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Everything posted by smpar

  1. If Williamson, Ashcroft and M’Voto are all out, we’re left with a very disjointed back 4. Aird - Morris - Martin - Talbot We could really do with Beadling back in the team as well.
  2. Hiya, Rudyard! Hiya, pal!
  3. I have never exactly been a clever b*****d but did enough to leave with 3 Highers, including English with which I was very chuffed and send me on the route I wanted to go. I dislike(d) exams as much as everyone else does, but they didn’t make me ill, physically mentally. I do remember, though, being near breaking point when I went through Int 2 Maths in fourth year, f**k knows how but I scraped by with a C and that probably remains by proudest academic achievement to date, including my degree I can understand why, in secondary school, they want to encourage children to leave with the best grades they can and not have any regrets later in life regarding sticking in etc, but there is too much pressure IMO. My school was really bad for almost insisting that you either went to uni straight away or your life was fucked. Many, many more people from different areas/schools that I’ve spoken to since leaving school have said the same.
  4. McManus will get praise almost every week for the way he runs himself into the ground. When Clark, a typical poacher, is quiet (not scoring), he is mistaken for being a lazy shite and putting in no effort. I don’t disagree with McManus winning POTY but that’s pretty much why he won the award. FWIW I couldn’t have grudged either of them the award. Ashcroft a worthy winner as well.
  5. The “hawf two” line is one of the funniest moments in television history IMO. Brilliantly done.
  6. If we make an arse of it now and fail to make the playoffs then that would be utterly miserable and AJ would naturally be the first person you’d point to in questioning where it all went wrong. If we do end up in a playoff place right enough, regardless of how the playoff games go, I’d expect a one year extension as well. I really fear for us if we were promoted, however unlikely it is that that would happen.
  7. I’m a but fragile after a couple of days binging but that is fucking beautiful.
  8. You’ve signed Shaun Rooney on a PCA. Pretty average signing tbh, not exactly Championship title-winning quality.
  9. I’m going with my cousin with tickets my brother bought, so it’s the same surname although my brother isn’t going, should that be an issue? Listened to a couple of Baxter Dury tunes last night, thought he sounded pretty shit tbh.
  10. Aye, kudos to Hibs for having the club so completely rattled. Top work.
  11. The whole attitude of Rangers and the vast majority of its supporters is quite incredible. The attitude of entitlement and egocentrism that breeds this omnipresence of hatred of anything else in the world that lies outwith this utterly disgusting organisation. It’s genuinely abhorrent and, at the very least, a little confusing that a fucking football club can delude such a large number of people into adopting an attitude that has complete disregard for anything or anybody else. I literally have never seen anything like it, and it’s fucking hilarious.
  12. It doesn’t get any worse than the walking football but it doesn’t get much better either.
  13. Strict ID checks are in place to prevent resale/touring which looks like will prevent me from punting a spare ticket I’ve got for Aberdeen. Even had an offer for £20 (originally bought for £47.50). Any takers? £30 and it’s yours. Standing.
  14. Every time I see Sammy the Tammy sitting in that collection of cardboard scraps, I am even more astounded that somebody could genuinely look at that and think it’s offensive.
  15. I’d imagine signing Vaughan would mean Clark or McManus leaving, unless Smith was going out on loan again.
  16. Big fan of Callum Morris describing the Pars fans as a “raucous travelling contingent,” the intellectual b*****d.
  17. I’ve seen Vigurs’ name mentioned a few times by Caley Thistle fans. First I’ve heard of the other two.
  18. I always love the way Victor says “aw, always thought it was Burns” when Jackie in the housing office tells him it’s Lord Islay on the five pound note and not Robert Burns.
  19. I see Thistle have named a stand after John Lambie, which is perhaps overdue. I’d like to see a stand named after Jim Leishman* before it’s too late for him to see it happen himself. I’m sure somebody made a thread about this a few years ago. *or Jason Talbot
  20. An episode per week would be good fun. That would take a good 8 or 9 months, but I’m up for it.
  21. Fantastic return. I’d love to see Murdoch back in the team when fit but it’s hard to argue with those stats.
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