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Everything posted by smpar

  1. There’s Kennedy back to Rangers. Hopefully freeing up a healthy wage.
  2. It’s absolutely awful [emoji23] They insisted with the ‘nature’ theme about trees etc. What’s natural about a big fucking massive cruise liner?
  3. I’m shocked the girls won that task, their advert was horrific and Bouji Cruises is an atrocious brand name. Kathryn has got away with that and unfortunately she’ll think she’s the dog’s bollocks as she was PM. Akeem had a nightmare with the logo but he *might* have potential elsewhere. Harry was just a massive fud and that won’t change.
  4. Nick constantly looks like he’s just woken up from a 4-day nap and doesn’t quite know where he is.
  5. “What does bouji mean?” “Exactly.” [emoji23]
  6. Kathryn is the only one who’s making me think a boy might not get fired tonight.
  7. “Ive got the seeds, let’s see if we can make a tree.”
  8. You can almost guarantee that he experienced a pretty similar childhood. That kind of utter monster doesn’t come from a nurturing home where both parents demonstrate appropriate boundaries and affection.
  9. That sounds like distinctly Ayrshire behaviours tbh. They’re welcome to him. I’m all seriousness I’d have him at the Pars.
  10. I’m sure I said something to the effect of what DAFC. has said above. There was nothing specifically wrong with Henderson when he was here, from what I remember he was decent enough and I’d be happy to have him here. He certainly wouldn’t solve our problems singlehandedly though and we need a far more influential and dominant midfielder.
  11. Maloney worked with him at Celtic and clearly thinks there’s potential there. I’m not saying I don’t think he’ll be an important player, I just can’t see it being this season.
  12. Ewan Henderson signed for Hibs. Didn’t someone mention him in here recently and the consensus was that he was okay/decent enough but not exactly the player we’re needing to turn the season around?
  13. Really strange signing. I know he’s still young and might have improved since but he was a fairly average Championship player during his loan spell with us. I’m sure his name was mentioned on our thread recently and nobody exactly shot their muck at the thought of him returning. I should add that Maloney is probably/clearly thinking long-term here too. It just seems a strange signing in January compared to if he’d signed in the summer.
  14. The fact that he has made a decent living selling fucking pillows tells you a lot about him as a salesperson.
  15. That task from the last series was hilarious. That big geezer Tommy managed to get a cracking deal on some random object but the wee stuck up boot on his team was seething that he talked the seller out of her (higher) price.
  16. No thanks. His attitude is fucking stinking and he comes with a lot of baggage.
  17. Of course he has, and it’ll stick with him. He’s probably still more synonymous with drugs and organised crime than he is with football. It’s just worth acknowledging the admission of guilt, sentence served, his current pro-social lifestyle and desistance from crime. Those factors alone allow him to be separated from scumbags like Goodwillie, who have not admitted their guilt or served a sentence.
  18. Jesus Christ that’s a bad take. I’m sure Martindale has been among the first to openly discuss the wider impact of his offending behaviour. He has clearly taken steps to live an offence-free lifestyle and his attitude merits an opportunity to succeed in his job. Would you deny Martindale a job in or out of football? If so, why? Goodwillie, on the other hand, has continued to deny his behaviour.
  19. If you ignore the potential financial implications for a moment, do you not just think signing a rapist is a terrible idea? I really hope you don’t. Leave that shite to clubs like Clyde.
  20. With respect, what did you know beforehand, and what did you think of it? A judge, having considered the evidence, handing a £100k compensation order is pretty damning before you have to read any evidence.
  21. The Apprentice returns tomorrow at 9pm on BBC One. This year, Claude is being replaced by the first ever winner of The Apprentice, Tim Campbell. You can find the 16 contestants at the link below. The standard of charisma appears to be slipping once again, with notable mentions to the following arseholes: Akshay: “My friends call me AK47 because I'm a killer salesperson.” Alex: “I would compare myself to a Ferrari, shiny on the outside but under the bonnet, there is a lot of fire and I'm coming for you.” Immediately, it looks as though Sophie and Brittany are unlikely to win, given they want help to develop their alcohol-based businesses. I’m no Apprentice expert but isn’t Alan Sugar pretty anti-booze and reluctant to promote alcohol culture? I’m going to stick my neck out and say Stephanie could be an attractive option for Sugar’s business partner. The East London girl is looking to expand her online designer children’s wear store. Her short profile doesn’t seem too boastful or misguided. Amy looks like she’ll be this year’s ‘Elizabeth’ (from 2018): outspoken, slightly older than the others, and a self-confessed bitch. I can already see her going as far as the final 5 or 6 but definitely won’t win. On the profiles alone, I think Francesca will be the first to go. Her sustainability company will ring noisy alarm bells of eco-overheads in Sugar’s ears. “I’ve never lost anything” she says. I beg to differ. Let the arse-licking commence! https://www.digitalspy.com/tv/reality-tv/g38662117/the-apprentice-2022-candidates-meet-contestants/
  22. That was proper scummy diving that got oppositions fans utterly frothing at the mouth. I.e, the good kind of cheating.
  23. Agree with Vinny that if you’re winning games and have 60%+ possession, Kennedy could be a good player to have on the ball to try a few things, take on a man and get a shot/cross away. That’ll work fine if you know you’ll get a few more chances in the game. It’s not working with us, however, where we need to take any hint of a chance that comes our way and can’t waste it with a player trying to take on 4 defenders at once. Not sure what evidence there is to say Kennedy is ‘far better’ than Murray. I’d agree that he’ll probably go on to have a more successful career than Murray, but at the moment he has shown very little whereas Fraser Murray was a more consistent and reliable option for us. He is a gutless shitebag as well tbf. Dives at any opportunity and often shows little interest by going into hiding. Confidence is clearly low in the team this season but Kennedy has been the biggest culprit. Others have pointed out that he clearly has some level of ability, but we’ve often needed players just to get stuck in and Kennedy just hasn’t done that.
  24. And another few years for always saying “I beg your fucking pardon?!”
  25. I’m sure it said at the end that a Serious Case Review was taking place for the agencies to acknowledge and learn from the mistakes from this. Sounds like there were multiple concerns raised with the police and social work, yet nothing was done until the baby was murdered. Wouldn’t there have been a health visitor involved with the family early on?
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