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Everything posted by smpar

  1. That's a cracking photo. There's something about football stadiums under floodlights that is just so fucking hot.
  2. Officially the 4th highest scoring side in the history of the SPFL.
  3. How's Mercer getting on with you now? He wasn't very well rated at all when he first joined.
  4. I'd have sacked Harris for that socks and sandals combination alone tbf.
  5. Aye, I think he'll be free to play the Scottish Cup game vs Morton but I think he'll have to miss the St Mirren game on the 26th. Surely it'll be Higgy or Aird replacing him on the day. Tbf Aird is unlucky that AJ's changed our shape just now and we're only really using one winger. If we were using two wingers I'm sure Aird would have started ahead of Higgy a couple of times.
  6. AJ said in his last interview that he’s still talking to players and clubs, and he’s hopeful of having at least one signed in the next week or so.
  7. John Hartley. Paul’s younger, trimmer brother.
  8. I doubt there was any racist intention.
  9. Yep, a solid professional and a real role model.
  10. I was away during the 0-4 game but I was at the 0-2 game last season and Saturday's game, got in both for £12 as a student. I'm guessing that tweet is a load of pish tbh.
  11. Big fan of the sheer brass neck of a mod coming out with homophobic slurs in amongst the discussion of offensive conduct.
  12. Let's not get carried away. There are c***s in amongst every club's supporters in Scotland. I've heard racism and homophobia coming from the home end at EEP, but do I think that Dunfermline players need to spend an afternoon patronising ethnic minorities and the LGBT community for some publicity stunt? Not a chance, because it's widely-known that 99% of Pars fans aren't complete wanks. 'Bantz' aside, I know 99% of Falkirk fans aren't complete wanks. I have seen one person mocking Craig Gowans' death as well FWIW, so no point in trying to score points over that.
  13. Aye I heard Tam McManus talking about it yesterday, which is fair enough. I'm sure it was also Tam that was talking about McKee and Shiels Senior's history at Morton, no idea what that's about though.
  14. I have no agenda. It makes no odds to me what was actually said, the punishments have been handed out and the clubs are doing their best to move on. I’m just curious as to where people get their ‘facts’, as it’s often difficult to separate fact from rumour.
  15. I'm just astonished that you/anyone would bite to that.
  16. How exactly do you know all this? I haven't seen any of the details published by anyone close to a credible source, so I'm curious as to where/how you're getting this information? That's a genuine question by the way.
  17. He's the one who should have been sent off for lashing out at big Jock M'Voto, after the big man forced him to dribble the ball about 40 yards back to his own goal.
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