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Posts posted by smpar

  1. Haven't posted on this hread before so I have a few.

    When you're walking behind a very slow person and they don't have the fucking manners to let you passed them despite knowing that you're obviously in a hurry/wanting to walk faster than a fucking snail.

    When you see someone at the other side of a door as you approach it, so you open it for them and step aside to let them through. After having the manners and patience to let them through, another fucking 25 people come crawling through, and not one of them has the common sense to see that you've been standing there like a spesh for ages.

    When you're talking to someone and someone else feels the need to say your name 12 times before you politely tell them to f**k off and then take offence.

    The OF, they're both petty and they both get on my nerves.

  2. omg lieing on ma stomach on ma bed rolling a rollie then I cough into my pretty full bocky tin and it goes aww err the place now not only do I lose oot on backy but noo iv got too clean the shit ha

    This was put on facebook by a jakey who I've never met in my life yet he felt the need to add me. His statuses are always brilliant and this was his latest cracker.

    Seriously, just why?

  3. When people post song lyrics with a soppy wee love heart at the end of it. this girl I know does this literally every fucking day, gets on my tits.

    Who do you think you are? Running round leaving scars collecting your jar of heart and tearing love apart, your gonna catch a cold from the ice inside your soul so don't come back for me, don't come back at all.♥

    f**k. Off.

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