 2 hours of the Arctic Monkeys every day since about July.
  12. Chris Higgins And Sean Batty, the camp weather man for STV
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