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Everything posted by smpar

  1. The shitty punchlines are annoying and something that they never did until series 6 or 7. For so long, the funniest and most memorable lines from Still Game were always lines like “Shug, and two polis” and “hmmm hmmmm.. hawf two”, now they’re persevering with shite like “where your willy?!” and have done throughout series 7 and 8. Still Game has always been and will always be one of my favourite ever programmes, but it’s time to call it a day now.
  2. That should be the last of it for good. Probably the second best (or fourth worst) of the series and it was still shite. I'll need to watch an old one tomorrow to cheer myself up, haven't seen Big Yin for a while.
  3. “Fifest of fife c***s” is verge of tears stuff at its best.
  4. In one of the chairman’s latest statements (I know, which one amirite?!), he mentioned possible links with a couple of clubs down south. I’m sure we’ve played Sunderland in a friendly or two recently as well as having a Sunderland player (Beadling) on loan at the moment. The tweet from DAFC acknowledges “Sunderland youngster” Andrew Nelson. Not exactly a 9/11 conspiracy theory, just a thought.
  5. Seems to be attracting a few crackpots who think this is some form of serious disrespect and malice. I must be missing something.
  6. Just gone on Twitter there and seen the tweet. Any reason for Thomas Robson having a stroke at DAFC wishing a Falkirk player good luck and speedy recovery in getting surgery? A rather odd outburst.
  7. Why do you ask, out of curiosity? Don’t know who runs it myself, but I’d be interested to know.
  8. Think Lewis Martin is due a lot of credit. I’m his biggest critic at times but he seems to have really progressed recently to giving consistent and relatively reliable performances.
  9. If you think this was bad, the comments were even worse. Nauseating stuff.
  10. Watched that one last night as well. “Table for one at the Indian Star tonight, Boaby?”
  11. To be fair, they’ve previously referred to the fact that they’re barely in a busy town/city centre or even supermarkets. Look at the one about the episode about Hyperdales, for example.
  12. Pretty sure that line is from Oot [emoji2] That’s uncanny though, granny Par had Cairds and Big Yin on VHS in her house and we’d watch it every time we visited as well. I was still pishing myself at every line in Cairds though, genuinely not even an average moment in that episode. Admittedly, this was caused by a mixture of knowing what was coming as well as it just being really fucking funny anyway. “Hi, Tam. You’re no a Moslim are ye?”
  13. Just watched Cairds from series 3. What a fucking episode. “Aw Joe, no the watch!”
  14. Another promising storyline up the shitter.
  15. Did we ever hear that Frances died/separated from Tam? Can’t remember any mention of her in series 7/8.
  16. Singing Caravan of Love in Navid’s was the best part in a weak episode. The exploding Coke bottles was horrifically done.
  17. The moment that typified Reilly's season with us was a chance he wasted, think it was against St Mirren on Alba. He had a chance at a fairly tight angle towards the left hand side of the box, could have cut in and used his right but he was so devoid of any confidence that he swung his weak-as-piss left foot and it went out for a goal kick/easy save for the goalkeeper.
  18. All of the football scenes were pish. Chuckle Brother nonsense. That part is the most disappointing for me as the whole walking football idea had potential to be brilliant.
  19. I fail to believe that the same people who wrote the first 6 series have written, acted in and recorded that and thought, “aye, that’s really funny.”
  20. Aye, it would be good to keep Beadling for a bit longer. Sunderland might be forced into some pretty hefty cuts in the next few months though, sounds like they’re in a bad way.
  21. If we don’t re-sign McManus then I genuinely don’t think I’ll ever set foot back inside EEP. Not even an exaggeration.
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