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Everything posted by smpar

  1. As far as niche Christmas presents go, this is up there.
  2. Well Kane is obviously a horrible c**t. Amongst numerous other things, it’s quite compelling that his ex partner referred to the exact insults heard in video footage of him abusing his current partner. Prediction for tonight.
  3. Am I the only one who still can’t make up their mind on McCann despite being around the first team squad for a few years now? There’s potential there but he also has a lot to learn and improve to be an effective player at this level. Can’t really recall him having a lot of clear-cut chances in games, but he works hard and has the ability to make things difficult for defenders. It would be good to see him playing in a system with a good partner/support behind him, he’s not really had either this season.
  4. “Having been recalled from his season-long loan.” Does that mean someone at Dundee United has watched him and said “f**k, let’s get this guy back in our potentially top 6 Premiership squad immediately!” Or am I reading that too literally? You’d like to think Yogi has wanted to punt him into the Tay the second he walked in the door.
  5. If someone at United actually watches him (trying to) play football he’ll drop down a lot sooner than that. We’ve watched some utter diddies playing in our back line in the last decade, but he’s up there with Stuart Urquhart and Johnathan Page.
  6. He said he’s here until at least the 16th January, so if he does go back I doubt we’d hear anything until that day.
  7. Club confirming that Ross Graham has been recalled to Dundee United. He’ll be at Luncarty within 2 years.
  8. It makes you realise that punting Grant is only the start of recovering from the shit he and the board left us in. Realistically, Crawford’s replacement didn’t exactly have a difficult job. Bring in a couple of players to strengthen the squad and be a good enough man manager to get them motivated and know how to change things during a game if it’s not working. We’ve regressed so drastically as a squad and as a club in the past 7 months or so, leaving Yogi with an enormous job on his hands. Every Pars fan knows that central midfielders are the absolute priority this window, who’s available?
  9. My first submission since 2017 and the first time I haven’t either picked too many/not enough players or someone who’s already pan breed.
  10. Club confirming 500 ST holders will be in for the Hamilton game on the 15th.
  11. Got Nostalgia for Christmas, just a quiz board game with questions by the decade. Got the Logo Game too, thought it was just going to be a 'guess the logo' thing but it was much better than that; questions about brands and products etc.
  12. I can’t be arsed reading the statement again, but didn’t they say they’d have to pay all the usual match day fees like policing and catering etc, whereas if it’s just a closed doors game there are no overheads, therefore no net loss on match day costs. If you can’t already tell from my wording, I’m not business-minded in the slightest, but it seemed to make sense to me when I read the statement. It is shite, though, that we have 500 people (or less, after you account for press and media etc) missing out on a game for which they have already paid their fee. As much as I don’t completely agree with Callum’s post above (that’s almost a first btw), he’s spot on that the club don’t really give a f**k about the fans anymore. It was nice feeling like a community club again for a couple of years post admin, but it feels like we’re just customers again.
  13. Had a dream we signed a plethora of random players from differing clubs, and announced each with a Simpsons meme. One of the signings included a swap deal for Lewis McCann for some random boy from Hillfield Swifts.
  14. Pretty good summary of attitudes at the moment. I know plenty workplaces will be just now, but everyone should be allowed to work from home if that’s what they feel comfortable doing. People should stay away from pubs and restaurants, only meet outdoors and limit their household contact.. if that’s what they are most comfortable with. The rest of the public should be at liberty to make an informed choice about how they go to work and socialise. We should be encouraged to take LFTs or isolate if we’re positive. Other than that I think it’s ridiculous to expect patience and understanding after the public have been jagged 3 times with something we were told - for a year- was all we needed to live normally again. I’d be more willing to accept a 2 week circuit breaker if we knew for a fact it only would be for a fortnight, but you’d be forgiven for being highly sceptical of that being the case.
  15. I get your point, I just didn’t want to risk being out the game on Christmas Day when it’s the most I’ve looked forward to it in years. Due to work etc we can’t just replace it and ‘do’ Christmas on another day. I was fine on my second jag but I was fucked from my first one for 24 hours, just wanted to know if there was any experience of people having effects 48+ hours after. Got it booked for tomorrow anyway.
  16. My partner was fine after both of hers but I was floored on my first dose. I’m happy to go and get my booster as soon as I’m available to but she’s just not wanting to be knackered on Christmas Eve/day when we’re with family.
  17. For those who have had their booster; what’s the latest you have felt the effects? I got Covid on 21st Nov so can only get it from 21st this month but I might leave it to after Christmas if I’m likely to be still be floored on Christmas Day.
  18. Callum McGregor is a very likeable guy. Pleased to see him progressing well at club and international level.
  19. That blackout tattoo on Joe Hart’s right arm is so shite.
  20. Starfelt is getting away with one there. Hanlon looking like he’s never kicked a ball before.
  21. Extremely soft. Nothing wrong with what Doidge did there at all.
  22. Nisbet looks like he’s got a goal in him today. Late equaliser coming I think.
  23. Not enough is made of tacky and hideous the Hampden logo is.
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